Yun Qishen

Chapter 1341 Copper Coin 5 Beast Show

Chapter 1341 Copper Coin Five Beast Show (4)

(God's perspective)
When Mo Langqin was fighting with the animal skin girl, something interesting happened to Li Ren and the others.

The mysterious stranger woke up, and the lawyer and the black shadow surrounded him and questioned him.

"Who are you? Why are you hacking my computer?"

While speaking, the lawyer poked the stranger's forehead with a cat toy.

"You'd better tell the truth! If you confess, you will be lenient, and if you resist, you will be strict! Everything you say now can be used as evidence in court!" The lawyer was also at a loss for words at this time, thinking about what he had to ask something to come.

As a result, the stranger said angrily, "This is illegal detention! I can sue you!"

"You're a villain and you're going to sue first! Really! Why are you hacking my computer and changing the plot in my book!"

The lawyer threw the cat toy away, and the cat quickly went to play with it.

The lawyer turned to grab the stranger's collar, "What is your purpose!"

The stranger looked at Li Ren's tired eyes with dark circles and smiled, "You are the author himself, you are so ugly!"

"What did you say?!"

Li Ren's veins bulged, and he already clenched his fists and wanted to hit someone.

"Not only are you ugly, but you are also deaf! You really have missed so many excellent novel plots for nothing."

"What do you know!"

If it weren't for the black shadow to stop the lawyer, the lawyer would have already thrown his hands at the stranger.

Lawyer is usually not angry, but once someone slanders his achievements and works, he will become an impatient lunatic.

"What do I know? Heh! Let me tell you, if you write those characters and plot settings instead of me, your book will definitely be popular!" The stranger was quite confident in his ability, "Hacking your computer is purely a crime. Accidentally. If you don't browse that website..."

"Stop, stop! I heard what you said, why is it so wrong!"

The lawyer's face was a little red, and he seemed to have been punctured by this stranger.

Seeing the lawyer's reaction, the stranger continued jokingly, "I found a hidden confidential folder in your hard drive."

"It seems that I can't keep you alive!" Li Ren's face turned redder, and he became more and more irrational.

Sombra still suppressed the law man to prevent him from being impulsive, so Sombra understood the hidden folder that the stranger said just now.

(I didn't expect this lawyer who looked at Wenwen Jingjing to have those interests, and he deliberately hid it!)
The lawyer noticed that Hei Ying looked at him strangely, and quickly explained, "Don't get me wrong, it's just my paintings and writing."

The stranger also interrupted at this time, "All of them are R-rated! Some paintings can be banned by 20!"

"Shut up and no one will treat you as dumb!"

The lawyer wanted to kick the stranger.

The stranger moved his bound hands, "You are so contradictory, just like the novel you wrote! You are the one who asks me to explain, and you are the one who refuses to tell me."

"I'm happy! You don't have to listen to me, why are you so obedient!" After the lawyer got angry, he really started to commit the old habit of being brave and never giving in.

A word from Nie Qi at this time dispelled the anger of some lawyers for a short time.

"So, you can be regarded as a fan of Li Ren, and you are still alive."

Hearing what Ei Qi said, Lu Ren also looked at the stranger seriously.

"Have you read all the novels on my computer?"

The lawyer looked at the stranger and turned his head, "Look, what are they writing? All of them are either unfinished or broken.

Not only is the logic chaotic, but the characters' speech is also contradictory!

There are countless pits dug, but none of them are filled!
The sentences are not fluent, and you always get caught!
You have time to question me here, you might as well not type more in the past! "

"..." It was the first time in my life that Lawyer was urged to type by a reader.

At this time, Li Ren felt a mixture of anger and joy in his heart.

Why did he meet the first reader in his life in this way...

how embarrassing...

"Since you have read my novel, you should be able to understand what I want to express, but why are you changing my plot indiscriminately?

Also, how did you know the plot of the book later?I don't have the outline of the book in my computer at all, and the outline of the story... I only told one of my friends!
Your identity is definitely more than just a hacker! "

Li Ren stretched his frowning brows with his hands, and he stared at the stranger's dark eyes.

The stranger smiled, "You are indeed not stupid, and you can still see so many clues.

You are right, I do have a relationship with that friend of yours.Because of his reminder, I can find the opportunity to hack your computer.

As for these plots, I have that person's notes in my computer.He wrote a lot on it, and also wrote his ideals.

His dying wish is to see you find yourself someday, the way you felt when you first created it.

But your kid is living a decadent life every day, and even threw the novel he created together into the recycling bin.

I just saw you take this story out of the recycle bin, and then saw the development of the novel, and then suddenly wanted to change the follow-up plot.

Although my behavior is very sorry for that person, but I think the fate between you should also be severed. "

The lawyer was silent, and after a while Yun Qishen released the restraint on the stranger's wrist.

"You mean to let me go?"

The stranger said jokingly.

"of course not."

The lawyer replied with a cold face.

"I knew it." The stranger lay down even more freely.Really treat the law family as your own home.

"If you want to leave, please do me a favor!" Lawyer pointed to the computer in front of Ei Qi, "I'm weak now, and I can't do some things, so you can do things for me!"

"Then I can choose not to leave, and I have no reason to help you."

As soon as the stranger arrived at the door, he was stopped by evil energy.

"Although I don't recommend letting you go out and come back, I think you should stay and do me a favor."

The wicked smile is so contagious.

In the end, the stranger was dragged by evil energy to the computer.

"Change it, what are you still waiting for?"

Lawyer and the others leaned over, staring straight at the text scrolling on the computer screen.

Lawyer opened his eyes wide in surprise.

(What is that kid Mo Langqin doing?)
In the eyes of the lawyer, Mo Langqin, who had turned into a dog, jumped up and bit the shoulder of the animal skin girl at this moment, and no matter how much the animal skin girl beat him, he could not shake him off.

"He really is, he always brings me unexpected surprises." The lawyer pushed the stranger, and quickly grabbed the back of the stranger's neck, "If you don't want our space to collapse Bad, please cooperate with us seriously!"

(End of this chapter)

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