Yun Qishen

Chapter 1302 Chapter 1301 The Story of Nansun Shuo

Chapter 1302 Chapter [-] The Story of Nan Sun Shuo
When I opened my eyes, I saw a girl swinging a sword.

This girl is none other than 12-year-old Nan Sunshuo.

I looked at myself, and it seemed that I was in the state of a soul again. It seemed that I had to finish reading the story about Nansun Shuo this time.


"Ah Shuo!"

It was a middle-aged man with kind eyes. He smiled and walked towards Nansun Shuo who was sweating and wielding his sword.


The girl put down her wooden sword and rushed towards the middle-aged man.

"My dear Ah Shuo, don't do these things if you are weak."

"Then dad can give Ah Shuo a younger brother."

"Ah, this... Ah Shuo is embarrassing my father."

"It's just that Dad doesn't admit that Ah Shuo is his child in front of outsiders, and doesn't give Ah Shuo a younger brother... Who will be in charge of the Nansun family?"

The middle-aged man smiled when he heard this, "Our Ah Shuo cares about so many things.

It doesn't matter, isn't there still a father!Daddy will always protect Ah Shuo. "

Nan Sun Shuo tugged at the boy's clothes, "No! In the future, Ah Shuo will become a general to protect his father!"

"Ah Shuo is a woman, so she cannot become a general."


When she was a child, Nan Sunshuo didn't seem to understand the principle that men are superior to women in this world, and girls are destined to marry.

Nansun Shuo's father originally planned this way, but he understood that Nansun Shuo needed strength to protect himself.

"Because Ah Shuo's body is too weak, those beatings and killings will only make your body unable to bear it."

"But, Ah Shuo really wants to protect his father and Nansun's family!"

The middle-aged man showed a look of relief, and he hugged Nansun Shuo tightly, "But what Daddy wants most is your safety, Ah Shuo."

Nan Sun Shuo gently responded with his arms around the middle-aged man's neck.

The memories of 12 years old passed like this.

In a blink of an eye, Nansun Shuo turned into a tomboy, thin and thin but with a hint of heroism in his brows.

The middle-aged man has become old, and his face has lost some of the gentleness of the past.


Nansun Shuo still greeted her as she did when she was a child, but the middle-aged man ignored her.

Nansun Shuo's expression was unavoidably sad, but soon she returned to smiling.

"It will be Daddy's birthday in a few days, I have to go out and prepare some congratulatory gifts for him!"

Nansun Shuo ran back to his room, changed into plain clothes, took his purse and ran out of Nansun's house.

"What should I buy for my dad..."

Nansun Shuo wandered around in the market but couldn't find anything he liked.

Suddenly there was a lot of activity on the other side of the market.

"There is a thief! My lady's purse!"

A servant girl suddenly yelled, and immediately after that, a guy with mischievous eyebrows rushed towards Nansun Shuo.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

The thief threatened the people ahead.

Nansun Shuo drew the wooden stick on the booth and met the thief.

The thief didn't defend himself in time and directly bumped into Nan Sun Shuo's wooden stick.

The thief got up from the ground and was about to leave when a burly man grabbed him by the collar.

This burly man was Chongming.

"Return the purse quickly!"

Chong Ming stretched out his hand towards the thief, but the thief was also afraid of getting hurt and had to hand over the money.

The lady who lost her purse brought her maid to thank her.

This is also the first meeting between Chongming and Nansun Shuo.

"Young master's skill is really good."

Chongming was the first to praise Nansun Shuo.

Nansun Shuo was also very envious of Chongming's burly figure.

"Brother, the muscles here are really powerful! I can't even mention the thief.

If Xiongtai is not troublesome, can you help me with one thing?

I want to be stronger. "

"Oh? How strong do you want to be?"

"Just become as strong as Xiongtai!"

"Haha, son, you are really interesting.

My name is Chongming, I don't know your name, sir?let's be friends. "

"Okay! My name is... Ah Shuo! They all call me Ah Shuo!"

Nansun Shuo clearly knew that she was not recognized by Nansun's family, but she just didn't understand why her father still didn't recognize her after so many years.

"Ah Shuo, ha! I'll be waiting for you at noon tomorrow. I have other things to attend to. I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you brother at this time."

"Okay, I got it, brother Chongming! See you at Tianmen tomorrow at noon!"

Nansun Shuo was very happy, probably because it was the first time he made friends outside of Nansun's family, so he was so excited that he forgot to buy gifts for his father.

The next day Nansun Shuo went to Chongming as promised.

Chongming also kept his promise and waited for her under the gate of heaven.

Over time, they get along more frequently.

"Ah Shuo, do you have any ideals?"

"Is it ideal?"

Chongming also concealed his identity to associate with Nansun Shuo.

When Chongming asked about his ideals, Nansun Shuo's mind was full of protecting his father and Nansun's family.

"I want to become more powerful. In the future, I will gallop on the battlefield to become a general and protect the people I want to protect!"

"Become a great general? So Ah Shuo still has such a big dream.

Ah Shuo, do you like the battlefield very much? "

"Yeah! I like it very much! It's just because my body is too weak, I may not be able to join the army in this life."

"Ah Shuo, don't be sad."

Chong Ming patted Nan Sun Shuo on the shoulder and comforted him, "If one day you can join the army, would you be willing to serve me and gallop on the battlefield with me?"

"It's certainly good here! If there is such a day! Brother, I will definitely follow Brother Chongming!"

"Then Ah Shuo, you have to persevere and become stronger!

Half a year has passed since our training, isn't it too strange, Ah Shuo, that your body hasn't changed?

Have you seen the doctor, did the doctor say anything? "

Chongming looked at Nansun Shuo's still slender limbs and worried.

Nan Sunshuo sighed, "To tell the truth, brother Chongming, the doctor said that I was born with a weak body, because I have exercised since I was a child, and now I can barely use my strength.

It's just... It's just that the body can't become stronger in this life. "

"Ah Shuo, don't be discouraged either! It doesn't matter if the body doesn't get stronger. We can make the mind stronger first!
Ah Shuo!You are so unmanly now!Be brave if you are a man!Get tough! "

Chongming patted the muscles on his arm, and Nansun Shuo patted his arm, and then the two looked at each other and smiled.

Both consider each other best friends.

Until the day when Chongming decided to massacre the Sun family of Miemen Nan.

When Nansun Shuo opened his eyes that day, he heard the commotion in the courtyard.

"Surround! Quick! Don't let anyone go!"

The voice was very familiar, as if it was Chongming's voice.

Nan Sun Shuo was puzzled at first, and then a maid rushed into her room.

"Ah Shuo! It's not good! Someone came in! You run! Leave Nansun's house quickly!"

Nansun Shuo realized that the matter was not simple, but he still missed his father in his heart.

If you want to leave Nansun's house, you have to take your father with you!

As a result, when Nansun Shuo avoided those gangsters and came to her father's room, he saw Chongming's sword piercing her father through the wall.


"Ah Shuo, why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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