Yun Qishen

Chapter 119 The Guidance of the Divine Beast Phoenix

Chapter 119 The Guidance of the Divine Beast Phoenix (2)
The map in my arms and the map in Ji Qi's arms are combined with the black energy map. In addition to the green light marked by the ancient proud country, there are also these green light spots.

"The phoenix said that in addition to the sycamore tree magic tool that Takizawa had just absorbed and what he originally possessed, another magic tool has left Takizawa's side." Chihua was still translating.

Ye Qi and I looked carefully at the display on the map.

Excluding the green flash, there are only five places marked with magical instruments, and three of them are in Lingshan.It should be the sword in Wanyi's body, the body protector in Qiu Shan's body, and Yin'er.

A weaker place is where I am now. Could it be the half-piece of gold and jade that Chihua brought?Is the last remaining piece of gold and jade?
"What's the meaning of these green places?" Ye Qi asked, and Chi Hua took a look at the Phoenix Divine Beast.The phoenix called out again.

"Those are the clues of the ancient proud country. You must collect these clues to find the real ancient proud country." After Chihua finished speaking, the phoenix called a few more times, but Chihua did not translate.

"What did Chihua say?" I couldn't understand and could only ask Chihua.

"It said that Gu Aoguo's secrets can only be found by the blue-haired Taoist priest alone."

Is that so...

"That's it~ I'm a little reluctant~" Yan Qi started again, "It's deep, why don't we eat the phoenix here before we separate~ I'll get it done in one move!"


Violet-black flames grew out of Ye Qi's hands.


"It says you can't kill it, it's one of the mythical beasts that opened the ancient proud country's secret treasure."

I thought to myself why this ancient proud country is so troublesome!It's a clue, a magic weapon, and a divine beast!
I had no choice but to stop Ye Qi, "Do you want to eat the bitter medicine for sleeplessness again?"

"If you also feed me the bitter medicine this time, I will be very happy to eat it~"

I can say I'm not happy!The last time I used my mouth to feed it was because my brain was short-circuited! !

"Speaking of Mianmian...I think they have arrived here~" Xie Qi pointed to a place on the aerial map.

In the northern wasteland where we are, head south to the country of Hewon.

The place Ye Qi pointed to was a part of Heyuan Kingdom.

"This is the Jingshan Dharma Door, which is the teacher's door of the little disciple named Jiang Liu before, and they have already arrived there. They are also quite capable of flying (Feijian), and it is the fastest to go to Heyuan from the previous demon country. It also has to pass through the entire Dongyu Kingdom, not to mention the Sangyu Kingdom that they chased and went around."

Ye Qi's finger slid from the map, "It seems that I also have a clue to go to Heyuan country~"

I looked at the place where Ye Qi's fingers stopped, he said?
Sure enough, the magic weapon I was looking for was also in Heyuan State.

But from where we are now we have to separate to get to where we are going.

After reading the map, I put away the map, Xie Qi put away the black gas map.


"It said that after you have all found all the clues about what you are looking for, you will come to find it. Its home was destroyed and it needs to go to a new place." Chihua went on to translate.

As soon as Ye Qi raised his hand, the shackles of the phoenix were released, and the plucked feathers of the phoenix quickly recovered.

The phoenix lives in the phoenix tree, although Ye Qi wanted to send this phoenix to the Divine Beast Valley, but there is no phoenix tree in the Divine Beast Valley, and there is a big willow tree on the Liuyin Peak there...

This phoenix flew away quickly. To be honest, when I first saw this phoenix, I thought it was very powerful, and it grabbed me and Qi Qi to the sky.

At this time, I saw... it was another divine beast that was frightened by Ye Qi...

I watched the divine beast phoenix fly away and then looked at Ye Qi, what did he want to do?
I saw that Qi Qi made a water ball float in the air and burned it with fire, and the aroma of the wine was overflowing for a while.

?I was a little confused, I looked at Chihua again, and it shook its head too.

The golden jade on Chihua's neck shook, and I stared at it for a while, feeling a little sad and a little angry...

Chihua touched my forehead with its wolf nose, "Is the devil thinking about the person who killed the child Qianye?"

"..." I don't know how to answer, on the other side is Duan Xiwu's revenge, I always wanted to avenge it... But although I didn't kill Taki Qianye, I understand that he was taken advantage of during the days I spent with him... After that, it was just to allow the people of Xinjiang to live and work in peace and contentment in Xinjiang...

I'm no one on either side now...

"Don't be embarrassed by the devil... Can this matter be handed over to the minister... The minister will handle it, the devil only needs to set an example and be the king of my country!" Chihua looked at me with green eyes, "This is It was also entrusted to me by that child, let me help the Demon Lord..."

I smiled and touched Zhihua's nose, "Thank you."

"It's so fragrant!!! There's wine!!!! I think back then..."

An irritable voice that I had heard appeared, and when I looked back in the direction of Qi Qi, I saw that annoying old alcoholic...

The alcoholic old man was blushing and drinking wine, that wine was burned by Ji Qi just now... Why didn't it burn and fry!What to drink!

"Nie Qi... Hey, tell me... why did you recruit him!" I was so irritable and patient, I was about to explode!
"How can this alcoholic grandfather be a demon general, I think you'll be safer if he follows Qishen~" Ye Qi had another female appearance, "and the old grandfather also agreed to submit to Qishen, you demon lord. ~Isn't it right~Grandpa~"

"That's right! That's right! What Ye Qiwazi said was right! Think back then..."

"Stop!!!" I gestured to the old man to stop talking, but he ignored you at all.

"It's still here to submit!" No matter what, I can't take this annoying old man with me. If he really submits, I'll go directly to Jiangbang!

I was full of denial.

As a result, Ye Qi smiled and coughed at the alcoholic old man.

The drunk old man closed his mouth immediately, but still muttered to finish his words.

What insidiousness did Ye Qi play to make this old man so obedient.

Ye Qi stood up, "Although I can't bear to part with you~ but I think~"

"You can go, I'll go too, see you when I'm done!" Before Ye Qi wasn't too disgusted with me, I raised my hand to signal that I was about to turn around and leave, but Ye Qi pulled me again.

I had no choice but to face him, but something tied to a rope fell from the hand that Ji Qi lifted up and stretched out towards me.

My forehead was smashed, and I was looking at it, isn't it the jade I didn't pick up when I was spat on the ground by a small fork in that spooky Shiyou City last time?

When I think about it, I get angry, "You said that you were so cruel to push me back in that disgusting place before! You know that you suddenly became my enemy..."

I looked at Ye Qi's smiling face and didn't know what to say.

As a result, Qi Qi became curious, "What would you do if I became an enemy? Hmm~"

As for him, um~, my memory is still fresh and I can't forget it for a long time, and I will learn from reality in the future.

Without answering, I grabbed the jade pendant with one hand and put it away.

The two of us also wanted to quickly set off to go to the place where we should go. We didn't want to delay. The place I was going was just right to see Gu Qumian and the others... I rode on Chihua, and Chihua was holding a drunkard The old man, the old man kept drinking.

At the same time, he waved goodbye to me.

The moment before the two of us parted ways, I heard Ye Qi say something very serious.

"I will never be your enemy in this life."

In the end, the two of us went our separate ways.

 Second more!

(End of this chapter)

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