Yun Qishen

Chapter 120 The Liveliness of Jingling Mountain

Chapter 120 The Liveliness of Jingling Mountain (1)
(God's perspective)
After Lingjing Dao brought Du Jing back, Daoist Chengxu also followed up, and the two just collided.

"I have seen the master." Daoist Chengxu bowed to the spiritual realm.

Spirit Realm Dao glanced at Cheng Xu and then looked at the unsteady in case behind him.There was a little girl on the side.

"It looks like you screwed up this mission? It's the first time you failed the mission." The Taoist Spirit Realm dragged Du Jing from the vortex and threw it to the ground.

To tell the truth, it is really impolite for him to be like this, but who can offend him...

"Disciple understands that this task was arranged by me, and I am willing to be punished." Before Cheng Xu came back, he instructed not to interrupt his speech, especially when he was in the spiritual realm.

But if it is really unbearable, how can their master punish unrelated people?The one who didn't complete the task was Shi Wanyi, and he didn't want his most beloved master to be punished.

"Master! It's the disciple's fault! Please ask the master to punish me! It has nothing to do with the master!"

"In case! I didn't say..."

Spirit Realm Dao stretched out his frown with his hands.

"It's all done! One by one, did I say punishment? You all want to suffer like this?" Lingjingdao left impatiently, "I still have something to go to Liu Yun, this guy, bring me the elixir Zong let Liuying treat, remember to call Xuyun..."

"Yes!" Xu Yungong sent the spiritual realm away, then he turned to look at Wanyi, "You are too reckless!"

"It's the big brother! I heard from the master that the master is very terrifying when he is angry!" Xiaochao also blamed Wan Wan while pulling his clothes.

If that happens, it's not his fault, and he won't think he's wrong if you say anything.

"It doesn't matter... It seems that I really spoiled you..." Cheng Xu Daochang sighed and stopped blaming in case, he squatted down to the small spoon and said kindly, "You are Xu Yun Dao Changxin to keep it. Female disciple."

"Yeah! You are the master of the senior brother, and you are my uncle! My name is Xiaoshao."

Daoist Chengxu smiled at Xiaoshao, and his hand touched Xiaoshao's head, "Would you go and ask your master to go to Xian Yaozong for me?"

"What's so good or bad about this! You are the master uncle, just do as you instruct Xiaoshao!" After that, the little girl ran out to the Xuyun Palace.

In case, looking at the way that Chengxu Daochang was touching the spoon just now, I remembered how he looked when he met Chengxu Daochang when he was a child.He hasn't changed...the master is still the master...

Daoist Chengxu stood up and wanted to instruct him to go to Immortal Medicine Sect to find his Sixth Master Uncle for treatment, but he was dazed when he saw him staring at him.

"In case, don't be idle!"

In case of sudden return, "Is there any order? I will go immediately!"

"Then go to Immortal Medicine Sect with me." Master Chengxu stretched out his hand to Wanyi.

"This is……"

"It's inconvenient for you to walk... I'll help you over..."

In case his heart warmed, he also remembered that he accidentally fell off a cliff and was injured when he first entered the Dao.

"Thank you master..."

The two also went to the Immortal Medicine Sect.

On the other side, Xiaoshao quickly ran to the Xuyun Palace. She was in a hurry and accidentally bumped into someone when she entered the palace gate.

Xu Qing felt that his back was hit by some small divine beast?Besides Ye Qi, the only person who dislikes the divine beasts is Xu Qing.

As a result, when Xu Qing turned around, he saw a girl doll with thick eyebrows, big eyes, cherry mouth and small mouth being hit and sitting on the ground.

?She was wearing Xianjianzong's clothes.If it's not Mi Zixin's disciple, whose disciple would it be?

That guy Chengxu will definitely not accept female disciples, all of his disciples are like stalking monkeys.If he really accepts female disciples, shouldn't he become a tigress? !
That guy Cheng Yun took it?It's impossible, don't look at his smiling face all day long, he was terribly disgusted when he was young, and he definitely wouldn't accept such a small child.

