Yun Qishen

Chapter 1322

Chapter 1322 Copper Coin Three Generals Play (4)

(God's perspective)
Yun Qishen originally thought that the illusion he saw was over, but when the scene changed, he came to another illusion.

There are some scrawny civilians all around, and even some guys in weird costumes are running rampant.

"Hey, this chick is really nice. Take it home and sell it for some money!"

Several strong and weird guys pulled a girl who looked eleven or twelve years old.

The girl kept struggling, crying for help, "Let me down! Let me go! Mother! Mother!"

But no one dared to step forward to rescue the child.

Yun Qishen looked in the direction where the crying girl was looking. The skinny woman was covering her face and crying. She stretched her trembling hands towards the direction where the girl was leaving, but she didn't have any courage to run to the girl. protect her.

Yun Qishen could only watch helplessly as the girl was taken away by those weirdly dressed guys.

Feeling powerless about this matter, Yun Qishen found those sharp eyes around him.

"It's Shangshan."

Shang Shan still looks like a teenager at this time, and his childish face has already revealed a kind of determination to be a soldier.

Next to Shang Shan was a young man.

"Shang Shan, are you willing to change the world?"

There was a domineering look of an emperor in the eyes of that young guy, and Yun Qishen was also the lord of a country, so he was most familiar with that look.

This young man will surely accomplish great things in the future.

Shang Shan's eyes were still cold, he turned his head to look at the boy, "If I want to change, what should I do?"

The boy smiled, "Follow me, of course! Let's work together to build a country so that these people can live in a peaceful country, so that we don't have to be bullied by these guys anymore.

Shang Shan, are you willing to follow me?Be my courtier? "

Shang Shan scratched his head, "That... what is a courtier? Can you eat it?"


Yun Qishen and the boy were speechless at that day's sincere question.

The boy opened his eyes wide in surprise, "Shang Shan, you don't know anything until now, right?
Shang Shan actually nodded.

"I really don't understand anything.

Since I want to change that...what do I need to know? "

"Ah this..."

The young man supported his forehead, he had no choice but to teach Shang Shan all the knowledge he had.

After Shang Shan finished his study, he also understood some questions that he was confused about.

He is a minister, and the boy is a king.

He needs to help the boy and conquer the country as a congratulatory gift for the boy's coronation.

In Yun Qishen's view, the young monk Shan is really that kind of friend who has a tacit understanding.

They also cherish each other's friendship with each other, how can they betray each other like this?There must be something hidden in it.

Yun Qishen followed the young Shang Shan away, and they came to a huge banyan tree.

Shang Shan started his exercise.

Strong fists keep battering the trunk.

One after another, Shang Shan didn't slow down at all and even hit faster.

At this time, he was only ten years old.

This huge banyan tree was punched through by Shang Shan when he was 17 years old.

"How time flies. Suddenly I became 17 years old."

After Yun Qi complained deeply, he saw the young man walking towards Shang Shan.

The boy with the eyes of a king has now become a well-mannered young man.

"It is said that the east is recruiting soldiers, Shangshan, you can try it.

With your strength, you will definitely be able to find an official position. "

The young man patted Shang Shan on the shoulder, and he told Shang Shan the information.

Shang Shan didn't answer with words, he just nodded.

Time turned again, and it was the next day.

Shang Shan also packed up his luggage and drove a donkey cart to the east to enroll in the army.



"Is there anyone disabled?"

"No place is disabled."

"Okay, report to the infantry!"

The person in charge of conscription saw that Shang Shan did not leave immediately after recording, and he was a little annoyed.

"What's the matter with you kid? Didn't you tell the infantry to report to the infantry? Don't get in the way here, go over there!"

Shang Shan still didn't move, he asked the person in charge of conscription suspiciously.

"I don't want to be an infantryman, I want to be a general."

"You still want to be a general, hahaha, just you?"

The person in charge of the conscription was the first to ridicule, and soon some people around him also began to laugh.

They were all laughing at Shang Shan's ignorance.

"It's me, I want to be a general, please let me be a general."

Shang Shan was still the same as usual, he didn't back down because of other people's opinions.

People kept laughing, almost dying of laughter.

Although Yun Qishen couldn't fully participate in the phantom, he agreed with Shang Shan's becoming a general.

"Don't make trouble, you boy, this general is not something whoever wants to be, first of all, you have to have strength, and secondly, the people above have to canonize you as a general!

You kid should start learning from infantry first!

Told you, here it is!Everyone wants to be a general!

So, if you want to be successful, you have to work hard and climb up!Go, go, go to the infantry!Don't get in the way of my work! "

The person in charge of conscription drove him away again, and Shang Shanyue wanted to leave.

Before leaving, he asked another question.

"Where is your general?"

This made the person in charge of conscription full of question marks, but he thought about it for a while, and it would be okay to tell this brat, and let the general teach him a lesson.

"In the red tent in front, you can meet the person you want to see when you go in."

Shang Shan really went into the red tent.

Before Yun Qishen went in with Shang Shan, Shang Shan dragged a man with a bruised nose and swollen face out.

He dragged the man with bruised nose and swollen face to the person in charge of conscription.

Shang Shan pointed at the man with a bruised nose and swollen face, "Now, can I become a general?"

Everyone took a breath in surprise.

The man with the bruised nose and swollen face was indeed their general.

They also became afraid of this young man named Shang Shan.

The person in charge of conscription didn't dare to speak anymore, he persuaded Shang Shan to put the general down.

After this incident, Shang Shan was imprisoned in the barracks and supervised.

The general was not a person who cared about things, he generously forgave Shang Shan and promoted him to be one of his lieutenants.

"It's really amazing..."

Yun Qishen couldn't help sighing, because it was the first time he saw someone who became a lieutenant general as soon as he entered the barracks, let alone Shang Shan wasn't even a recruit at this time.

Since Shang Shan stayed with the general, he learned a lot of knowledge, and he gradually understood how the general should handle things.

"Shang Shan, you have been the deputy general of this general for two years, and tomorrow you will personally select someone to form an elite unit!"

The general's words made the future Shura on the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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