magician in town

Chapter 613 A Gift from the Ancestors

Chapter 613 Gift from Ancestors (3)

Chapter 110 Four Ancestral Gifts (3)

The hallway lighting came on softly, gradually increasing in brightness to suit the mage's eyes.There was a subtle sound on the edge of the mage's hearing, but for Roach, this sound seemed to be there.However, he knew that this corridor had also awakened. Following Du Zhengyi's footsteps, the entire ancient mage building was slowly waking up, responding softly to the owner here.

Owner?Roach caught his own fleeting thought.It is said that the mind mage is more like the ancestor in terms of the characteristics of magic, but it is Du Zhengyi who really started this place.Only Du Zhengyi is most like the ancestor mage.

He couldn't help turning his head to look at Du Zhengyi. Du Zhengyi noticed it immediately and gave him a look.He was all too familiar with that face, which can be literally translated as: What are you going to do again.

Luo Qi turned his head resentfully, and locked his eyes on Hierarch Zhao again, "Boss Zhao, are you a cousin with Du Zhengyi?"

Leader Zhao is looking down at the road under his feet.The walls here are made of metal, and the floor is similar. There are a series of faint dark lines on the floor. As their footsteps fall, the dark lines ripple like ripples in the corridor.His attitude towards Roach has always been good, and he has a good attitude towards all outstanding mages, and outstanding members of the race deserve some preferential treatment.While thinking about the patterns on the ground, he answered Luo Qi's question, "Cousin, it's three thousand miles away, I'm really embarrassed to recognize my relatives with Master Du."

Luo Qi laughed, "Boss Zhao, I didn't see you being so humble before."

Hierarch Zhao glanced at him with a smile, and didn't care about the offense in his words, leaving a lot of room for error for a gifted child like Luo Qi.But it's not hard for any smart person to see where Roach's itch is, let alone he can't see it. "Admitting that Master Du is excellent is not a matter of modesty, it's just self-knowledge."

Luo Qi moved closer to him, "Boss Zhao, have you met Du Zhengyi's family? I wonder if any of you have any relatives?"

Several mages of the Lotus Burner looked at Roach in surprise. The clownfish probably hated Roach too much, so they decided to ignore it and focus on the surrounding environment.They passed the first room in the hallway, the door was visible and unlocked, and there was just an empty room behind the door.They paused for a while, and several mages on both sides went in to check, and Roach stood at the door chatting with the leader of the lotus burner.

"To be honest, I never thought that there were any direct descendants of the Du family." Hierarch Zhao glanced at Du Zhengyi, and continued to Luo Qi, "After the Du family rebelled against Qionglin last time, I thought there would be no descendants of the younger generation. But Qionglin has always been like this. To put it bluntly, I don’t intend to offend. For example, Qionglin said on the surface that he wanted to destroy the sealed beast, but he kept it secretly in Qionglin. Anyone who can maintain his strategic advantage, How could he not be willing to use it? On the surface it is said that Mrs. Du is a traitor, but secretly, he might change his name and surname to leave behind some descendants. Luo Qi, you never asked your quiet friend why he doesn't hate Qionglin at all. Enmity to exterminate the clan? To be able to do this, I am afraid that you need the great hands of a mind mage?"

Luo Qi looked at Du Zhengyi, who looked normal, then turned his head and said to Hierarch Zhao, "You see, it's clearly to sow discord, but you're so straightforward, it's not easy for us to scold you."

Hierarch Zhao laughed amusedly, and followed Luo Qi, "This is not called sowing dissension, but the truth is getting clearer and clearer. What can't be said? Qionglin put everything in front, can't it be Won't we talk about it?"

"That's right, flies don't bite seamless eggs, it's Qionglin himself who has seams." Roach said.

"I'm not a fly." Leader Zhao smiled, and said indifferently, "How is your course progress now? Can people know that you have tampered with them in their minds, and logically know that they are with you?" The enemy who killed your father and mother will have a good impression of you?"

Luo Qi stared at him with dark eyes for a while, then grinned, "Did the Lotus Burner rely on debating the truth to make Du Shi betray Qiong Lin, and stand on your side?"

"Then you should have a steelyard in your heart, brother. Mrs. Du is the true descendant of the ancestor mage, who is the one who was betrayed? It's really hard to tell." Zhao Hierarch said.