It's definitely not Liu Ying's disciple. How could Liu Ying take care of his nephew recently?

Xu Qing didn't think about Xu Yun at all.

Xiaoshao looked at the fierce-looking Taoist priest in front of him, and when he rolled his eyes, he remembered that Master Xuyun Taoist said that she also has a fourth uncle named Xuqing. Although she looks fierce, she has a very deep heart. OK

"Are you all right... Are you a disciple of that temple?" Xu Qing wanted to pick up the spoon.

As a result, Xiaoshao got up first and patted the soil, "You are Uncle Xuqing... I am..."

"Ah!!!!" Another sharp girl shouted loudly, and it sounded like a sound.

Xuqing and Xiaoshao looked at the place where the sound came out, but they saw Yin'er running towards them.

As soon as Yin'er ran over, she pushed Daoist Xu Qing away indiscriminately.

Yin'er's strength was very strong, and he pushed Xu Qing Daochang far away at once.

Xu Qing felt unbelievable.

Yin'er protected the little spoon, "Don't be afraid of the little spoon! Did this strange uncle bully you! Your hands are bleeding! You can rest assured that I'm here! I won't let you have it!"

"Yin'er, you misunderstood..." Xiaoshao glanced at his hand, and it was true that the skin was broken and there was a little blood oozing out.She was curious why Yin'er cared so much about her... She hurriedly wanted to explain.

"You little guy! Where did you come from!" Xu Qing didn't go to the Immortal Medicine Sect very often, so he didn't recognize Yin'er very well, "Do you know that you are so rude!"

Immortal Medicine Sect was very busy today, Yin'er saw that Jiang Qing did not always follow him and went out to explore. As a result, she felt that Xu Mingjian had returned, which meant that her good friend Xiaoshao had also returned.

Yin'er was excited and felt the Xuyun Palace, and she saw the spoon fell to the ground, and she became angry all of a sudden.

Xuyun was taking care of Xianhe, but he heard Yin'er's scream. He also thought that something was wrong with Xiaoshao, and ran out to check.

As soon as Xu Yun came out, he saw Xu Qing angrily blaming the two little girls.

"Xuqing!" Xuyun called out, and Daoist Xuqing hurriedly looked back at Xuyun. He wanted to let Xuyun judge, but he watched Xuyun push away the hand he held up the spoon.

Xuyun looked at Xiaoshao's broken-skinned hand and then at Xuqing, "What did you do?"

"It's him! I saw this uncle push the spoon with my own eyes!" Yin'er put her hands on her waist, which is called capricious.

Xiaoshao quickly explained, "It's not the master! It's not the fourth master, it was me who accidentally broke the skin..."

"Little spoon, don't say good things about him, he doesn't look like this..." Yin'er thinks what she sees is true!It was this strange uncle who pushed the spoon.

At this time, Jiang Qing's voice came from far away, "Yin'er!!!"

As soon as Jiang Qing arrived, he quickly apologized, "Masters, I'm sorry, this child speaks more aggressively... It was brought out by my little junior brother... The master told me to watch her... It caused trouble for the seniors. "

Yin'er hugged her chest and pouted unhappily, why did Jiang Qing come at this time.

Xu Yun ignored Jiang Qing. He looked at Xu Qing while using the healing technique to treat the small spoon, "I want to hear your explanation, did you hurt my apprentice?"

"Your apprentice!" Daoist Xuqing suddenly felt a little stuck in his heart. If I knew it was Xuyun's apprentice, I would...

Xu Yun frowned slightly, and Xu Qing immediately turned his face, "I'm so sorry, little sister, it's all the fault of the uncle, the uncle shouldn't push you."

Just now, Xu Yuncai stretched his brows and smiled, Xu Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and Xiaoshao looked confused.

Jiang Qing on the side didn't know what was going on, only Yin'er made a face at Xu Qing unhappy, "Hypocritical!!"

(End of this chapter)

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