Yun Qishen

Chapter 1321

Chapter 1321 Copper Coin Three Generals Play (3)

The roaring sound was mixed with the sound of the soldiers coming to the ground, and the bloody scenes were constantly being staged in front of me.

Some soldiers who lost their legs even rushed forward through my phantom to fight with the enemy.

This is soldiers, they are heroes who fight bloody for themselves and for their country.

I realized that it might be one of these heroic spirits that I'm going to face this time.

Thinking so, I also searched around the battlefield.

It's just that the battlefield is fierce, and almost everyone is covered in blood and can't see clearly.

But I still noticed a special guy.

Blood was still dripping from that person's armor, and his messy long hair fluttered with the strong wind on the battlefield.

One side of the shoulder armor was cut off, and the arm on that side was abandoned somewhere.

The wound of the severed arm continued to worsen.

The one held a machete in his mouth and confronted a strangely dressed enemy.

I was concerned and ran over and saw those eyes.

Blood red and sharp, domineering and ruthless.

What kind of eyes are those? I can only say that I have never seen such terrifying eyes.

I unconsciously took two steps back.

Just when I thought this one was going to kill that weirdly dressed guy, a thousand sharp arrows flew from the sky.

Those sharp arrows are aimed at that One.

The weirdly dressed guy acted vilely and threw sand in the eyes of that one.

When the sand dispersed, the weird guy disappeared, and then a thousand sharp arrows pierced that one.

I frowned unconsciously, I sincerely didn't want that one to die.


That one fell to the ground, and my heart also went cold.

"Empty... wait, his hands are still moving! He's not dead!"

I feel like the kind of person who follows dramas, no matter who sees their favorite characters suffer so much, they will feel distressed.

It was also the first time I cared so much about an illusion.

"It's's not over yet..."

The mouth that put down the scimitar shouted out his idea with all his strength, he then bit the scimitar again and stood up tremblingly.

He broke off the sharp arrow piercing him very imposingly, and then he walked towards the enemy again.

"What are you still doing?"

"Give me an arrow, kill this guy for me!"

"Really! A bunch of trash!"

"Here, let me kill him!"

The weirdly dressed guy aimed at that person's head with full bow and shot an arrow over.

The arrow quickly and clearly hit the forehead of that one.

"I'll die this time! Die for me!"

The weird guy roared arrogantly.

Who knows that one did not fall.

"It's not over's not over!!!"

The weird guy panicked and sat on the ground in fright, "You are a monster! You are Shura! Shura on this battlefield!"

"it's not finished yet--"

The one charged at the monstrous fellow with speed and strength almost impossible in his current state and chopped off his head.

"it's not finished yet!"

The words of that One became the closing words of this war.

The enemy army broke up and fled after seeing their leader's head cut off.

That one—General Shang Shan, the protagonist of the illusion, won.

After the war, people carried General Shangshan back on the battlefield.

It was such a general like Shura who risked his life to lay down the country for the emperor.

The scene around me changed quickly, and soon I saw Shang Shan without blood.

He was a tough yet handsome general, he was majestic, and his long hair tied in a crown was so chic.

There are still many tablets in front of Shang Shan, the name is engraved on the front of the tablet, and the address and horoscope of the master before his death are on the back.

Shang Shan bowed and bowed to the ranking members, and then he poured down a bowl of wine.

"Brothers, without you, I, Shangshan, would not be where I am today!"

"I will definitely protect the country of our country and live up to your sacrifices. I will set up a tablet for you and protect the country of our country after becoming a heroic spirit in the past!"

"A bowl of toast to our splendor!"

"A bowl of respect to the country of our country!"

"A bowl to those family members who miss you!"

"Brothers, the road below is slippery and dark, I am here to name the road for you!"

Shang Shan's various behaviors make me feel that he is very loyal.

He has the domineering boldness and strong leadership of a general, and at the same time he has the blood and loyalty of a man.

He is really a very good general.

Compared to him, Chongming simply burrowed into the ground and sewed it together.

If I compare Shang Shan with Zhan Hun Xi, I can only say that they are on par. They both have their own principles as generals and their own ideas.

It's just that everything came suddenly...

"The decree arrives—"

"Chen Shangshan accepts the order!"

"Emperor Longping personally said, I think the general is a hero who founded the country, and I will not blame the general for his rebellion against the country.

I hope that the general can hand over the military order, and he will not be allowed to step into the capital to serve, so that I can save the lives of the general and his family.

If the general insists on rebelling, don't be surprised that I don't miss the old love of the general's founding hero! "

A decree can reverse black and white.

It is the so-called concept of the monarch and the ministers who let the ministers die, and the ministers have to die.

Shang Shan immediately understood his situation.

I am also angry about this, I want to blow the emperor's head off!
General Ke Shangshan just quietly accepted the imperial edict.

"For the sake of the children, my disabled body here is not as good as it used to be.

I just want to return to the rural life with my wife and children. As long as the country's rivers and rivers are still there and the people are happy, it doesn't matter if there is no military power here. "

From the very beginning, Shang Shan thought too much about the emperor.

Soon Shangshan handed over his military power, and the next moment the emperor ordered the extermination of Shangshan's nine clans in the name of rebellion.

【Why? ! 】

【What did the old minister do wrong? 】

[You don't let your subjects live!Don't let the minister live! 】

[I only want to save the lives of my family members! 】

【minister!Never betrayed this country! 】

Those were the words that Shang Shan yelled before his head was chopped off by the executioner.

Except for Shang Yun'er, who was still 8 years old at the time, everyone in the Shang family was blood-stained.

Next to Shang Shan's decapitated corpse came a white-clothed god-man.

"It's that god reincarnated!"

The man of God just put the copper coin on the forehead of the corpse and left.

The people around didn't seem to notice the existence of this divine man, and they were all feeling sorry for the general Shang Shan at this moment.

"Daddy didn't betray! He didn't!"


Shang Yun'er was only wearing blue-gray linen clothes.

Some people didn't care too much when they saw her cry, and even if there were people who knew Shang Yun'er's identity, they were unwilling to reveal it.

Shang Yuner, who was crying soon, was dragged away by Chongming, who was a teenager at the time.

"Yun'er! Become stronger! Become stronger than your father!"

I groaned when I heard this.

(You kid is really! How strong can a girl become? Better than her father? Who is his father? That is Shura on the battlefield! The kind that will never die if ten thousand arrows go through the heart!)

(End of this chapter)

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