Yun Qishen

Chapter 114 Chaos

Chapter 114 Chaos (9)
(God's perspective)
Xu Mingjian froze the case and Uncle Drunk.

Xiaoshao was even more startled and ran to Wanyu holding the cold ice cubes and cried, "Elder Brother! Senior Brother!!"

Asking Qianyao escaped the freezing of Xu Mingjian, but she had no weapon in her hand.But she couldn't touch the Xuming sword in Xiaoshao's hand, and then she looked at Chihua vigilantly.

Asking Qianyao saw that Chihua was carrying a silver sword on his back.

Isn't that silver sword that of the Devil's Son?Oh, it just works.

Asking Qianyao smiled strangely and then observed from left to right, because she was wearing a mask, Chihua had no idea what she, the bad guy, was thinking.Only to see her turning her head unnaturally.

But looking at Xiaoshao's reaction just now, they should have known each other... but this person is the enemy of the Demon Lord and my enemy.

Chihua gritted his teeth and became more vigilant, and then it attacked first.


Chang Hua opened his mouth and bit his fangs at Qian Yao.

"Nice to come!!" Wen Qianyao cried out with some joy, dodging to avoid her scarred hands, and then stretched out towards the silver sword on Chihua's body.

not good! !
Chihua was startled, and hurriedly chanted the mantra, the silver sword turned into a silver thread and wrapped around a thousand medicines and then shrank.

Asking Qianyao had to drop a red explosive pill, and the red smoke mixed with the wind and sand confused Chihua's eyes.Holding Huameng shrunk the silver thread, it felt that it did not hurt Qianqianyao.

Asking Qianyao escaped safely, thinking that the monster here is not simple, and the use of the silver sword of the holy child is so good...

In Wen Qianyao's hands, a black pill appeared out of thin air.

It's not in vain that I took the opportunity to absorb the mana of that woman (Jian Qiangjia), although the ability is a little small, but it is just right to give it a try! ! !
Asking Qian Yaoshou attacked Chihua like a dragon claw.

As soon as Chihua got used to the vision in the red smoke, he ushered in the attack of Qianqianyao.

You said it was a coincidence that this round of Qi Qianyao's attack was blocked by the half-face mask on Chihua's head.

It's unbelievable to ask Qianyao, this... what kind of thing, so powerful?Or am I not competent enough? ? ?

Immediately asked Qianyao to use more strength to cast her spell just now.

This time, he attacked the heart of the wolf demon in front of him.

But Chihua won't give her this chance.

Chihua turned in circles, and a hurricane blew away the red smoke that filled everywhere.

At this time, Qianqianyao's attack had already greeted Chihua.

Chihua let out a roar, and instead of blowing away Qianqianyao, the air he exhaled made her hide.

The black medicinal pill attacked Chihua's chest.

At this time, the small spoon who was lying on the frozen body and crying also ran over.Xu Mingjian took a small spoon to hold Hua's chest?
The black medicinal pill entered Xiaoshao's body through Qianqianyao's hand. Qianqianyao was startled and then smiled, "Little brat! You are courting death!"

"Sister won't hurt me, right? Dad misses you so much, go back..." Xiaoshao didn't feel any pain, she kept looking for Qianyao, hoping she would go back and see the doctor.

"It's ridiculous! Don't be so pretentious! It was my miscalculation that I didn't let you die! I should have let you die with the old man!!" Asked Qianyao gritted his teeth and pulled his hand away. The moment she attacked, she retreated.

"Sister Qian Yao..."

"Don't call me! I'm not your sister! Just remember that I will be the one who killed you." Asking Qianyao gathered his energy and attacked again.

Chihua gently pushed the spoon aside with her claws, "Are you alright..."

"It's okay...I have Xu Mingjian..." Xiaoshao's big eyes didn't have any pain.

Chihua Xinan also confronted Qian Qianyao again.

The silver threads all over the sky were wrapped around Qianqianyao, Qiqianyao dodged and gathered Qi to attack Chihua's beast body, and Chihua recited the mantra and the silver silk-turned sword gathered in Chihua's mouth.

Chihua held the sword in his mouth and asked Qian Yao to stand in a stalemate.

clang - clang -

One person and one demon were fighting over and over again.

At this time, the two people who were frozen on one side moved.

Xiaochao took Xu Mingjian and ran to Frozen Wanyi again.

In case the ice cubes melted, the melted ice just happened to heal his body that had just been burned by the fire phoenix technique.

Just open your eyes slowly.

The small spoon hugged him with snot and tears.

"Ah!! Don't rub against me!! Let me go!" In case his spirit looked good.

The small spoon was also relieved a lot.

The small spoon took a closer look and saw a layer of red lines after the ice on both arms had melted.

"What are these in case, senior brother?" Xiaoshao originally wiped his nose and tears with his hand, and then touched his arm with his hand.

In case it was a little rude to hide.

At the same time, the alcoholic uncle over there has also melted ice, but it seems that the time for strengthening has come and he has changed back to the alcoholic old man...

"I don't think anyone who used the technique of bathing fire back then could survive. I love you very much, you kid~ How about you not betray Xian Dao and become my apprentice?" The alcoholic old man drank the wine from his waist, "Why? It's so cold! I have a bad stomach, I can't drink so cold, why don't you warm me up, kid?"

In case the originally stiff hand clenched his fist slowly and exerted a little force, "I was born as a disciple of Jingling Mountain! When I die, I will become a dust of Jingling Mountain! I won't recognize you as a bad old man as a master! From the past to the present, and from now on, my master will only be one person! He will always be the Taoist priest!" In case, he tried his best to roar.

"Then the old man has to catch you as my disciple even if he is hurt. I rarely see anyone, you kid don't know whether it's good or bad, you can promise me first and then bully your teacher and destroy your ancestors! Learned me Wouldn't it be nice to betray me after the spell? Thinking back then..." The alcoholic old man's remarks made him a little unclear, so is there such a thing?Does he want me to be his apprentice or does he want me to be a robber?

The drunk old man trapped him before he could finish a spell that fell from the sky.

The spell was glittering with gold, and from a distance it looked like a golden barrier, and above the barrier was a black fairy sword.

A black lightning flashed across, and a knot on a person's hand appeared in front of Wan Yi.

In case his pupils dilated, and then he looked in disbelief again, and then this irritable little brother shed tears uncontrollably.

"Master!" In case some excited shouted.

The people who appeared were full of seriousness, and the years did take away some of his superficial tenderness. Today, he is not the same as the one in his memory. In case he once doubted whether the current Daoist Chengxu would be like him. It was as good as before, but when I heard him say that if he is a substitute for the spiritual realm, it was really sad.The person standing in front of the emergency now has a black current flowing all over his body.

Cheng Xu Daochang's face was calm, and there was an angry look between his eyebrows. He spoke to the alcoholic old man in the magic enchantment in a low voice but very clear words.

"He! Shi Wanyi! He will always be my apprentice!"

 The first one is a little later today 2333
(End of this chapter)

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