magician in town

Chapter 612 A Gift from the Ancestors

Chapter 612 Gift from Ancestors (2)

The staggered magical energy streaked across the air, like a meteor streaking over Roach's head, and he raised his eyes to look at the sky forged by the ancestors.The killing magic of the battle mages destroyed the art on the ceiling, and the shattered fragments floated in space like fragments of planets under the force of magic.

Hierarch Zhao gasped in distress, as if a group of wild cats had sneaked into his ancestral house, smashed his antique vase, and ruined his ancestral property. "Archmages, can you be smarter? Magic is an art, and you should be artists, not a sledgehammer demolition team that comes here to smash walls."

Luo Qi said, "Boss Zhao, if it's the pet you brought, you should tell me in advance."

Hierarch Zhao sent a ball of cold fire upwards, causing the fire ball to rise steadily. The fire light illuminated the black hole in the center of the dome, and the artwork on the dome was irreparably damaged. "what?"

"Didn't you bring it in?" Roach asked.He looked towards the clownfish, and he was also checking the situation above his head.

Hierarch Zhao shook his head, "I came here sincerely to make friends with you, so why not tell the truth, it's easy to ambush you from a distance, but I don't think I have the ability to ambush you under your noses."

This is the truth, Roach just asked casually. "Didn't Boss Zhao recognize that it was Zun Fan's pet? We met once in the ancient town."

Hierarch Zhao was taken aback, and turned to look at the clownfish, as if blaming the workers for not keeping the dog on a leash. "Did you know beforehand?"

Roach also looked at the clownfish, and he couldn't tell the real appearance of the clownfish through the blurred boundary.The clownfish was silent for a moment, then said indifferently, "The revelation of the third ancestor is here, so it is not surprising that there is anything here."

Roach knew nothing could make him back off.Don't talk about him, even Master Zhao will not back down, he is determined to get what he is looking for.

He looked at Du Zhengyi. Several battle mages were talking to him—or talking to each other in front of him. Du Zhengyi basically didn't participate in any discussions.

"What's going on?" Roach asked, but no one answered him. Several battle mages were worried and said a few magic parameters that Roach couldn't understand.

Roach raised his voice a little. "Should I pick someone to answer my question? Whoever gets the big prize will go on and on about how he got dumped by his last girlfriend."

The battle mages all shut their mouths, Yan Hao gave Luo Qi a short smile flatteringly, and said succinctly in words that ordinary mages could understand, "It just... didn't hit it, it ran away."

"Can this run? Could it have been completely wiped out by your saturation strike?" Roach asked.

"That would be too clean." Yan Hao said.

Roach looked at the construction debris floating above his head, imagined the creature's intestines and blood floating in the air, felt very sick, turned his head and said to Du Zhengyi, "I can't feel anything, there is no one around here. Its family. It's really strange, why is this thing alone?"

Du Zheng shook his head, but he was not completely sure.

"Then do you think it is teleportation?" Roach asked the battle mage behind Du Zhengyi as if checking his homework, "When I saw it before, it didn't have this ability."

Yan Hao was a little nervous when asked, "No, that thing didn't teleport. Shouldn't it? Right? I didn't detect the energy of teleportation magic just now."

"There are pipes up there." Du Zhengyi interrupted him.

Roach let out an "oh" and understood Du Zhengyi's meaning.

"What pipeline?" Hierarch Zhao asked in surprise, as if someone said that the house at home was not high-end enough.

Du Zhengyi glanced at him indifferently, "There will always be pipes in the house."

Hierarch Zhao looked uncomfortable, swallowed his breath, turned to the clownfish and said, "Clean up those things."

The clownfish stared blankly at the black hole above its head, and Roach suspected that under the unexplorable shell, he was full of impatience.But no matter what he was thinking, his voice was soft and pleasant, "Perhaps it is enough to temporarily repair the roof with a barrier, my lord, our most urgent task is to find the legacy of the third ancestor."

