Yun Qishen

Chapter 1307 Chapter 1306 Heavenly Doctor Reincarnation

Chapter 1307 Chapter [-]
(God's perspective)
"You find these things I wrote."

Yun Qishen handed the listed prescriptions to the steward of the pharmacy.

The manager of the pharmacy took the medicine list and looked at it, then he looked at Yun Qishen suspiciously, "Are these things really useful?

Now that the plague is so serious, these herbs are too common, can it really be cured..."

"Nowadays the medicinal materials are in short supply, so I won't lose anything by using my prescription.

If it doesn't work, just stop taking it.

But I think my prescription will not be without effect, and it will have a miraculous effect after two days of eating. "

The pharmacy steward went to prepare in doubt, and Yun Qishen was left in the medical hall.

Chong Ming was still worried about Nan Sun Shuo's health, the plague in the disaster area was too serious, he didn't want Nan Sun Shuo to go out and take risks.

So Chongming sent some people who were not too seriously ill to the hospital, and asked Yun Qishen to help treat these victims in the hospital.

Yun Qishen naturally didn't want to just stay in the hospital, he was always looking for the right time to go out.

Mo Langqin was also by Yun Qishen's side, and he was also responsible for investigating some things that Yun Qishen could not investigate.

The task of finding the Taoist priest who knew Nansun Shuo's life experience was also taught to Mo Langqin first.

Mo Langqin ran on the street, lying on the ground were all kinds of sick people whose whole bodies were festered by the plague.

Mo Langqin couldn't see those, but he could only open his eyes and look for a Taoist among those patients.

"Small dog!"

The child who appeared suddenly jumped at Mo Langqin.

Mo Langqin quickly became vigilant.

Unexpectedly, the child picked him up and ran to a crowded place with his arms around him.

The sudden stench and the pungent smell of herbs almost made Mo Langqin faint.

"Don't you look at what time it is now! You still come back with such an unlucky thing!"

A woman pushed the child angrily, and Mo Langqin broke free from the child's embrace.

"That's just a puppy."

"Your father is so sick now that he can't live anymore! You brought this kind of beast back!
Do you dislike your mother for being healthy?Thinking that your mother will also pass on the disease covered with blood sores?
Why are your kids so ignorant! "

The woman was sobbing, and it seemed that she was under a huge pressure that was difficult to release.

Mo Langqin could feel this feeling, but he didn't want to have too much to do with it.

After the child let go of him, he also ran towards other places, but he was grabbed by the neck and lifted up again.

"Do you think this dog is fat? Now that he hasn't eaten, why not stew it!"

(please do not……)
Mo Langqin struggled, but he couldn't struggle at all.

Seeing that he was about to be slaughtered with a knife, Mo Langqin even strongly hoped that Yun Qishen would come and save him quickly.

(Young master! Save the young master!)
Suddenly, Mo Langqin thought of an idea. Although there was only half the chance of success, he still had to fight for it.

"Hero, spare your life! You can't kill this dog!"

"The dog is talking?! This dog is talking!"

Mo Langqin was right, these people must have panicked when he spoke.

"It is indeed the young master who is talking. Please don't panic and make a fuss! The young master is not a monster, but a god who protects you."

(Young master is really very capable, even claiming to be a go all out!)

As soon as the gods were mentioned, the group of people really stopped being frightened, and some even knelt down.

Seeing that the person beside him did not intend to put down the knife, Mo Langqin thought of another way of thinking.

"This time, the young master went down to earth and lived on this puppy to observe people's hearts in the world. Those with kind hearts will live, and those with evil hearts will die."

As soon as Mo Langqin finished speaking here, the person who was about to swing the knife let him go.

(It's really dangerous... I almost lost my master.)
"Thank you for not killing the hero, the young master came down to earth this time to solve this plague.

The gods sympathized with the world and chose the immortal doctor in the sky to go down to the earth to practice, and the reincarnation of the heavenly doctor will surely save everyone.

At this time, the reincarnation of the heavenly doctor is at the medical hall not far from the station, and tomorrow the medical hall will come to distribute the medicine brewed by the heavenly doctor.

As long as you drink the medicine, everyone will be fine.

The young master can't stay here for too long, he must leave as soon as possible.

The things that the young master said are unspeakable secrets, so please don't say anything about them. "

After Mo Langqin finished speaking, he ran away in a hurry.

Those who heard the dog talking were left in shock.

"That dog is telling the truth?!"

"We are saved?"

"Heavenly doctor reincarnated! Medicine!"


People suddenly became crazy, and some even ran to the post station impatiently.

They want to get the medicine as soon as possible and live as soon as possible.

Yun Qishen was still thinking about how to leave the hospital, but many disaster victims surrounded the hospital one after another.

This also alarmed Chongming, he even sent soldiers to protect the hospital.

"Ah Shuo! Ah Shuo, are you alright! Did they approach you? Did they sneeze at you?"

As soon as Chongming came, he pulled Yun Qishen to look left and right, and he couldn't help being bounced away by the black air.

Yun Qishen is not bothered by Chongming now, what he is bothered by is the black energy of evil qi.

"I have nothing to do. On the contrary, they, why did they suddenly surround me?"

Yun Qishen looked through the window of the hospital building at the crowds of victims outside.

"They are probably all trapped and crazy, and they are not allowed to leave here without food, even if they are healthy people, they can't stay here.

Or maybe they think they will get medicine when they come to the clinic. "

Chongming explained all the reasons that came to mind.

What Yun Qishen really wanted to know was why the disaster victims suddenly surrounded him.

"This won't work. Gathering will only speed up the spread of the disease. You go out and keep them at a distance."

Yun Qishen also knew that Nansun Shuo's body couldn't withstand the infection, so he could only let Chongming, a person with strong resistance, do things.

"Okay, I'll go right now."

On the contrary, Chongming was obedient at this time, and his work efficiency was also high.

Yun Qishen also slightly changed his view of Chongming.

In terms of handling affairs, Chongming is still like a general, with leadership and command ability.

"It's the heavenly doctor who told us to keep our distance!"

"keep distance!"

"Oh, don't lean over!"

"Don't squeeze me!"

People began to push and push, and after a while, they all stood up.

(There is no noise? Is it because Ritsuto sped up the development of the plot?)

Yun Qishen came out of the medical hall wearing an outer shirt.

Then he heard a disaster victim calling him "the reincarnation of the heavenly doctor".

(What the hell is this called?)
Yun Qishen was still puzzled, but soon he figured out what was going on.

That bastard Mo Langqin must have said something strange that made him a reincarnated celestial doctor.

Otherwise, how could this group of disaster victims gather here.

But that's okay, he has a way to get out of here.

(End of this chapter)

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