Yun Qishen

Chapter 1323 Copper Coin 3 Generals Playing Evil Qi Scene

Chapter 1323 Copper Coin Three Generals Play (5) Evil Qi Scene

(God's perspective)
This is what happened outside while Yun Qishen was going through the plot.

It all started when Hei Ying dragged Ei Qi to the supermarket to buy something.

When Hei Ying came to the door of the convenience store with evil qi, he saw the owner of the convenience store bowing and apologizing to a group of people.

"I read the description of that group of people, they are quite similar to the people my cousin said before, they are the guys who bullied the lawyer before."

Hei Ying raised his mouth like this, and Ei Qi also glanced at those people.

The owner of the convenience store is an honest man, and it was Yun Qishen who came to help him with the convenience store.

Just when Nai Qi raised his head to look at those long menacing men, this group of people also noticed Nai Qi.

"Stinky boy, what are you looking at!"

"Don't mind your own business, green boy!"

"If you want to buy something, go buy something!"

This group of people yelled at Hei Ying and Nan Qi, and Hei Ying pulled Nai Qi into the convenience store with a smile on his face.

This group of vicious people took the convenience store owner into the car and left.

"What era is this? Those guys seem to be making some old movies."

"If it is true, then the convenience store owner may suffer."

"It's a society ruled by law now, how can there be such people?"

"Who hasn't? Report it, and there will be rewards."

"Farewell, I'm afraid of revenge."

Some people gossip about what happened to the convenience store owner just now.

Evil Qi cared a little bit, he saw the black shadow go to get something, he used spells to search for the traces of the convenience store owner and the others and chased after them.

The other party is driving anyway, and walking on foot, I don't know when Ma Yue will be able to find the owner of the convenience store.

When Nai Qi was worrying about whether to borrow and public bicycles first, a car stopped beside Nai Qi.

"Handsome guy? Do you want to play together?"

A woman in white with sunglasses and driving a small red sports car warmly invited her.

Nai Qi turned his head and noticed that the elder sister also showed the female cousin's smile that he hadn't shown for a long time.

Black air rose in the palm of Nie Qi's hand, and when the sister got off the car, he threw the black air towards her.

The control was very smooth, and Nai Qi unceremoniously made it to the back seat of the car.

"Where are you going?"

That elder sister also became dull all over.

Nai Qi casually leaned back on the back seat, "I'll give you the route, just drive over."

"it is good……"

Nie Qi originally thought that this woman who appeared suddenly was the kind of rich who likes to come out to play, and driving a sports car is just to save face.

But when Nie Qi personally experienced the correct use of the sports car, he was also shocked a lot.

This woman drives like she's dying!Driving safety is good!
Nai Qi was quite comfortable sitting, but on the way he only felt thrilling.

In the blink of an eye, the car arrived at its destination.

Nai Qi blinked before opening the door and getting out of the car, and then he left to look for the convenience store owner.

There are warehouses built with steel plates all around, and there should be some kind of workshop nearby.

Some machines are noisy and very loud.

Nai Qi searched twice and found the location of the convenience store owner.

At this time, the owner of the convenience store was being surrounded by those menacing guys. Beads of sweat were dripping from his head, and he was still nodding from time to time.

Evil Qi approached quietly and listened to the conversation between them with black air.

The man who had bullied the lawyer and was beaten up by Yun Qishen still had medical tape on his face, and the bruises in some places were not clean.

He smoked a cigarette and exhaled at the convenience store owner, "Who is that woman, don't you want to tell me?"

The owner of the convenience store didn't know what was going on, "What woman, I've given you all the information you asked for. There is no such person as you mentioned!"

"You recruited, you don't know? Tell you, that woman caused me to be like this! If I can't find that woman, I will kill you first!"

"It's true! As long as you know his name, I won't..."

"It's nothing, just say it! Talk hesitantly!"

"Really not, not even surveillance, aren't you bullying?"

The vicious guy was obviously upset, "What's wrong with bullying people! I'm happy! I don't care if they have any monitoring! What I saw with my own eyes is still fake!"

The convenience store owner bit his lip and stopped saying a word.

Nai Qi recorded the group's interrogation of the convenience store owner.When he was about to rescue him, another group of people came over, dragging the woman in white who brought the evil energy over.

(Forgot to release the control... Forget it, let's do this first.)
Evil Qi hid in the dark and continued to observe.

"Second brother, this woman has parked her car in our factory and still won't leave. Ask her something and she won't speak, just stick around here.

Brother, how do you deal with this? "

Although this group of people looked a little fierce and fierce, they were not unreasonable in the way they treated women.

"What woman? I'm afraid it wasn't that damned woman who sent me here to humiliate me!"

The man patted the convenience store owner and pointed to the woman in white, "Do you recognize it?"

"I don't know."

"Really don't know?"

"I really don't recognize it!"

"All right, all right, take her back to the car and watch!"

The man waved his hands irritably, and then the group of people pulled the woman in white away.

Ei Qi also recorded these, and he directly reported and exposed them without wasting time.

The female cousin's laughter may be uncontrollable, but he is still the Seventh Master Uncle who doesn't make fun of others.

With Yun Qishen not around, he quickly let go of his nature.

The Internet society is spreading rapidly, and soon the police will come here.

It is also unanimously commented on the Internet that "strict investigation will not slacken."

Evil energy even slightly changed the memory of the woman in white.

This group of people didn't know why they called the police all of a sudden...

"What are you guys doing here?"

"What happened to them?"

As soon as the police arrived, they found the convenience store owner and protected him.

Men can only explain to them well at this time.

"We also brought him to talk about some things, and we didn't do anything illegal.

As for that woman, she came to our factory by herself, and she didn't speak, so I asked my brothers to watch her.

I'm waiting to talk to him before I deal with that woman! "

"Speak well! What are you dealing with!"

Naturally, the opposing police couldn't listen.

The man quickly changed his words, "Help her go home."

"Don't help or not, let's deal with these things.

You guys are suspected of gathering illegally to provoke trouble, so go back with us and investigate first. "

The police left with several important figures recorded in the video.

The convenience store owner and the woman in white were also protected and taken back.

There are only a few irritable complaints left by the younger brothers.

"Who reported it!"

(End of this chapter)

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