Yun Qishen

Chapter 115 Chaos

Chapter 115 Chaos (10)
(God's perspective)
Now let’s talk about Yun Qishen’s side. Yun Qishen reached the underside of the plane tree. Takizawa was using magic to absorb something in the plane of the plane tree. Yun Qishen reached under the tree and looked up at the location of the phoenix.

That phoenix is ​​probably at the top of the tree, and it can't be seen here at all, so he's... I don't care what he does!He can handle it himself!

Yun Qishen frowned in confusion and looked at Takizawa, Yun Qishen held the Lai A sword and attacked Takizawa.

Yun Qishen also guarded against the mana he had blocked before, so he deliberately added two more anti-barrier spells in front of the attacking mana.

However, this method didn't seem to work, and the attack was blocked by Takizawa's hand.

"Hmph, don't waste your energy. If you still want to submit to me, I can forgive you for being rude to me now. You have to know that you will be mine from beginning to end!" Takizawa's world-weary eyes glanced at Yun Its deep smile.

"Fart! I told you Takizawa! I Yun Qishen is my Yun Qishen from the beginning to the end!" Yun Qishen's back was a little sore, and he still couldn't forget that Takizawa used needle and thread to sew behind him. scars and scars on the neck.

Yun Qishen unconsciously touched his neck, at the scar that was hidden by magic.

" seem to like the logo I gave you."

Takizawa's cold words completely angered Yun Qiqing.

Yun Qishen lost his calm and attacked Takizawa, but Yun Qishen used the Rai A sword to attack several times with force, and all hit Takizawa's barrier.

"Are you afraid of me?" Yun Qishen's mouth began to be unpleasant again, and he shouldn't have said that. He wanted to let Takize remove his own protection spell.

"Do you think this kind of words will allow me to lift the barrier?"

"Yes!" Yun Qishen kept attacking the same place with his Lai A sword, and Takize smiled again.


click -

After the sound, Takizawa's barrier was broken.

Yun Qishen was a little smug one second, but felt wrong the next moment.

As a result, Yun Qishen watched Takizawa crush the Lai Ajian with one hand!

Not off!is broken!

Before Yun Qi was deeply surprised by Takizawa's strength, his neck was grabbed by Takizawa's hand and pressed against the tree trunk with a bang.

"I'm going to kill you in a matter of minutes. I'll give you another chance to choose whether to submit to me or not?" Takizawa exerted his strength little by little. He controlled the strength so that Yun Qishen could say a few words.

"You made me submit? Could it be... what are you afraid of... want me to be a bargaining chip? I tell you... idiot... mind... delusion... thinking"

Takizawa's strength was getting stronger and stronger, and Yun Qishen couldn't use the protection spell at all, and the next few words were spit out through gritted teeth.

Just here in an instant, a red light fell from the sky, ka!With a bang, Takizawa pinched Yun Qishen's hand.

Then the red light was followed by another horizontal line, and Takizawa's arm was also chopped down.

The pressure exerted on Yun Qi's deep neck was gone, and he quickly coughed. He looked at the bluish-haired man who came to the rescue with mixed emotions, and the evil red under the corner of his eyes was full of anger at this time.

Why didn't you come earlier!
Yun Qishen frowned, if he came early, would he be pinched by Takizawa! !

"Oh, did I disturb the two of you~ But I won't apologize~" Yan Qi's blue eyes flashed a cold light, and the red sword swung at Takizawa's head again.

"Because this Yun Qishen is mine~"

"Go away! When are you joking!" Yun Qishen seemed to know that Du Ming knew that Ye Qi couldn't say anything serious.

Yan Qi gave Yun Qi a deep smile, Yun Qi frowned deeply, and then the two of them looked at each other, nodded to each other, and attacked Taki Ze together.

Ye Qi attacked with the red sword, and Takizawa also dodged, "Don't you want to know the secret of Gu Aoguo?"

"I forgot if you didn't mention it~" Yan Qi turned from attacking Takize to aim the red sword at Yun Qishen.

"Nie Qi! What are you doing!" Yun Qishen was frightened enough for a while, but his heart suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

Yun Qishen looked at Ye Qi's red sword and swung it towards him subconsciously to block it with the Lai A sword, but the Lai A sword had already shattered.

It's over...a step too late.

Yun Qishen actually had a little fear of death, but Ye Qi approached and smiled at him. The red sword in Ye Qi's hand shattered the severed hand that was going to attack Yun Qishen from behind.

Yun Qi was relieved when he knew the real reason, but then he wanted to say thank you to Yan Qi, but the words changed, "Can't you tell me first!!!"

"Because I want to be close to you..."

"Go away!" Yun Qishen interrupted Ye Qi's female watch again.

Standing not far away, Takizawa used a spell to reconnect his severed hand and arm.There was also a purple pearl that followed his severed arm back.

"It seems that our cooperation is very short... Does your current choice mean that you have found a clue to Gu Aoguo?" Takize quickly absorbed the purple beads.

Ye Qi protected Yun Qishen with his hand, Yun Qishen frowned and slapped Ye Qi's hand away so as not to block him.

"You're right, I did find the clue of Gu Aoguo, but this clue is still a little bit missing." The red sword of Qi Qi pointed at Takize, and the other hand that was protecting Yun Qishen was beaten back. Had to print with one hand.

Bad stuff?What would it be?Isn't there more than magic weapon?What secrets does that ancient proud country hide?

Yun Qishen was very concerned that everything started from the ancient proud country.

"Something bad? Hehe, I seem to know what you're talking about? So what are your plans?" Yun Qishen spied on what Takizawa knew as soon as he heard Nei Qi's words.

The bad thing is nothing else but Takizawa's body, that is, the magic bead.

"Are you planning to~ I don't have any plans, I just want to finish the game and enjoy the delicious food~"

Ye Qi narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Yun Qi's heart was trembling, he wouldn't do anything to that phoenix... A phoenix that was plucked?Don't dare to think. Don't dare to think.

Ye Qi's hand slipped on the red sword, and even if the red sword emits golden light, it feels very much like the breath of a golden unicorn.

"Before we were hunted and used by you~ and now you will be our prey~"

Ye Qi took the sword and attacked forward, and Yun Qishen made a gesture to protect Ye Qi with black energy in his hand.

Ye Qi's heart warmed, and the power of the attack increased a little.

Just when Ye Qi was about to attack Takize, a golden barrier descended from the sky to trap Ye Qi and Yun Qishen.

"Trouble, trouble, really trouble, how come there is another one to grab the magic bead with us?" The rude voice came from a distance.

As soon as Yun Qishen heard this, he became angry, "Why are you everywhere. You have no conscience!!"

Then, from behind the thick trunk of the plane tree, the black-hearted businessman and the man in black robe and bandage came out.

"This barrier technique is the trapping technique. Who the hell are you?" Qi Qi asked seriously again. Yun Qishen was a little uncomfortable with his appearance, but it was not bad.

"The green-haired Taoist priest here really knows a lot, but the young master over there, I have a name and a surname, my name is Mo Langqin!"

"Isn't it just that he has no conscience!" Yun Qishen's mouth... But there is nothing wrong with disliking black-hearted businessmen, and he really has no conscience.

"It's deep!" A voice came from behind the plane tree trunk.

This voice was too familiar to Yun Qishen, and Yun Qishen looked at the tree trunk again in surprise.

A middle-aged man walked out slowly, whether it was the voice he called Yun Qishen just now, the pace he walked slowly, or even his appearance made Yun Qishen spit out two words involuntarily.

"Second uncle?!"

 Two more today!
(End of this chapter)

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