Yun Qishen

Chapter 101 Touching Porcelain

Chapter 101 Touching Porcelain (God's Perspective)
We turn our perspective to the side of Yan Qi, Taki Ze told Yan Qi to take him to explore the secrets of the ancient proud country, but the purpose of Yan Qi is to follow Taki Ze to collect magic tools and then take them all at once.

But along the way, it was hard to ask Qianyao, what kind of hard work he didn't do at all, and she asked Qianyao also to ask Takize, so he had to work hard.

But Wen Qianyao gets angry every time he sees the smile of a female watch like Ye Qi, and gets even more angry when he thinks that the revenge on his face has not been avenged.

Takizawa had also seen some of this evil habits in Yun Qishen before.

The behavior is not right, the food is too much, and there is nothing to do. Now I have learned to spend money.

Takizawa didn't know what Ye Qi bought, and asked Qian Qianyao to hold it all by himself.

Probably because they had too many things with them, they walked very slowly.Asking Qianyao is an ordinary person and is completely different from the monster and green hair in front of her.She thought she was still a girl and it was wrong to let her carry heavy objects.

The place where the three of them are going is a tribe with secret techniques.I heard that Takizawa said that they also mixed in the battle of the fairy and the devil back then, and their secret technique could make the devil suffer.

Hearing what Takizawa said, Yan Qi remembered the spell that the black-hearted businessman recited before, it should be the same spell.

Takizawa didn't plan to reveal his identity, because the people who knew him should still be alive in this world, so he had no choice but to cover his face and follow Ye Qi to which tribe he went.

The three ran into trouble when they reached the outskirts of the tribe.

A group of horse thieves surrounded the three people, and asked Qianyao to cut off the dog's head, but the sword was held down by Ye Qi and she couldn't pull it out.

"Hey~ don't be nervous~" With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he must have thought of some bad idea.

"You're not timid! Hahaha! Passing under our noses with so many things! Those who are sensible leave women and goods behind, and then roll as far as possible..." This group of horse thieves simply asked Qian Qian. The drug screams...

Ye Qixiangle naturally laughed out loud, and asking Qianyao was even more unpleasant...

Takizawa was observing, wondering how Yan Qi would deal with it, thinking that he was probably not joking, just like Yun Qishen had always thought that his female watch was not the most female watch, only the more female watch.

"It's easy to say~ Uncle~ I can leave both the goods and women here to you~ It's just that our woman is too strong~ I'm afraid~" As he said, he glanced at Qian Yao.

Asking Qianyao was so angry that he could not wait to slap him in the mouth.

"Don't be afraid! This horse has to tame a fierce horse, and a woman has to be a strong woman!!! Hahahahaha!!"

The horse thief who took the lead laughed arrogantly, and then his gang of brothers all looked at each other and laughed wildly.

"Yes, yes~ You do it yourself~" Yan Qi wanted to retreat from the siege of the group of horse thieves, and Takizawa followed him. At that time, a horse thief pointed his horse's whip to Takizawa's chin.

"The boss likes strong girls, and the cold-looking beauty here is exactly what the younger brother likes! Just give it to my brother!"

"Just order brothers!" The horse thief didn't know the danger was coming.

Takizawa glared at Ye Qi, who smiled slightly outside the circle surrounded by horse thieves.

"Damn!!! Ye Qi, you are too much, and let me be a bull and a horse along the way! Now, I don't want to cut off your head!"

Asked Qianyao to draw the sword from his waist in anger, but the sword is gone?
Ye Qi raised his sword on the periphery to show off, and even made a helpless expression to ask Qian Yao.

"Evil Qi!!!" Wen Qianyao was really angry this time, and a few explosive pills flew out from Wen Qianyao's sleeve and hit the group of horse thieves.

The horse roared for a while, and the horse thieves were also panicked for a while.

Some horse thieves ran away when they saw that the situation was wrong, but left one who was not afraid of death.

The horse thief fell off his horse and hugged Takizawa.

"I've fallen in love with you since just now, come with me, I won't treat you badly."

Takizawa was too lazy to talk nonsense with this thing, and when he lifted the black gasification needle with his finger, he pierced the heart of the horse thief.

Wait for the horse thief to run, after the damn death.

Ye Qi clapped his hands on the side, "Not bad, good job!"

"NaiQi!" Asked Qianyao about to attack NieQi empty-handed.Ye Qi wanted to dodge but was stopped by Takizawa first.

Takizawa lined up the dust on his shoulders and raised his eyes wickedly, "This is not the time to fight, don't blatantly kill people."

Then Takizawa retracted his fingers again, and came back with a few black smoke needles.

Ye Qi immediately understood that Takizawa should have gone to kill the horse thief who had just escaped.

Then Takizawa frowned, "One of them is not dead... It seems that something is going to happen..."

Just after Takizawa finished speaking, a drunk old man walked over from a distance.

Ye Qi also saw that it was not easy to come here, even though the old man was drunk, he walked over with his hands down and his head down.

The old man raised his head and took two sips of wine from the gourd.


The old man let out a sound of relaxation.

Ye Qi and Wen Qian Yao became vigilant.

"Dare to ask who is coming?" Yan Qi smiled again, he probably met a strong player and really wanted to compete with him.

However, Takizawa persuaded Ye Qi to keep quiet.

Ye Qi naturally didn't listen to Takizawa's long-winded words. Although he couldn't rush forward, he didn't need to stop his mouth.

"Don't drink it, old man~ The whole face is blushing like a monkey's butt. With this walking posture, I thought it was the zombie my master said when I looked away!"

Ask Qianyao if he doesn't understand, and Takizawa also doesn't understand what a zombie is?But Takizawa thought he could use it...

The drunk old man still staggered towards them.Suddenly he fell face down on the ground.

With a bang, Ye Qi couldn't figure it out.

Ye Qi stepped forward, and the sword that asked Qian Yao was still on Ye Qi's body, so he had to follow Ye Qi forward.

Ye Qi didn't help the old man up, he thought to himself that this is not what the master said about touching porcelain...

Asking Qianyao wanted to take the opportunity to take back his sword and attacked.

Ye Qi was like playing with her, but he didn't give her the sword.

Angrily, he asked Qianyao if he didn't want it.

Takizawa also looked at the old man who fell to the ground, wondering if it was his illusion just now?never mind……

"Let's hurry up..." Takizawa said, and after asking Qianyao, he picked up the heavy salute and followed.

Ye Qi still poked the old man's face with his fingers with some concern.If there is no response, he will leave.

It was also at this time that something suddenly hugged his leg.

Ye Qi looked down and saw that the old man had snot and tears, and the corners of his mouth were still drooling.

"Have pity on me, Dao Xia! I have young people and old people, so I can't help but go back!"

Ye Qi faced the old man with a smile, "You are not pitiful~ You see I am even more pitiful, I have neither the younger nor the older, I am really pitiful~"

"I see that Dao Xia has kind eyes and kind eyes, and his warm heart will definitely help me! Otherwise, I will hug your legs and not let go!"

Ye Qi didn't believe it, so he dragged the old man with his legs and took two steps.

Interesting~ Yan Qi smiled again, and pointed at Takizawa, "Come on, grandpa... I don't care about anything~ You go and hug that person's leg over there~ I guarantee that the little ones above you are old, and the next The old will have the small~”

"The little Daoist didn't lie to me?" Seeing Ye Qi and nodding with a smile, the old man slipped his snot and saliva with his hand and rushed towards Takizawa who was not far away...

 Two more!
  I'm kavin again

(End of this chapter)

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