Chapter 609 Dialogue
"She...ah, she..." Roach pointed at the woman and exposed Du Zhengyi, " was her..."

Du Zhengyi calmly looked at the woman a few steps away, and countless detection spells were sent to her by several people in the room.There is also Du Zhengyi's operation in it. Speaking of it, his operation is unintentional, like operating a simple breakfast in the kitchen.It was about time before he could cut three slices of bread, Du Zheng turned his head and took Luo Qi's words leisurely, " really a beauty."

"What?" Roach lowered his finger.

Several eyes were attracted to Du Zhengyi, but Du Zhengyi didn't seem to notice, "Once I've been harassed, I have to make sure I'm not suffering?"

"Ah?" Roach suddenly understood after asking himself, blushing rarely.

"Oh...fuck..." On the other side, the clownfish was simultaneously polluted for a while, "Roach, put away your shame and don't let it out, you are a source of mental pollution. How do they usually tolerate you? "

Roach has already disliked him all the way, "You are a receiver that amplifies the signal, do you still blame me? Don't listen to me if you don't want to be disturbed."

The clownfish wanted to talk again, but Hierarch Zhao couldn't bear it anymore, and stepped forward to stop them, "Okay, you guys, I ask you to be serious, don't blaspheme your ancestors, and please respect yourself."

Since the boss had spoken, the clownfish looked away.Luo Qi muttered to Du Zhengyi in a low voice, "Look at him, clownfish, he lives like a dog."

Roach turned his head to look at the woman, and the woman who came out of nowhere was waiting quietly. She was more beautiful than Roach remembered, perhaps because a silver holy light fell on her body, and she stood dignifiedly among the crowd. among.She wore a floor-length dress, and a mage's jewel flew softly around her like a star around a star.A delicate decorative chain looped around the tips of her ears and the bridge of her nose, as if wearing a veil that didn't exist.She was so dignified and patient that Roach suddenly knew she wasn't real.

Not really, meaning she's not any kind of being.Not a real person in the flesh, not a soul, not a fragment of thought, she is just an image, like a three-dimensional projection of a human being, only more lifelike.

She waited patiently until Du Zheng raised his head and looked at her, she nodded knowingly, which meant the beginning.Roach remembered the day when Du Zhengyi and Du Zhengyi first set foot on this road, and Du Zhengyi used non-contact magic to open the elevator door of the Pendragon track system.

It was the first time for the mages to see the ancestor. Although they were more flexible and figured out that she didn't really exist like Roach, many people were still a little excited.Especially Hierarch Zhao couldn't wait to walk to Du Zhengyi and Luo Qi's side, as if he was facing the portrait of his ancestors, which was equivalent to meeting his ancestors.

Luo Qi pouted in his heart, then Du Zheng's attitude towards his ancestors was much more casual.But Luo Qi immediately thought that it was difficult to trace the ancestors of others, and Du Zhengyi's ancestor was really not this one.

The hall was silent at the moment, and everyone was waiting for the ancestor to speak. From Guan Xinyue's perspective, Luo Qi saw her quietly sticking to Liu Ziyu's back. This perspective was too weird, as if Luo Qi was hugging Liu Ziyu himself.He involuntarily let out an "ah", and the real person reflexively took three steps back.Ah, he never expected that girls would be so tight together, and he never intended to show such disrespect to Liu Ziyu, but it scared him to death.

This time he became hasty, and it was okay for others to stay far away. Du Zheng was basically immune to his fuss, but Zhao Jiaozhu, who was close to Luo Qi and couldn't figure out the situation, followed Luo Qi's movements like a frightened bird. It shook at least five steps away.

At this moment, the female ancestor began to speak: "%&'&&#%&%#..."

Hierarch Zhao almost lost his five senses. He had to listen to the ancestor's legacy, judge what happened, and guard against the danger of Luo Qi losing his composure.

Several sharp eyes shot over, but fortunately no one else rushed over, and the battle mages in Qionglin firmly believed in their own judgment.The mages brought by the lotus burner were not much worse than the battle mages. They were on high alert, but they all remained calm.Hierarch Zhao was a little confused for a while, "What's wrong?"

