Yun Qishen

Chapter 100 The Fall of Flowers

Chapter 100 The Fall of Flowers (5)
It has been almost two or three days since Taki Qianye was sent to investigate.There's not even a bit of news... Sigh~ there's no news from Lai'a, and the entire royal city has become one speaks to me...

I sat alone on the throne in a daze.I stared blankly at the golden Hai Ake petals in my hand. Didn't Taki Qianye always care that he didn't have the ability to spy on his heart?Maybe if he eats the petals, maybe he will be able to change back to who he was before.

I think he became so easily angry because he couldn't accept that he couldn't see his heart for a while. He used to be quite kind.

I was really bored, and I went to the underground Hai Ake flowers to wander around.

Takizawa's body was also preserved here, and Taki Yunhua said that this can make people live forever.But flowers here seem to be unable to keep people young forever.

I was bored to play with the golden Hiaka petals in my hand, it was already night outside.The cold wind blew in, and Hai Ake swayed left and right with the wind.

Taki Qianye is a flower essence... Then how did he become a humanoid?Think about it, it's amazing that it can transform from flowers and plants into human beings.Animals are normal to me...

It must have something to do with the magic weapon... Although Takizawa said before that he would absorb Taki Qianye, there is no shadow of the magic weapon on his body... But the map that has not been broken before pointed to me that there is a magic weapon in the Devil's Castle.

Everyone thinks that the magic weapon is in Taki Qianye's body, although he has a faint feeling.But I believe that the magic weapon must not be on him...but the golden sea Ake...

Although I don't think that thing is a safe thing, the aura of the magic weapon on it is still strong.

To put it bluntly, I just came here to kill myself when I had nothing to do.

But I searched for a long time and couldn't find the organ I stepped on last time.Then I looked around and no one was there, and one person and two idiots stomped on the ground like they were dancing.

After a while, I noticed something unusual.The red Hai Akes that were supposed to bloom all began to wither one by one.First the petals fall, and then the stem quickly withers.The petals also begin to decay gradually.

What's the situation?I'm not the one who stepped on it...

Immediately afterwards, I suddenly felt a very blocked feeling in my heart, which was very awkward.

After a while, all the Hiakas that were blooming everywhere disappeared.I also clearly saw the organ leading to the underground golden sea Ake.

I was very curious about what was going on around me, and after a moment of concentration, I stepped on the mechanism again.

A click—a sound.

Fortunately, I was on guard and did not fall this time. I used a spell and jumped down.

It landed perfectly!After a moment of complacency, I approached the golden Hyac.

Here Hai Ake is different from the last time I saw it.Last time it was blooming, this time it was wrapped.

It seemed that something was bred within the bud... Then there were countless tiny red dust mustards flying from the dark place behind me.

These red dust mustards fly past like fireflies.All revolve around the golden Hai Ake here.

I was also a little fascinated by the curious look.But it always felt that a creature was bred in this golden Hai'ake bud.

I put my hand on it again with fear and curiosity, but this time there was no feeling of resistance.

It always feels... very warm.

The golden sea Ake petals that I just played with also flew out of my arms, circled twice and fell back to the top of the golden sea Ake flower.

Gradually this golden sea Ake began to grow bigger.I had no choice but to step back and observe, and it ended up filling the entire underground.

I don't have a place to rest easy.This observation had to stop.Do you want to ask Taki Qianye about this kind of thing?
He must know more about the flower essence than I do. Besides, the golden petals can't run without long legs.Taki Qianye's unfortunate trick is back.

As a result, the next morning I saw the guy I really didn't want to see.

There was a lot of noise outside the city this morning, and I didn't pay any attention to what was going on.

Because there's a guy in front of me who needs a punch.

"Yo~ Young Master, don't be in a hurry? I'm here to give you something!"

Looking at the face of the black-hearted businessman, I couldn't get angry.

I attacked the black-hearted merchant with the Lai A sword, but the black-hearted merchant did not dodge this time.

Instead, he conjured a sword from the ring in his hand, and he even blocked my attack.

"I told you to stop being angry, you don't want to see what I want to give you?"

"Hmph, you are slick! I'll catch you today. Repay your asshole!!" I waved Lai A and repelled the black-hearted businessman by two or three steps.

This black-hearted businessman probably didn't think I was easy to talk to, so he also changed his attitude.

"Do you want me to tell you that Taki Qianye is dead?"

"What nonsense are you talking about! Taki Qianye will die? I don't believe it!" I held the sword firmly and attacked again.

The black-hearted businessman immediately blocked, "I didn't lie to you. Hey! This is for you! You have to keep it!"


The black-hearted businessman threw something at me and I quickly waved and grabbed it.

This is?a seed?
Although this thing looks unfamiliar to me, it somehow feels very familiar.

"What is this? What are you giving me this for?" I glared at the black-hearted businessman.

"This is the heart of Taki Qianye. It doesn't matter if you don't believe it. You'll find out when you go to the gate of Demon King City."

After the black-hearted businessman said this, the one who turned around and walked with a whirlpool was called Yili Suo.

I clenched my fists and said in disappointment, "It's a pity for him to slip away again!"

Following the words of the black-hearted businessman, I also walked to the city wall of the royal city to see the commotion over there.

It was a red tie, or a road paved with blood.From the gate of the city to the gate of the main hall, the dazzling red drops are very eye-catching.

I stood on the city wall of the main hall, watching the demon envoy under the city was about to attack a wounded wolf demon with a weapon.

I remembered that Lai A said before that it was the wolf demon who took the child, and I spied into the wolf demon's heart...

This snooping doesn't matter... I feel bad all of a sudden, I feel a force gripping my heart, and I can't let go for a long time.

Taki Qianye, he's dead... he's really... dead...

"Stop!! All retreat!!!"

I shouted to stop the magic envoys from harming the wolf demon.

I jumped down one step and looked at the wolf demon, looking at the mask on the wolf demon's head, my brows wrinkled unconsciously, and my nose was sour... But I told myself a manly man, I can't cry if he's meowing !This group of soldiers must be left with an image of no weakness.

My gaze turned to the half-piece of gold and jade hanging from the wolf demon's neck.The sadness in my heart is even stronger...

I took the red-clothed and silver sword from the wolf demon. He had suffered so much and still not died.But why...

"Are you the Demon Lord?" the female wolf demon said, and I knew it was a female as soon as I heard the voice...

I held the silver sword and red clothes in my arms, "I am." The words that I said were indeed cold and emotionless.

"The child asked me to tell you..."

"You don't have to say...I already know..."

I looked at the female wolf demon, and I stopped her from speaking out. In front of the demons, I didn't want them to see my weakness.

I get it... Qianye... I understand your and my feelings... It's not your fault... It's my fault... I haven't been able to properly resolve the conflict between us.

I waved my hand towards the female wolf demon and used the healing technique, and soon the wound she just suffered was almost healed...

"You are the demon wolf of the demon clan, what is your name?"

"Hui Mojun, the little demon's name is Chihua."

"Chihua..." is a good name, "you will stay in my Demon King's City in the future... it's also your little fortunate wish."

The she-wolf demon burst into tears for a while. It fell on the ground and saluted me, "The devil is above... the world is in the bag!"

 Update today

(End of this chapter)

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