Yun Qishen

Chapter 1315 Copper Coin 2 Pirates

Chapter 1315 Copper Coin Two Pirates (3)

(God's perspective)
[A groom leads a white horse and leads a beautiful woman wearing a bamboo hat and white gauze through the village.

"Please let us spend the night."

The woman gently lifted the white gauze to reveal a delicate and charming face, and every frown and smile of the woman made the men in the village crazy.

But the group of men became timid when they saw the fierce groom beside the woman.

The groom looked like a panther in the forest, he had a honey-black complexion and a pair of emerald green eyes that seemed to see through everything.

"The road was bumpy and the groom couldn't speak, so I spoke for him.

I also asked the shopkeeper to give him some food so that he would have the strength to take me back to my life. "

The movements of the women all show the appearance of a lady.

Everyone in the village thought that a rich man somewhere sent a groom who could not speak to bring back the beauty to be his concubine.

"Okay, it doesn't matter how long the guest officer stays!"

The seemingly hospitable shopkeeper has other things in mind.

It was night, the groom passed out after eating, and then some people sneaked out and dragged the groom away.

Because the beauty couldn't wait for the groom to come to her, she left the room and went to the counter to ask.

"Can the shopkeeper see my groom?"

The shopkeeper smiled and shook his head, "Guest officer, this little one doesn't know."

The woman showed a sad look, and then she became angry again, "That's true, I will teach him a lesson when he comes back, and the master will break his leg when I get back!"

The storekeeper watched the woman turn back upstairs to the guest room again, he waved his hand, and a group of people followed secretly.

The woman then yelled.

"Who are you!"

"Bad man, my master will not let you go!"

"Come here!"

The woman's voice disappeared, and soon the group of sneaky people carried the woman down the stairs.

"Is this the only one today?"

"Yes, there are no women passing by here now."

"This woman must be a country bumpkin, thinking that marrying a rich man will make her fly on a branch and become a phoenix? Hahaha, this concubine is an Israeli.

She will always be abandoned, why not take this opportunity to dedicate to our great leader Strongstone!

Bless our mountains with peace and beauty. "

The shopkeeper clasped his hands together, and he saluted these sneaky guys as if he was worshiping some god.

"For our great leader Strongstone!"

"For the leader Qiangshi!"

This strong stone is no longer a monster in their hearts but a god of protection.

The plot scrolling on the screen made Li Ren and the others a little worried.

"The female cousin and the others will be okay. Although the plot here is not interesting, the female cousin and the others are actually in it... It is worrying."

Sombra rubbed his hands nervously.

Lawyer and Nai Qi just watched the next plot calmly.

In the plot, Yun Qishen was tied up by those guys and sent to the altar.

As for Chen Lang, he should still have his own tasks to deal with.

Yun Qishen closed his eyes tightly and pretended to be unconscious, he only felt that he was being lifted.

"What a pity for such a beautiful beauty."

"If you dare to touch the woman Chief Qiangshi likes, believe it or not, he can eat you in one bite!"

"We'd better send the woman there as soon as possible, and we'll see the leader Qiangshi make a decision in the future. With such a beautiful woman, the leader Qiangshi will definitely be satisfied."

"Didn't you see the woman before? Just swallowed it up!"

"If the leader of Qiangshi is not satisfied, we will be the only ones swallowed."

"Fortunately, there are still outsiders staying here at this time."

"What's ridiculous is the groom. Judging by his body shape and skin color, he thought he was as powerful as the bandit leader on the opposite mountain, but he fell down after taking a drug!"

"It is estimated that it has been buried in the ground now."

"Okay, okay, let's put it here."

"Why are you still in a daze, you guys! Leave soon!"

"But no matter how I think about it, I feel awkward."

"Don't get entangled, survival is important!"

"Go away!"

Yun Qishen opened his eyes only after the sound of footsteps disappeared.

"Damn, pretending to be a woman is really tiring."

Yun Qishen jumped down from the altar, and then he saw a deep pit not far away.


Yun Qishen looked closer to the pit, and there was indeed a copper coin shining in the center of the pit.

But there was nothing else around, not to mention missing people, there were not even traces of people left behind.

(Could it be true that they were all swallowed alive?)

When Yun Qishen was struggling with this question, a strong wind suddenly blew up in the deep pit.

After the gust of wind died away in an instant, a huge figure occupied the entire deep pit.

(I'll go! What a big black pig!)

After Yun Qishen complained in his heart, he quickly backed away to avoid it.




The strong stone leader who looked like a huge fat pig finally spit out an obvious stench.Then his eyes stared straight at Yun Qishen after rotating in different directions.


Yun Qishen stopped the movement of retreating, he looked up at the movements of the leader Qiangshi.

Everything was exactly as Yun Qishen expected, and the strong stone leader pressed his palm towards Yun Qishen's head.

After dodging deeply, Yun Qi wanted to disable one hand of the Qiangshi leader just like he did with the thousand-handed monster before, but he found that his strength was not enough at all.

"How can it be so strong? Not good!"


With a dexterous turn of the leader Qiangshi's hand, he grabbed Yun Qishen together with the soil on the ground.


Because the strong hand of the leader Qiangshi was so strong, Yun Qishen couldn't take it anymore, so he vomited a mouthful of blood.


Leader Qiangshi wanted to swallow Yun Qishen, but at this time Yun Qishen's headache also turned black.

After Yun Qishen regained his sight, he collapsed into a dilapidated village.

"This is... Could it be that this is the leader of the strong stone..."

Yun Qishen looked for the figure of the leader Qiangshi after thinking through it.

Eventually he noticed a very thin child.

"What, isn't it just a woman! I will have one when I grow up! What are these guys looking like!"

The child pouted and squatted on the ground, throwing stones on the ground.

"Little Stone, what are you doing here?"

Suddenly, a pure and lovely woman came not far from the child. She seemed to have married someone else and became a woman.

"Sister Ah Chao! I didn't do anything. I was just bored."

"Haha, little stone, why do you still have dirt on your nose?"

The woman wiped the child's nose with a handkerchief, and the child blushed in embarrassment.

"Thank you, sister Ah Chao."

Little Shitou was quite shy at first, but he became angry when he saw the bruises hidden on the woman's body.

"Sister Ah Chao, that bastard beat you again, right! X's! I will definitely kill him!"

(End of this chapter)

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