Yun Qishen

Chapter 1350

Chapter 1350 Copper Coin Six Army Play (8)

From time to time things happen that make me angry.

It's just that right now it's driving me into a rage.

What's up with these two guys? !

I'm sorry!

Our current enemy is this copper coin monster, why are you two fighting for a copper coin in the pit!
I can understand that Ei Qi wants copper coins, he wants to help.

But what are you doing in Chongming to snatch copper coins? !Is it just adding to the chaos!

"Hey, enough is enough for you two! What time is it now! Concentrate on fighting monsters!"

I ran towards the two of them irritably, but the scarlet eye of the monster turned to me.

I met the eyes of the monster, and a thought came to my mind the next moment.

been seen!

Before I could react, an inexplicable force hit my back and threw me out.


The pain came from the abdominal cavity, and blood gushed out of my mouth.

It may have been a fluke that the spine was not broken.

"It's deep!"

The sound of evil qi was buzzing in my ears. For some reason, I only felt numb all over my body. I fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

"Ahem, wow!"

Why would you vomit blood again?Why can't I stop?

This pain is like being stepped on by thousands of people.

"Ah Shuo!"

"It's deep!"

My ears hurt, and the noise was so loud and confusing to me that I couldn't tell who was calling me for a while.

"The cloud is deep!" must be evil energy, but I can't seem to see it, what should I do... Could it be that Nansun Shuo's body is dying?what would i do then
My whole body hurts, that Ritsuto guy... Is this what the plot needs...

I was dizzy for a while, and gradually I couldn't hear anything.

I don't know how long this state lasted. When I heard the sound again, there were only fighting and hoarse horses.


[Everyone, don't mess——]

[The enemy is only a weak woman——]

[That's not a weak woman! 】

【That's a female Rakshasa! 】

[She is a thousand times more terrifying than that Shura on the battlefield, ten thousand times more terrifying! 】

[She is simply a monster! 】

Those were the sounds of panic.

But soon these sounds also disappeared, followed by the sound of armor colliding.

Then came a woman's voice.

"Are you still alive?"

"Looks like he's still alive..."

I felt a force pulling me, and the next moment I was out of the dark space.

When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was the corpses of soldiers, and the surrounding area looked like an unswept battlefield.

Another second later I had breath and all of a sudden I realized that I was alive even without breath...

"I thought it would be such a powerful existence, but I didn't expect you to be so weak."

The force put me down, and I turned my head to look at the owner of the voice.

"The appearance is completely different from when the mortal body was born. Could it be that you have lost your body?"

The owner of the voice was wearing heavy armor, her hair was loose, and there were a lot of dried blood on it.

She has a white complexion and a slender body, not like a battle-tested soldier.

But when I saw the blood-stained long knife she used to support her body, I knew her identity.

It's just that she is different from other coin monsters, she can see me and touch me...

"You are……"

In order to be sure, I had to ask her, and whether she answered or not, I had other ways of ascertaining her condition.

"It's been so many years, I've forgotten the name...but the guys here always call me the female can just call me Rakshasa..."


I tried to call her, but she didn't show a particularly obvious change in expression.

Looking closely at her appearance at this time, although her face was covered by part of the blood, it was not difficult to see that she was very good-looking.

It's just that such a beautiful face doesn't match this chilling battlefield.

"It seems that the name is not too unpleasant." Luosha turned his head and looked around, "It's not convenient to talk here, let's change the place, you should be able to stand up."

"Don't bother you."

I felt sore all over just now, but now I feel quite relaxed.

Raksha smiled slightly when she saw me standing up, and then she led me to an open place.

"If you have anything to ask, just ask. I know what my situation is, and I know you don't belong here."

This Rakshasa is completely different from the others in the plot. She seems to be an existence with her own self in the book of the lawyer.

"Then you know what you really look like now?"

"It's clear, my monster won't attack people suddenly, don't worry. But now, two people beat me and it hurts..."

Seeing Rakshasa smiling at me, I couldn't help feeling ashamed.

The two people mentioned in her words should be Nai Qi and Chongming...

"You don't have to be ashamed of this, this is also my destiny." Luosha looked at it openly, "It's not a coincidence that you came here, the Creator of everything asked me to stay here to wait Come now, here you are."

Luo Sha stuck the blood-stained weapon in her hand to the ground, then she put both hands towards me, and gently supported my cheek.

"I have fallen into hell, and I am willing to kill everything in the world for Shura. I am the karmic fire of that hell, and burn all the sins of hatred for you.

It's my mission to tell you everything you need to know. "

A stream of heat slowly emerged from Raksha's palm, and my head gradually became dizzy.

Luo Sha said that I just blinked my eyes twice, but I felt that I had experienced many ages.

Some memories came into my mind during this time, and these memories are about Rakshasa.

Just like before, knowing Rakshasa's past will lead to a way to defeat her.

Obviously, I just blinked my eyes twice, but the amount of memory information almost exploded my brain.

Rakshasa was originally an ordinary girl, she did not advocate force and was very kind, as the years passed, she gradually became a slim woman.

But because of a rough fate, Raksha was captured by the enemy and turned into a slave.She was devastated, and her life was worse than death.

Until that day, when the enemy army attacked, the place where she was tortured suddenly became Shura Hell.

It was in this Shura hell that she took up a weapon for the first time, and used that weapon to kill her miserable life.

Anyone who ever bullied her, she wiped out.

But in this way, she was not blessed by anyone, instead she just came to another hell from hell.

【Why should a woman be tortured like this?I don't agree!Not convinced! 】

That seems to be her belief, she wants to prove her strength to everyone, but her ultimate goal is just to live happily.

(End of this chapter)

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