Luo Qi restrained the expression on his face, disconnected the connection with Guan Xinyue's consciousness, and walked slowly back to Du Zhengyi's side. Anyway, as long as I have a thick skin and a good reputation, it will always be interpreted as profound and incomprehensible. Measurement.He didn't know how enlightened Master Zhao was, but he also wanted to praise Master Zhao for being a leader. The minimum quality to be a leader is not to lose face.Leader Zhao looked around but didn't notice anything, his face was neither red nor white, but he didn't take it seriously.But the opening atmosphere was completely shattered, and it was definitely not the admirer atmosphere he wanted to maintain.

In such an episode, only two people did not look sideways.One is Du Zhengyi, who is listening carefully to the ancestor's words, and the other is the silent and gloomy clownfish. The latter is already shrouded in clouds and fog, and it is always difficult to see clearly.

The female ancestor looks like a goddess, and Luo Qi can't understand a word she says.After she finished speaking with great difficulty, Roach reckoned that it was the prologue, and she resumed her silence.

"It's a bit like the statue of Nuwa in the hall outside the teacher's office." Roach said in a low voice.

Du Zheng smiled slightly, "Who knows?"

"Ah?" Luo Qi looked at Du Zhengyi in surprise, and suddenly thought that he couldn't say that the statue of the master was Nuwa, maybe the one originally carved was the female ancestor.He also cannot say that the female ancestor is not the Nuwa in human legends, and the human ancestors must have seen her, from word of mouth to written records.Nuwa, she is best at creating human beings. "Can you understand what she said?"

"I can only understand fragments of words, it's like speaking with spells in a long speech, which is very difficult to understand." Du Zhengyi said.

Luo Qi thought for a while, and temporarily gave up his distaste for clownfish, "Uncle Yu, you want to listen to this? Can you understand? Could you please translate for me?"

The clownfish turned to look at him with disgust, and Roach smiled shamelessly at him.

"You don't need to ask him." Du Zhengyi said, "I don't understand him, let alone him."

Roach grinned, turned his head and waited for Du Zhengyi to make a ready-made one.Du Zhengyi snapped his fingers, and the female ancestor began to speak again. Roach noticed that her demeanor and behavior completely reproduced the previous paragraph, but the language she spoke had changed.

But before Roach could recognize a few words, Du Zhengyi suddenly snapped his fingers again, and the female ancestor started again.This time, among many unintelligible pronunciations, Roach clearly recognized the structure of the language.Du Zhengyi changed again, and the pattern became clearer and clearer. Luo Qi stared at the woman blankly. "Brother, why did you make her change. I thought she was speaking several languages ​​at first, but she's actually speaking the same language, right?"

"Tens of thousands of years, even the same language will continue to change, not to mention the ancient language has several different sources." Du Zhengyi said in a low voice.

"The first ancestor... is he calculating the language change method?" Roach asked.

"I'm telling here which ones are wrong calculations and which ones are worthy of encouragement, and she will correct them by herself," Du Zhengyi said.

"Who are you telling? Who are you talking to? Who's fixing it?"

Du Zheng looked at him for a while, and then at the lotus burners who were staring at him closely. He stretched out his index finger and pointed to the void.

Roach thought of the ghost of the Psychic Society, and thought of the countless souls that were said to be used for calculation.At this moment, the voice of the female ancestor suddenly became clear. The pronunciation is still different from now, and the grammar is also slightly inconsistent, but it is not difficult for them to understand.

Roach's attention was drawn away, and he straightened out the words of the ancestor in his mind.

"My descendants of future generations, since you have come here, I am afraid that you have come to seek asylum..."

Hierarch Zhao breathed a sigh of relief, and Luo Qi interrupted at this moment, "That's not necessarily true, maybe I'm here to wipe your butt."

Hierarch Zhao's face was pale, and he barely restrained himself and tolerated Luo Qi.

(End of this chapter)

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