Yun Qishen

Chapter 134 The Feast of the King of Kawahara ~ Chapter [-]

Chapter 134 The Feast of the King of Kawara Kingdom ~ Part 6 ([-])
(God's perspective)

There was a noise from the counter.

It was the sound of the alcoholic old man being pushed against the counter abruptly.

"Oh, my old bones are going to be broken, who, why do you disrespect the old man so much. Thinking back then..."

The alcoholic old man slowly got up from the ground, leaning on the ground with one hand and supporting his waist with the other, his mouth was also vague and kept nagging.

"Get off the stinky old man!" The greasy "moustache" let out another irritable roar.

"That's right, old man, don't you be ignorant~ How can anyone sleep here? Doesn't this delay the old man drinking?"

Although the woman on the side said polite words, she also drove people away.

Who is the drunk old man? Yun Qishen has seen this old man coax someone like this.

Sure enough, the alcoholic old man leaned on the counter again, collected the freshly filled jug on the counter, and poured wine into his mouth.

"You also drink the old man and drink. When did the old man get in your way?"

Gu dong gu dong, this old drunkard and Xiaoju are not too addicted, with one hand picking up the big vat while drinking.Started pouring alcohol again.

The "moustache" originally wanted the guards beside him to blast the old man away, but the woman grabbed his clothes.

"Hey~ don't be angry! I don't think the old man here is easy. He picked up the wine jug with one hand. I saw the guy in the store move this big jug before and it took three people when there was no wine. Now It's a full jug of wine again. Here the old man has one hand left to raise~ Why don't you..." The woman approached the "moustache" ear and blew, "We treat him well, win him over, the day after tomorrow's competition will definitely be The odds of winning. After that, the treasure of the town building of the Deyi Building will be ours~”

"Beauty~ She's really coquettish, looks and has a delicate heart~ Still as comprehensive as you think~"

The "moustache" hooked the woman's nose with her hand, and the woman pushed him coquettishly and refused, "I hate it~"

That way they didn't have the trouble of looking for the old man again.

The woman broke away from the embrace of the "moustache" and came to the alcoholic old man with a flattering smile.

"The old man is very strong~ The little girl wants to ask the old man for help~ I don't know if it is feasible~" After saying this, the woman winked at her with her suit, and pulled up the corner of the alcoholic old man's clothes.

The drunk old man quit, he rudely shook off the woman's hand and said, "Why don't you dress well as a girl! The skirt is almost split up to the neck. Open until the waist is just enough to make the legs thin and long. You are an interesting girl, do you have legs all around your neck!"

"How can you old man..." The woman felt incredible, why did she blame me?

The drunk old man was not finished, "Look again, you have flowers on your face, this red and this purple are painted like a monkey's buttocks. You even come to pull and pull, you doll think you are beautiful Unparalleled, so charming! The old man here can't afford to lose this face together!"

Yun Qishen couldn't help giving a thumbs up after hearing what the alcoholic old man said.

I have never said such ugly words to girls... I admire and admire.

The woman was angry, ashamed and annoyed.He stomped his feet in a hurry, and then started to cry, "Woooooo~ I just want the old man to do me a favor, and I didn't offend you, why did I say so many ugly things to them..." Then I cried and rushed to "" Beard" on the body, "Master, let others decide."

Then Yun Qi peeped into the woman's heart, and the woman also secretly suggested to the "moustache" at this time, "If he is not used by us, we will give him a package of medicines, and I guarantee him to die. That is, let this old guy know about it."

"Just listen to the beauty!"

The woman secretly handed over the medicine with the "moustache", and the greasy "moustache" also secretly took it.

Women failed to be lobbyists and changed to "moustache".

"I don't know how my cheap servant offended this old hero."

The "moustache" stepped forward and bowed his hands, showing that he was polite.

Those literati and writers not far away took advantage of the theme again.

There is nothing to be diligent about, and it is either a traitor or a thief.

The alcoholic old man blushed, and swayingly looked at another person with a mustache.

"Yo, where did this big catfish come from? Why is the beard so short?" He swayed with the wine jar and almost smashed the "moustache" here.

"The Beard" was startled and slumped on the ground, causing a lot of laughter.

The alcoholic old man controlled his strength, but luckily the big jug was not broken, "The thing that contains - wine! Can't be broken! Can't be - broken!"

It was the "moustache" who accidentally threw the medicine into the wine vat.

The alcoholic old man was still gulping down.

Yun Qishen frowned at the back, that stinky old man doesn't matter...

Then I just heard a crisp "pop!".

The alcoholic old man fell to the ground, and the wine jar was empty when the old man fell to the ground, and it also shattered.

"You... what are you still doing? The old man is drunk! You guys are not ready to help him to go back to the guest room to rest!" The "moustache" was still in shock, watching the old man fall to the ground and his heart thumped again with fright of.

The woman came to help the "moustache" here, and she pretended to be concerned with tears in her mouth, "Does anyone know that this old man belongs to the Star Pavilion?"

"This is one of the distinguished guests of Xiaxianyue Pavilion, and the other one has not come back." The restaurant's second, who didn't want to deal with this matter, had to speak.

The woman exclaimed in her heart that this old man was actually from Yuege.

Yun Qishen also listened and wondered, was I in the Moon Pavilion before?Then he looked up.Oh, it sure is!It turns out that the one I walked before was not a straight staircase! (It's the stairs for the juniors), so...

The woman over there rolled her eyes, "Well, let this old man go to my Nanxing Pavilion to rest... If I send him up rashly, I'm afraid this old bone can't stand it~"

"Beauty is so meticulous, it's obvious that this old man has just said bad things to you..."

The man and the woman were on the side of the ink, and the guards went to the Nanxing Pavilion with the alcoholic old man.

Those literati also said good things and bad things.It's really comparable to the sense of sight of a keyboard hero fighting against the devil king...

Yun Qishen peeping at the alcoholic old man is no big deal, he is probably pretending.Yun Qishen didn't worry about the alcoholic old man anymore.

Yun Qishen already knew that this incense was a seven-day soul-repelling incense, and there must be some purpose for lighting this incense.But the most important thing at the moment is to tell Chen Yueluo the small stairs that the acrobatic girls used.

When Yun Qishen went back, he saw Chen Yueluo looking at him with a perverted look, and Yun Qishen immediately peeped into Chen Yueluo's heart.

Shame, I was seen! ! !

Yun Qishen had no choice but to use the technique of peeping his heart to eliminate this unfriendly memory in Chen Yueluo's mind.

"Hey? What did I want to say?" Chen Yueluo was a little stunned, he only knew that he went out to find Yun Qishen to discuss it, why did he come back?I always feel like I forgot something.

Yun Qishen smiled awkwardly, "Don't think about it, there is a place to lead to the Moon Pavilion, you can find a black cloak later!"

(End of this chapter)

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