Yun Qishen

Chapter 1343

Chapter 1343 Copper Coin Six Army Play (1)

Time on my side stopped for a while, and during this time I also understood that there was no plot on my side.

When everything around me started to move, I knew it was going to happen.

I thought this matter would be delayed for a long time according to the progress of that lawyer guy.

In the blink of an eye, that guy Chongming and I were already on the battlefield.

"Guys who don't have the ability to stay in the barracks and cook obediently!"

The lieutenant next to Chongming pushed me into the back kitchen of the barracks.

I was suffocating in my heart at the time, and I even turned around and grabbed the officer's clothes directly, "What do you mean! Chongming didn't ask me to come here to boil water and cook!"

"You want to go to war with your weak appearance? That's a joke.

Even if you are a friend of the general, a guy with no strength, it is better to stay in a safe place to save your life! "

"Are you so sure that I have no strength? Boy, why don't we compete?"

Naturally, I was extremely unconvinced in my heart. Being thin does not mean that I am not strong. I also have cheating.

"You are not allowed to fight privately in the military camp, so I won't fight you! If you have any opinions, go and talk to the general!" The deputy general put his hands on his hips, "When you see the general, the general will not let you go." to the battlefield."

"Then you let me see him, and I will tell him in person."

I thought to myself, what does that Chongming guy mean?He was the one who insisted that I come with him!He was also the one who didn't let me go to the battlefield!Why is he so contradictory?Does the lawyer have a problem with logical thinking?What is written? !

"Things are busy in the army, where is the general you can meet whenever you want?

"The deputy general made it clear that he would not let me see Chongming, "The general's rank is high, even if you are some kind of friend of the general, you are just a small cook in this barracks!"

You can cook here, don't think of weird things to bother the general! "

The lieutenant turned his mouth, turned his head, and was about to leave.

I dodged to block his way, "What's your attitude? If I want to see him, it depends on his face? Who does he think he is!

General?Shit general!

You are just a dog beside him, barking in front of me! "

I kicked that general away, I thought I didn't use much strength, but the result was that the general fell to the ground clutching his stomach after being hit by me.

I was also angry at this time, I ignored the lieutenant general, turned around and picked up the wooden stick at the side, and rushed towards General Chongming's camp in a fit of anger.

"Stop, stop!"

"Stop quickly!"


All the soldiers who blocked me were knocked to the ground without exception.

Naturally, I soon saw Ma Chongming who was deploying the army and several lieutenants beside him.

"Nan Sun Shuo, you are so courageous!"

A lieutenant wanted to take me out of the camp, so I swung the wooden stick in my hand at him and knocked off the weapon in his waist, "This is a matter between me and Chongming, don't meddle in it, you bastards! "

"What do you mean! You are so rude!"

"How can our general have a vulgar friend like you!"

These lieutenants are naturally dissatisfied with what I call them.

I couldn't help chuckling, "Oh, I'm vulgar?"

I suddenly felt unbelievable, are all the characters in this plot so idiots?

"You still call me vulgar? He Chongming killed my whole family directly! What? He killed my whole family for his own selfishness, is it considered an honor?

If I come here and swear a few words, will I be vulgar?
You are really unreasonable!
Alright, then I'll show you what real vulgarity is! "

I swung my wooden stick straight at Chongming to attack.

Chongming dodged naturally, his eyes were obviously surprised, but he didn't say a word at this time.

After a few attacks, I found that I couldn't hit Chongming at all.

At that time, I couldn't help complaining in my heart, this is definitely a bug!Definitely a bug! ! !

Those lieutenants wanted to come up to help Chongming, but they were knocked down by me before they could hold me.

In the end Chongming grabbed my hand, and just like that, I stopped attacking.

I glared at him angrily, "Get out of my way!"

"Ah Shuo, it's useless to act emotionally, after feeling the attack just now, I think you can understand it.

Now you are too weak to beat me at all.You think revenge is useless at this time. "

Chongming's calm face made me extremely sick.

"Revenge? Huh? You actually thought that I attacked you just for revenge? Haha." I sneered, "I'm just disgusting you, why are you so arrogant!"

"Ah Shuo...but you have to admit that I am strong. That's why I want to train you. I said that if you don't become strong, I'm afraid I'll kill you.

If you become stronger, you can still withstand my attack. "

Chongming said something that bored me again.

I gritted my teeth and shook my hand, and the wooden stick fell to the ground with a crisp sound.


Chongming let go of his hand obediently this time, I withdrew my hand and looked at my wrist, it was already pinched red.

Nansun Shuo's body can't keep up with my strength...

To defeat Chongming now is equivalent to killing a boss by leapfrogging...

"I think you came to me not just for revenge. Are you dissatisfied with my arrangement for you?"

"How dare I, a little bastard, be dissatisfied with the things arranged by your incomparably powerful general?
If I'm dissatisfied, I'll just let anyone who is looking for an army live in peace! "

Who wouldn't say something that threatens others to brag?I really can't get used to Chongming's confident appearance.

"Since Ah Shuo wants to fight so much, let's go with him.

I am not a person who can feel pity and cherish jade. On the battlefield, there are only soldiers without any friendship! "

There was a cold light in Chongming's eyes, "As long as you can return safely from the first battle, I will trust your ability.

If I find that you have been hurt in any way, you will always bring me to cook in the kitchen!After returning to the general's mansion, concentrate on practicing your sword.

I want you to never escape my control for the rest of your life! "

Naturally, I was dissatisfied with the unilaterally set conditions, and I looked at Chongming with one hand on my hip with a dissatisfied expression, "I also have conditions."

Chongming slightly opened his eyes wide and looked at me.

I lowered my head slightly and pointed my eyebrows at him, "If I come back safely, you will set me free."


"That's ridiculous. In fact, you Chongming never really regarded me as a friend from the beginning to the end. Because in your opinion, I, Nansun Shuo, are just an accessory of yours!"

I smiled wryly in my heart, if it wasn't for the needs of the plot, I would have run away as soon as I entered the battlefield, and I still care about your life?
Just when Chongming and I were still competing with each other, there was an alarm from outside.

[The 3 enemy troops have now reached the city! 】

(End of this chapter)

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