Yun Qishen

Chapter 113 Chaos

Chapter 113 Chaos (8)
- Do you want power? ——

--I want--

-I can give you strength-

--Who are you? ——

-I will be your strength-

--my power? ——

- and you will give your life for me -

When the young man woke up again, he had already returned to the Immortal Sword Sect.Daoist Chengxu brought him back.In case he clearly remembered the deep pit he fell into, he felt like he had been there for a long, long time.

Just in case he turned his head and looked around and no one was there, he helped his head to get off the bed, in case his legs came out of the quilt, he only saw the lines on it, his body was affected by his parents, in case he didn't like messing around on his body very much. painting!

"This...what is this!!" In case he was frightened, he wondered if it might be a prank by Ye Qi, when he appeared as he wished.

"Seventh Master Uncle... This kind of joke can't be made... I'm really angry!" In case, he firmly believed that it was Yan Qi who did it.

Others Ye Qi just sent a medicine for Gu Choumian (mainly to avoid the bitter medicine of a day's rehabilitation.), but in the end, he was blamed by this case, who was very similar to the old man of the spiritual realm.

Ye Qi's eyes turned and the corners of his mouth raised again, "I'm so hard~ You still blame me! I have the good intentions to deliver medicine to you~ You still blame me, Shishu, my heart is cold~"

"So... the lines on my legs weren't made by you, Uncle Seven?" In case of doubt, the patterns on his legs didn't look like they were drawn, and they didn't hurt, so it must be some kind of spell.

"Of course it's not me. I have principles for pranking people. I just like the way they hate me and the way they can't beat me~"

Should I say Ye Qi is naive or just wicked?In case, it was helpless to watch Ye Qi put the medicine bowl on the table.

"Is that so... nephew, I misunderstood Uncle Seven, I'm sorry... I dare to ask Uncle Seven, do you know where my master went?"

"What? Do you still want to find him? The old man gave him a task. He took you back and left three days ago, probably back today. As for the pattern on your leg, I don't know what it means, that old man I haven't seen it before. But it feels very similar to the fire phoenix art, which is a unique fire element." Ye Qi sat down on the Wanyi bed without any hesitation, "Tell you little boy that this fire phoenix art has been learned for ten and a half years, but you can't learn it. Come, if you want to learn fire phoenix art, you have to practice fire spells well, as far as I know, you have been here in Lingshan for two years, can't you do any magic?"

"Uh... Uncle Seven is right." In case he was in a bad mood for a while, but he didn't feel very downcast, "But do I have no spiritual roots? Everyone denied me. If I don't have spiritual roots, I will If I get angry with them, I will concentrate on practicing my swordsmanship!"

"Hey~ why do you think so, stretch out your hand!" Qi Qi stretched out his hand towards Wan Yiyi.

"What is this for?"

"Test your spiritual root! I can measure it for you, no matter how weak your spiritual root is! But please don't tell anyone about it~" Ji Qi used the index finger of his other hand to lean against his lips to indicate In case of confidentiality.

If he nodded a little, he gave a hand to Yan Qi.

Ye Qi recited a spell that he had never heard of before, and then in the palm of the hand that was caught by Ye Qi, there was a small burst of fire.

"Fire Spirit Root...Wait...there are some subtle little brat here is not simple, you are Electric Fire Spiritual Root!"

Ye Qi took the spell and slapped the back with a happy slap, "So you don't have to worry, my senior brother is an electrical spirit. If he knew about you, he wouldn't know how happy he would be!" Shoot the back in case.

"Okay, it's time for me to return to the Immortal Medicine Sect, in case my nephew takes good care of me!" Qi Qi disappeared again.

In case he drank the medicine in one breath and changed his clothes, he would go to see if Daochang Chengxu came back.

When Wan Wan took a happy step and wanted to tell Daoist Chengxu that he was the spiritual root of electric fire.

But along the way, the disciples in the other halls were all laughing at the back of what if?
In case it was only later that he realized that Ye Qi slapped himself on the back twice to cast a spell, just to make fun of him.

I saw a few big black characters behind the white clothes in case, "Irritated monkeys!"

In case he was embarrassed and annoyed, he really couldn't beat Uncle Seven.

Just on the way to the room of Daoist Chengxu, in case he encounters that disciple who is looking for trouble again.

"Ouch! Wake up! I thought you were traveling west with a crane!"

"Get up! I'm too lazy to talk to you guys!" If you clench your fists, be ready at any time, "You still want to be beaten by me? I see your face is still swollen!"

The disciple who was looking for trouble gave way this time, but when he passed by him, he was trapped by a water spell.

"Let me out!" In case he couldn't crack the spell, he wouldn't use his strength, "Tricky villain!"

"I'm treacherous? It's better than the rubbish you don't know anything about! Tomorrow is the election competition. You're so weak that you can't beat us except with your feet and your hands! Don't just rely on your master's attention. You can go to the sky in one step! I will send you to a cold place right now to calm down and calm down your disgusting character!!" The disciple here looking for trouble really did what he said, he set up an ice barrier to trap it in case .

Because there are regulations for the election of Jingling Mountain disciples, those who did not participate will be treated as if they do not want to cultivate immortals, and they will return to the secular world.

The purpose of looking for trouble disciples is to drive out Lingshan in case.

In case of a touch of warmth in the ice.Then the ice melted away.

He didn't show up until the next day when it was his turn to appear in the disciple's election.Daoist Chengxu also rushed back at this time just to see what happened.Before, Daoist Chengxu took Wan Wan to the abyss of the northern wasteland, in order to let Wan Wan inherit the secret technique of Fire Phoenix Technique and improve Wan Wan's spiritual roots.

In this case, his opponent is the disciple who is looking for trouble.

The disciple who was looking for trouble was confident that it would be over if it happened. As a result, the disciple felt a wave of heat coming towards him as soon as the game started.

At this time, Wan Fang, with his arrogant expression as always, walked up to Xianyongtai very calmly step by step.

"Why, you were rescued by someone? Drag the oil bottle! The lost dog... uh!!!"

Before waiting for the trouble here, the disciple sneered, and if he took a step forward, a fire in his hand would be a palm towards the disciple, and the disciple was also beaten abruptly at the edge of the Xianyongtai enchantment.

——In this game, the new disciple Shi Wanyi won——

"'s impossible! You must have done something crooked! Master!" The disciple still didn't stop looking for trouble. He looked at Daoist Chengxu and wanted to get help.

But Cheng Xu didn't answer him, he was just staring at the contingency, and now the contingency is more like a spiritual realm.

The final victory of the competition belonged to Wan Yi, and Wan Yi also became the senior brother of Chengxu Hall, and his disciples admired him and learned his character to make their master Chengxu happy.

Now in case it is almost the year of his crown, he has also learned the Fire Phoenix Technique in the last few months, and he has also practiced the Fire Phoenix Technique that others can learn in ten years.Although Daoist Chengxu has become a little taciturn and serious now, he is very concerned about what happens.

嘤——The fire phoenix screamed, and the ice that trapped Wanyi also began to melt, and the residue of the ice entered Wanyi's body to repair the burnt body for him.

His nightmares have also become better, from the dream that he is a substitute for the spiritual realm, to the kindly smile of Dao Chengxu touching the head of the young one.

"You are irreplaceable to me, in case—"

This sentence has been echoing in the mind of the case, when he wakes up, he sees Xiaoshao looking at himself with tears and snot on his face, and disgusting if he turns his face away and doesn't look at her.

"Senior Brother!!! You're okay!!! Woohoo!!" As a result, the small spoon rubbed all over him...

 Last update today!Catch up!
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(End of this chapter)

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