Yun Qishen

Chapter 1316 Copper Coin 2 Pirates

Chapter 1316 Copper Coin Two Pirates (4)

(God's perspective)
【The infinite scenery at that time is no longer there.

Ah Chao soon saw the man's true face.

If the man doesn't drink enough, he vents his anger on Ah Chao.

"All of this is your fault!"

"If it weren't for you, the mourning star, how could my family be so down and out!"

"it was all your fault!"

"Crying! You're still crying! You don't think I'm miserable enough, do you?"

"I can't live this day!"

"Why did I fall in love with you in the first place!"

"If everyone hadn't praised you for being pure and cute, I wouldn't have married you, a mourner, just for the sake of face!"

"Now! Look! This is what you gave me in return!"

The man crazily smashed things at home, Ah Chao's face became red and swollen, and she wept silently.

This made the man even more angry...]

Lawyer dragged his chin to watch this kind of plot, and Hei Ying also went to a nearby supermarket with evil energy.

Ke Liren waited for a long time but did not see them come back.

"Did something happen...why haven't you come back..."

Lawyer could only sigh and continue to stare at the scrolling text on the screen.

In the plot, Yun Qishen also followed the young Qiang Shi to Ah Chao's house.

"What do you want to eat, little stone? I'll make it for you."

"I like to eat any kind of small stones that Sister Ah Chao makes."

"Haha, I just bought some meat today, let me make you a bowl of meat noodles."

"Thank you, sister Ah Chao!"

"You're welcome, I remember your mother taught me how to cook."

Xiao Shitou's originally happy expression quickly turned into sadness.

"Yeah, at that time, sister Ah Chao's thin and weak appearance was really worrying.

That man also came back every day at that time, didn't he!
He hasn't changed yet! "

"Little Shitou, stop talking."

A Zhao sighed and walked into the kitchen.

Yun Qishen moved closer to observe.

There was still a trace of satisfaction and joy on Qiang Shi's face, and he would look at Ah Chao who was busy in the kitchen from time to time.

(If I can grow up quickly, maybe I can take Sister Ah Chao far away.

In this way, Sister Ah Chao will not have such a painful life. )
"small stone?"

Ah Chao's voice interrupted Qiang Shi's thoughts, and he quickly recovered and looked at Ah Chao.

"What's the matter, Miss Zhao?"

"I want to ask how many eggs do you eat?"

"One, just one!"

"Well, I see."

Ah Chao smiled softly, and she was also very satisfied.

At this time, Yun Qishen could not only read Qiang Shi's inner thoughts, but also hear Ah Chao's inner thoughts.

(Will that person come back today? Really want to get out of here.

But I also asked to take care of Xiaoshishi for Xiaoshitou's mother.

The doctor said I was pregnant, should I tell that person...)
Yun Qishen could hear that this Ah Chao didn't have a strong hatred for the man who had been abusing her all this time.

Not long after, the two bowls of meat noodles came out of the pot and served in bowls.

Ah Chao walked towards Qiangshi with a bowl in his hand.

At this moment, the door was kicked open.

The face of the young looking man was flushed, and he smelled strongly of alcohol.

After the man kicked the door, he raised the small wine jar in his hand and took a big sip of wine.

Some wine even escaped from the man's mouth and landed on the ground.

"Ah Chao! Ah Chao!"

The man yelled, and Ah Chao dropped the bowl he was holding in fright.

A click caught the man's attention.

The man raised his head and let out a drunken belch, and then he noticed Qiang Shi sitting at the table.

"Why are you in my house, kid! Get out! Ah Chao! What's the matter with you!"

"Why did you let this little beggar come in! Ah Chao! Ah Chao!"

"Let him go! Don't dirty my house! Ah Chao!"

Seeing that Ah Chao couldn't come to help him, the man threw the wine jar and threw it at the strong stone.

Qiang Shi escaped and at the same time he became angry.

"You bastard!"

Qiang Shi rushed over to hit the man, but because of his petite and thin body, he couldn't win at all.

The man knocked down the strong stone with one push.

"Hey! Why do you still want to beat me! Get out! You little brat! You stinky beggar!"

The man's insults did not vent his anger, and he wanted to kick the strong stone with his hands.

It was only at this time that Ah Chao recovered from his shock and stopped the man.

"Okay, okay, I'll let him go! Don't be angry!"

"Little Shitou, you leave first! Leave quickly!"

Ah Chao stood between the man and Qiang Shi, she intended to protect Qiang Shi, but Qiang Shi twisted his strength up.

"I won't leave! I'm going to fight him hard!"

"Good boy! I'm X! I won't kill you today!"

Seeing the man, Ah Chao became even angrier, so she scolded Qiang-shih out of fear of getting hurt.

"Little Shitou, why are you so ignorant! Leave quickly! Do you hear me!
I can't help you if you don't leave!
You don't go anymore!I will never talk to you again!
Your mother doesn't want to see you being so ignorant! "

"Sister Ah Chao..."

Qiangshi fled with tears in his eyes, and when Qiangshi ran out, he heard the sound of smashing again.

There was even Ah Chao's scream of pain.

Qiang Shi vowed at that time that he must become strong, and he must kill this disgusting man.

Yun Qishen then saw the changes in Qiangshi from year to year.

After five years, the strong stone became very strong.

But Ah Chao looks older than people of the same age, and she is not even in good health.

As usual, the man would come back from time to time, and when he came back, he would yell at Ah Chao.

After Qiang Shi saw the man who was drunk and fell asleep on the ground, he realized that it was time for him to take revenge.

That was the first step of Qiang Shi's revenge. He stopped the man in the middle of the night.

The man with stubble all over his face has long since lost his vigorous and handsome appearance.

The purpose of the man staying here for the night was to go home, and it was rare for him to be sober enough to bring food from the restaurant to Ah Chao, but fate did not give him a chance to repent.

The man's body was found the next day.

Ah Zhao endured the pain and came here, and when she saw the man's body, she could only cry loudly.

Qiang Shi stepped forward to pull Ah Chao away, but Ah Chao beat the man to death and refused to let go of the man.

"Sister Ah Chao, this bastard is already dead! Why bother!"

"Little Shitou, let me go. Let me spend time with him...let me and my child spend time with him."

Ah Chao's voice was very weak, because she was sick and thin, and her stomach didn't look like a child at all.Her previous child was lost in a dispute with a man. In the past five years, she finally had this child. Unexpectedly, the man...


Qiang Shi clenched his fists, he didn't repent at this time, he hated the man even more for saving a scoundrel!
It was the evil seed and the dead man that made Ah Chao weaker day by day!

Three days later, people found A Chao's body and a letter to Qiang Shi at A Chao's home.

[Give it to Xiaoshi, my sister is tired.Little Shitou has also grown up, I really can't do without him, although I hate him, but I like him more.

Without him, I would not have the courage to live in this world.

I'm sorry, little stone, I didn't fulfill the agreement with your mother, I didn't see you get married and have children...

Sorry... take care.

Ah Chao's last pen. 】

Those words are written crookedly, this is a proof of existence left by a person who is too weak to lift his arms and endured the pain.

(End of this chapter)

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