Behind them, Guan Xinyue said to Liu Ziyu, "Oh, I understand, it's like a celebrity and a fan circle. In the end, the fan circle feels that they are the root, and outsiders and the righteous master are all betrayers. The ancestor and Du Home is like a star, Qionglin and Lotus Burner are fighting over who is the real fan, who is eligible to be counted as the official fan club."

Liu Ziyu put his arms around her shoulders, and the two of them lowered their heads at the same time and laughed smugly.

"What?" Zhao Hierarch asked, frowning at Guan Xinyue.

"It doesn't matter." Roach waved his hand, "Boss Zhao, what you said makes sense."

"Don't say that, Lotus Burner, don't just talk about the purpose and ignore the means? Has the Lotus Burner done anything good in the past few thousand years?"

Luo Qi turned around and looked at the female battle mage walking beside the two girls. Wen Lin also glanced at him, "Luo Qiqi, don't talk to others, do your adults care about yours? I'll see you every now and then." It's about to be put in by someone, what color sack do you like? Don't think that the other party is not a mind mage, the big hands that deceive people don't need magic at all."

Luo Qi looked at Wen Lin in surprise. He had always been wary of her. After all, she belonged to Master Fan's lineage, and Master Fan and Lotus Burner were a little unclear.Chi Yu next to her was secretly pulling her, she ignored Chi Yu, but gave Du Zhengyi a warning look, probably hoping that Du Zhengyi would immediately cover Luo Qi's mouth.

Du Zhengyi just glanced at them with a calm expression.Luo Qi smiled smugly. No matter what they said, Du Zhengyi would not care about what they said. As a friend, this point can still be passed.Wen Lin was so annoyed by his expression that she "tsk" and simply passed Du Zhengyi, "Luo Qi, you should talk about something serious! I don't understand why you can continue talking in front of Du Zhengyi." It's about the Du family."

Luo Qi hummed generously, "What's the matter? You can also talk about my dad in front of me! That big traitor doesn't know where he is hiding now! No one has any strange relatives! That's it Needless to say!"

Wen Lin was taken aback by the anger, and even Master Zhao was taken aback for a moment.On the other hand, Wusu couldn't help laughing, Hierarch Zhao paid attention to him, "I haven't asked Master Wusu just now, what kind of attitude does Wu Shan have?"

Wusu spread his hands, "Zhao Zun knows that Wu Shan's position has not changed for thousands of years, I just came to see. Qionglin has his own conclusions about the treatment of the sealed beast, and a battle mage is in charge of implementing it. As for the ancestors The legacy left behind, no matter what it is, Wushan will not be interested."

"When it comes to the legacy of the ancestor, that ancestor has always been a traitor in the creation myth. No matter which version of the creation myth mentions her, it is almost always in this position." Wen Lin said, "No wonder Burning Lotus If you think about it carefully, you are kindred spirits. It’s just that such a dangerous ancestor, no matter what the divine revelation she left behind, or how effective it is, the danger must be very high. Boss Zhao, we have said it before, we are all Such a big man, don't really come up with that kind of fable plot, really release some monsters in a bottle. I have no other intentions, I just don't want to lose that person. Don't let Qionglin talk about this embarrassing thing in a few years , my name is on the list."

Luo Qi nodded involuntarily, what she said was reasonable, but he couldn't help laughing.

"Luo Qiqi, what are you laughing at?" Wen Lin asked.

"I was thinking, you're right."

"Then what are you laughing at?" Wen Lin asked again.

"I laugh because I know that there is an abyss ahead, but sometimes people can only slide into the abyss. Whether it is a wise man or a warrior, no one has ever been able to stop this downward trend." Roach replied.

"Then what do you mean..." Wen Lin didn't know how to ask.

Luo Qi smiled, "I can't help it, I've already slipped on the watermelon rind."

"You don't need to say that, a great adventure..." Hierarch Zhao's words stopped suddenly, and everyone heard a soft "click".

 Thank you for your likes, I am really sorry that it has been interrupted for such a long time.This period of time is relatively free, will work hard to update????.

  In addition, I opened a small practice story on the trumpet, "Screws in Deep Space", which is expected to be a short story. If you are interested, you can also go and read it.

(End of this chapter)

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