Yun Qishen

Chapter 1313 Copper Coin 2 Pirates

Chapter 1313 The Second Pirates of Copper Coins

(God's perspective)
Yun Qishen got into the carriage going back to the General's Mansion.

Because of the perfect resolution of the plague, Chongming was the first to return to the court.

The three-day journey back to the General's Mansion was really long for Yun Qishen.

It was the easiest way to escape without Chongming, but he chose to investigate the General's Mansion.


Yun Qi lay deeply in the carriage, feeling the bumps of the road.

(Now he can perceive the external environment, which proves what will happen later.)
Everything was just as Yun Qishen thought, and the plot happened.

"There are robbers!"

"Protect Young Master Shuo!"



Soon bursts of screams came into the carriage.

Yun Qishen was still frowning tightly. Not long after he sat up, a machete cut through the curtain of the carriage.

As soon as the scimitar was raised, a human head poked in.

It was a dark honey-colored complexion, and the wolf-like green eyes looked at Yun Qishen coldly.

"There is actually another person, heh, this kid looks good!"

The knife moved towards Yun Qishen.

The wolf beast man with a scimitar in his hand smiled evilly, and the curly hair on his head made him look more wild.

This guy's figure is also very strong. If you compare it with Chongming, although he is not as big as Chongming, he can be regarded as moderately bumpy.

It is Yun Qishen's most enviable figure, the perfect standard for looking thin and fleshy when dressed and undressed.

Yun Qishen was not frightened by this guy's scimitar, instead he was thinking about an event long ago.

When he went to the hot spring with Nai Qi and the others, his body was still thin at that time, and he was even envious of Nai Qi's figure at that time.

It's fine for that kid to have a good figure, he's still fairer than him... He's also tall...

"What are you doing staring at my chest? Huh? It turns out that you rich people have such perverted tastes!"

"I think you misunderstood, I just envy your figure, you have seen me too, I have thin arms and legs.

Who in the world doesn't want to be strong? "

The man with wolf eyes smiled even more evilly, he put down his scimitar and grabbed Yun Qishen's collar and pulled him out of the carriage.

"You're right, who in this world doesn't want to become stronger!"

The man was bare-chested, with some tattoos on his body.


Yun Qishen had no other words in his mind, he could only think of these two words.

"Pack up everything here, and as for this beauty, tie it up and send it to me.

The kid here has a good idea, and I want to have a good chat with him. "

"Yes! Chief!"

This guy's men are not as black as him and not as strong as him.

(No wonder he was chosen to be the leader. Judging by the appearance of this guy, it doesn't look like a lawyer can write it.)
At the same time, off-screen, Ritsuto sneezed.

"This person is not like your writing style."

Evil Qi also complained aloud.

The lawyer just smiled, "A friend's setting from a long time ago, I didn't expect it to be in this book..."

"Do you still have friends?"

"Ha, it was there at the beginning. It disappeared after a long time~"

Lawyer's tone is humorous but Evil Qi can understand his true inner feelings.

Back in the plot, Yun Qishen was forcibly pulled back to the gangster's lair.

Yun Qishen was also naturally thrown into the leader's tent.

"Aren't you good at talking just now? What else do you want to say now?"

The bandit leader rubbed Yun Qishen's hair and sat in front of him.

"I said you can let me go?"


"Then what do I say?"

"You can answer my questions too."

"what is the problem?"

"Who are you? What is your identity?"

The bandit leader put his hand on Yun Qishen's chin, and he made Yun Qishen look up at him.

"I like your expression, it makes people want to conquer."


Yun Qishen rolled his eyes, thinking that this guy is a pervert...

"why are you laughing?"

"I laugh at you for being superficial."

"Oh? Why do you think so?"

"No reason, just a sudden thought."

The bandit leader let go of Yun Qishen after a chuckle.

"You just need to answer Lao Tzu's question now, otherwise I will write on your pretty face."

"If you thought I would be so submissive, you might be wrong.

I answered your question, but I didn't get any benefit, so why should I answer you? "

"You are really good at talking. Okay, I will give you a favor. As long as what you say makes me happy, I will send you back."

The bandit leader looked at Yun Qishen with a smile.

Yun Qishen did not agree to this condition of the bandit leader.

"I won't say what you like to hear. At the same time, I don't believe that you will send me there."

"Then we have nothing to say. Come on, pull it down and chop it up!"

The leader clapped his hands, and soon several robbers came in and grabbed Yun Qishen.

"Why, are you afraid of me? Thinking of killing me?"

Yun Qishen didn't panic, he looked at the leader even more mockingly.

"I'm afraid of you? Just your little arms and legs? What can you do?
You are just trying to be brave, and you provoke Lao Tzu, aren't you also afraid of death? "

The leader laughed wildly, Yun Qi broke free with a deep sigh and knocked out the robbers who came in.

The sudden action surprised the bandit leader, and then he laughed again.

"Hahaha, you really are not a simple person. Come here and sit down. Let's have a good chat this time."

After clapping his hands deeply, Yun Qi turned around and sat down opposite the leader.

"I like direct people, you are very direct, I appreciate you very much.

My name is Chen Lang, what's your kid's name? "

The black-skinned bandit leader poured a bowl of wine for Yun Qishen.

"Nan Sun Shuo."

When Yun Qishen saw that Chen Lang took a sip of wine, he also took a sip.

"Happy! You said your name is Nansun Shuo, maybe you are not the descendant of the Nansun family who was destroyed by Chongming not long ago?"


"Then why are you in Chongming's carriage?"

"Of course they were taken back."

"Do you want to avenge Nansun's family?"

"What, do you want to help me?"

Yun Qishen didn't want revenge, he just wanted to get the copper coins and finally find the pen.

"I want to destroy Chongming, you want revenge. Our direction is the same, we should cooperate."

Chen Lang lowered his head and looked directly at Yun Qishen, "But I've heard about it. The Nansun family has no heirs. Your existence is really doubtful!"

Yun Qishen also smiled after drinking the wine in the bowl, "You want me to help, you might as well just say it."

"Refreshing, I do have something for you to help.

Lao Tzu wants you to seduce someone. "


Yun Qishen had a bad premonition in his heart, he frowned, and crushed the wine bowl in his hand.

(Lawyer, you seem to be tired of working!)

(End of this chapter)

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