On Roach's right, Du Zhengyi spoke almost at the same time. Roach quickly put aside the clownfish and listened intently to what Du Zhengyi had to say.

"Let's continue to work. The seal here has obviously been untied, and even if it is only partially untied, the situation is not optimistic. The good side is that most of the newborn psychic beasts are mentally handicapped, even worse than the wild animals outside; bad On the other hand, no one knows what the form of the sealed beast is, so don't be limited to the types of sealed beasts you have seen before." Du Zhengyi gave a mission statement to the battle mage.

Someone asked in a low voice what to do with the group of lotus burners, and Du Zheng glanced at Hierarch Zhao and the great mages behind him who were covering their faces. "Tackle the toughest first."

"Master Du." The clownfish took two steps towards them, as if trying to block their way.Before Roach could react, almost all the battle mages moved a bit, and the calm magic force field was like a pot of water suddenly ready to boil.

The clownfish paused, sneered, and muttered, "Battle Mage", the tone was like sighing on the African savannah, "Pingtou brother" who was tearing at the honey badger on his trousers.

Suddenly, Roach stood between Du Zhengyi and the clownfish.

"Roach." The clownfish called his name in a low voice.

"Don't find fault." Luo Qi said with a smile, "We can't do you, and you can't do us, so it's better to go your own way. I don't care which ancestor's will you are looking for, and I don't care about it. The seal here If something goes wrong, we can only take care of it.”

The clownfish looked at him silently.

"Everyone is waiting here for Du Zhengyi. As long as he is here, this place will remain open." Roach said slowly, "Why don't we act separately? You can't do anything to us. If, I mean, if you really kill Du Zhengyi, I'm afraid this place will be closed. So why tear yourself apart, Boss Zhao is much smarter and more respectable than you."

Hierarch Zhao looked over, and his eyes stayed on Luo Qi's face for a while, but he still kept the smile on his face. "Hey, shrewdness can't be said, and Roach doesn't need to say that. Everything is for the mage, this is the purpose of the lotus burner, and all means are for this sole purpose. It is a fact that Master Du cannot be killed, but if I don't want to It would be too cynical to be friends and comrades-in-arms with you."

Roach was silent for a moment, then nodded in agreement, "Then let's go."

"Wait a minute." Hierarch Zhao called.

Without waiting, Du Zhengyi didn't even move, and stood silently behind Roach. The originally invisible door on the back wall burst open at this moment, and the air from the ground gushed out, carrying an ominous smell.

Hierarch Zhao looked at the dark corridor behind the gate in surprise, and was speechless for a while in a daze.More than one battle mage also turned to look at the abyss left by their ancestors. Guan Xinyue sneezed heavily and moved closer to Liu Ziyu.

Wen Lin, who was standing beside them, silently took a step closer to them, looking warily at the corridor leading to the abyss.

"I'm sorry." Luo Qi said indifferently to Zhao Jiaozhu, "My brother opened the monster a little suddenly."

"Okay." The clownfish interrupted him impatiently, "Du Zhengyi, find the legacy hidden here by the third ancestor. You understand the meaning of it. It may allow the mage to break through the current bottleneck of magic. Sealed land After that, of course it will be destroyed, easily destroyed."

"Then I wish you happiness in finding the vast amount of information left by your ancestor." Du Zhengyi said.

"Wait a minute." Hierarch Zhao stopped them again.

Just when Luo Qi didn't want to pay attention to them any more, and turned around to leave, he heard Hierarch Zhao say, "We'll go with you."

Luo Qi turned around and smiled maliciously at him, "How? Actually, we can't trust each other, so how can we not go together? What if we come back driving the sealed beast? Come on, Boss Zhao, there is no permanent enemy , for the sake of common victory, I can even hold your hand. When the fault of the seal is eliminated, maybe we can study the great heritage of our ancestors together."

Before he finished speaking, Du Zhengyi dragged him to the front with his neck, and pushed into the middle of the battle mage.When Du Zhengyi turned around, the dark corridor behind the door gradually lit up with a soft light.

(End of this chapter)

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