Yun Qishen

Chapter 133 The Feast of the King of Kawahara ~ Chapter [-]

Chapter 133 The Feast of the King of Kawara Kingdom ~ Part 5 ([-])
(God's perspective)
When Chen Yueluo and Yun Qishen returned to the entrance of Deyi Building, even if Chen Yueluo observed the surroundings, he was relieved that there were no shadows of those thugs.

Follow Yun Qishen and go in like this.

It's amazing to go in. The old man has dried up all the wine in the restaurant.

The shopkeeper was looking for Yun Qishen everywhere and wanted him to stop him, but the shopkeeper was looking fierce outside the wine counter with the wine spoon in his hand.

Yun Qishen saw that I didn't know the old man, that old man had nothing to do with me.

As a result, Yun Qishen and Chen Yueluo acted together, and the two stopped eating and drinking in order to hide their eyes from others.Besides, the wine is gone, and the store has to go to stock up.

That alcoholic old man is interesting, what do you mean? It's just a matter of drinking and drinking everyone's wine. If you have to go to the counter to get drunk, just lie down and sleep like that.

And because the alcoholic old man was one of the guests who answered the puzzle, no one could drive him away, so he let him sleep on the counter after drinking.It was difficult to find Yun Qishen.

However, Yun Qi looked at him deeply and looked like he was going to beat him up... He didn't know him at all, so he distanced himself from the alcoholic old man.

The store owner also quickly went to the north of Wangcheng to stock up, and it was already night when they came back.

Although there was no dancer dancing at the dinner party, the excitement of the night did not stop.Either three or two literati and writers will gather at a table for a chat, or they will be surrounded by layers to test their literary talent.

Waiting for the store to bring in the wine, the excitement is even more.

At the same time, Yun Qishen also felt a strange smell permeating his surroundings, which he seemed to have smelled before.

Chen Yueluo felt awkward in the guest room alone, wouldn't it be a shame to worry about dancing tomorrow!
Yun Qishen smelled that strange smell.

Although the guest room they are living in now is the upper room, it is far worse than the guest room where Yun Qishen and the alcoholic old man lived in the past.

The Deyi Building is divided into one Shangshangfang Deyi Pavilion, three Shangfangyue Pavilion, and the rest are Xing Pavilion.

The Moon Pavilion is divided into three rooms: the first quarter moon, the full moon, and the last quarter moon.

In addition to the North Star Pavilion in the north, the guest room with a blue facade faces the red door of the South Star Pavilion in the south.

At first, Yun Qishen didn't care much about the standard furnishings in this proud building. At first, he was suffocated and bored the drunk old man and didn't feel in the mood to look at it. Now, looking at it this way, it is ingenious in addition to luxury.

First of all, the design of the stairs is ingenious. Not to mention the ordinary stairs leading to the Star Pavilion, let’s first say that the stairs to the Moon Pavilion are transparent barriers. If you don’t have any skills, you can’t go up.

Yun Qishen was immediately worried about Chen Yueluo. Now that his mana has been sealed, can he do it?

Looking at the stairs leading to the Deyi Pavilion again, it was a layer of gauze laid on the basis of the stairs leading to the Sanjian Yue Pavilion.

Illegal building!It must be illegal construction!

Yun Qi deeply complained, and at this moment, the strange and familiar taste became stronger.Several small second-hands passed by Yun Qishen with incense burners.

"Seller, what kind of fragrance is this fragrance? The smell is really special." The more Yun Qishen smelled it, the more certain he must have smelled it.Yun Qishen also stopped a shop assistant.

"We don't know either, we're just following our boss's orders." After speaking, the shop clerk left.

Yun Qishen didn't want to ask again. Although the technique of peeping into the heart can still be used, he thought that since someone can make a bracelet that seals the spell, then they must be able to observe the person using the spell... It's better not to be too obvious.The shop clerk in front of him didn't lie, so this incense can only ask the owner of the proud building who has no tail.
Just when Yun Qishen was thinking a little bit, a little boy who looked rather silly approached him, "I know, guest, I heard that this incense was obtained from Dongyu Kingdom. Went out!"

That's right, this is the seven-day soul-sweeping incense!The incense that Taki Qianye used for me to forget the pain.

Yun Qishen finally became clear, but when he talked about the Toyu Kingdom, everyone said that the Toyu Kingdom was strong... But why was it destroyed in the first place... Let's not say that it was led by Taki Qianye... and asked Qian before. Where did the magic soldiers that the medicine take away go?I have seen Qianqianyao many times, but I have never felt the magic soldier he took away...

"Why did you tell me this?" Yun Qishen looked at the silly face of this little Er.

"Because the guest officer is good-looking." The shop assistant gave another silly smile.

"..." What Yun Qishen didn't want to hear the most.It's a sin to be ugly, it's a sin to look good, and it's a sin to be as good-looking as a woman.

The shop assistant gave him a smirk when he saw that Yun Qishen didn't speak.

Finally, there was another little Er who couldn't stand it any longer and quickly pulled this silly boy away.

"I'm sorry, guest, don't know this kid in the same way, he's born stupid, don't worry about it!" Turning his head, the second boy pushed the stupid kid, "Let's go, don't make trouble here! Has the table been wiped, you! Go! go!"

"The guest officer is so good-looking..." Silly Xiao Er said another bald sentence and was pushed away.

Yun Qishen breathed a sigh of relief.After another inspection, the line of sight focused on the red door - Nanxing Pavilion.

Yun Qishen hid a little bit, and looked at a woman with an enchanting figure who came out of the red door, wearing clothes that looked like a little girl and could cover up anywhere.But the woman in front of Yun Qishen didn't mention the heavy make-up, the clothes were well worn, and they showed a little bit everywhere.

Yun Qishen has seen many beautiful women, but Taki Yunhua's peerless beauty has never been dressed like this. How could such a vulgar fan make his heart move.

However, the woman here has taken away the hearts of most of the literati who were present, staring at the woman with flushed cheeks.

As for?Yun Qi had a deep look of contempt.

Then there was a loud roar, "Don't look at it! You dare to covet Lao Tzu's women! If you can really beat Lao Tzu! Lao Tzu will give him to you group of graphite eaters!"

Yun Qishen took a closer look and saw that it was a "moustache" who was unavoidably greasy and wrapped in gold and silver jewelry.

"I hate you~" The woman touched the man's cheek with her hand, "You're willing to hand over someone else's hand~"

"How could it be ~beautiful~" The greasy "moustache" approached the woman with a malicious smile.

The woman is pretending to be reserved again, pushing the man, "I hate it~"

Yun Qishen also had nothing to do and learned a bit on the side.


After learning Yun Qishen, he wanted to laugh.This should let Ye Qi come, absolutely authentic!

This scene happened to be seen by Chen Yueluo who had just come downstairs, and Chen Yueluo's face twitched immediately.

Regarding the shadow in Chen Yueluo's heart at this moment, he was so frightened that he retreated without hesitation.

Of course, those literati and calligraphers can't stand this language insult. What eats graphite?
A gentleman speaks his words but does not act, and these literati sneer at each other.

"Shut up! Bring me a drink!" The "moustache" became impatient, and hugged the woman and approached the restaurant.

"You blow this old man away!" The greasy "moustache" stroked his short mustache and pointed at the alcoholic old man on the counter who was sleeping soundly.

(End of this chapter)

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