Yun Qishen

Chapter 1342 Copper Coin 5 Beast Show

Chapter 1342 Copper Coin Five Beast Show (5)

(God's perspective)
【Mo Langqin fights with the girl.

I saw Mo Langqin running fast, one step, two steps, leaping up!

The animal skin girl couldn't help being startled when she saw this, she quickly dodged away.

Mo Langqin's sharp eyes had already noticed the girl's actions, so he even gave Su He a signal.

After Su He received the signal, he immediately cast spells and talismans. With a wave of his sleeve, the talismans flew towards the girl.

The talisman was attached to the girl's body, and the spell on the talisman attracted thunder and lightning, which knocked down the animal skin girl.

The electric sound of magnetism has not disappeared, and the girl in the animal skin stood up tremblingly again.

Su He opened his eyes wide and looked at the girl in surprise and yelled towards the sky.


The sound was so loud that one could clearly see the sound waves exploding in all directions.

Both Mo Langqin and Su He couldn't sustain their strength and were sent flying by the sound wave...]

At this moment, the stranger was typing on the keyboard.

Lawyer, Heiying, and Evil Qi watched from the sidelines.

Looking at the plot written by the stranger, Hei Ying couldn't help complaining, "Although the writing is so-so, it's better than Li Ren's writing!"

The lawyer was naturally unhappy, "Huh? What did you say?"

"I think his writing style and rhythm are really good." Ei Qi supported his chin with one hand while watching the development of the plot, he agreed with Sombra's statement.

"Why do you even say that about Evil Qi?!"

Lawyer is very sad, really.

"This proves that I am better than you, so, I advise you to entrust me to write other novels."

"Impossible! That's mine, why should I give it to you?! And you two! You two were created by me! Why are you all facing outsiders!"

Li Ren puffed his mouth in displeasure, he hugged his cat and sat on the sofa and became angry.

"Maybe it's because you created us that we feel sorry for you the way you are.

We probably more than anyone wish you to pick yourself up and stop taking another detour. "Nai Qi smiled slightly at Lu Ren, "When you recover your ability, go to each space to have a look in person.

If you want to come to Jiayu, they also miss you very much. "

Rito lowered his head and patted the cat's head, "It's not easy to restore abilities. Anyway, there is this guy now!"

As the lawyer spoke, his tone became sour, "How strong is he! He can write [-] of what I wrote [-] characters! How powerful you say!

His writing is very good, and he can grasp the rhythm!Not like I've been coping! "

They could feel the sourness in his tone.

The stranger added fuel to the fire of the lawyer, "Thank you for praising me, I didn't expect that, you are quite self-aware."

"You guy-"

The legal man clenched his fists and wanted to rush over.Okay, in the end he put down his fist and went to tease the cat alone.

The stranger seemed to be very satisfied with the lawyer's reaction, and he still typed quickly.

Mo Langqin in the plot suddenly felt that the surrounding plot became much more compact.

He and Su He interacted with each other and continued to fight with the girl in animal skin.

In particular, Su He's moves and appearance against the girl are completely different from the slow-paced time before.

(Is it something that a lawyer does? It's not like what he would do...)
Before Mo Langqin could think about some problems, the girl had already rushed to attack him.

Mo Langqin thought that he would be hit, but he jumped out of the way with a slight jump.

(This is definitely hanging...)
Mo Langqin actually felt that his body became much lighter, and he turned over deftly in the air in the posture of a dog.

(I'm so good!)
Su He jumped up as light as a swallow, took the copper coin attached to the talisman paper, and stuck it towards the girl.


After the girl let out a scream, a white light exploded around her.

This time, Mo Langqin and Su He entered the girl's dreamland of copper coins together.

"God dog! Are you okay?"

Su He ran to Mo Langqin to inquire.

Mo Langqin stood steadily on the ground and even shook his hair.

"Master is fine. It's just that he came in again suddenly... Could there be something strange?"

Mo Langqin looked around vigilantly.

The figure of the girl also appeared very quickly, but at this time the girl did not have the fur of those beasts on her body.


The girl still spoke the language she knew well.

Soon the scene around the girl changed.

It was a horrible scene, many animals were captured.

The hunters even skinned and deboned those animals, and the scene was cruel and bloody.

Su He couldn't bear it and had to bend down to relieve the nausea.

Mo Langqin just felt annoyed.

The girl cried in pain as she watched the animals being killed.

The girl put the fur of the dead animal on her body, as if she had accepted some sacred mission, as long as a hunter entered the forest, she would take the initiative to attack.

In such a short half month, she killed many people, and the bones were scattered all over the forest.

People kill animals for profit, and the girl just wants to get justice for the animals, and she wants to avenge the she-wolf who took care of her.

The girl also killed people, she also ate people like a beast.

There is no absolute right or wrong here.

It's all cause and effect.

"This child is really poor."

Su He actually wiped tears aside.

Mo Langqin didn't say a word, they finally saw the girl running towards a woman, and the illusion ended.

(It's so fast...)
Mo Langqin watched Su He stand still after picking up the copper coin.

He soon realized that the plot here had stopped, which meant that the copper coin had been obtained.

Next it was Yun Qishen's turn.

Just when Mo Langqin thought so, a golden light surrounded him.

In the next second, Mo Langqin returned to the lawyer's house.

"Master, this is! This perspective!"

Mo Langqin excitedly ran to the sanitary napkin to look in the mirror, and then he shouted excitedly, "Master is back! It's unbelievable that he's back!"

Lawyer looked towards Mo Langqin, "Why is he so capable! Can he bring people back?!"

The greater the stranger's ability, the greater the pressure on Li Ren, he felt that the surrounding air was too depressing for him...

He is afraid that Lu Ren will do crazy things because of his lack of self-confidence. He is also happy to remind, "Lü Ren, you have to believe in yourself. After you recover your ability, you will not be worse than this person. You have to firmly believe that a little."

The lawyer opened his eyes slightly and looked at Ei Qi, "Why do you trust me so much? Am I worthy of your trust?"

Hei Ying walked up to Lu Ren, and he reached out and patted Lu Ren's shoulder, "You can do it, you have to believe in yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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