Yun Qishen

Chapter 1361 Sins, Ghosts and Gods

Chapter 1361 Sins and Ghosts (2)

(God's perspective)
"Have we met again? God... oh no... Demon King."

The sinful ghosts and gods floated beside Yun Qishen in the form of smoke.

Yun Qishen's eyes were deprived of vision by the power of ghosts and gods.

At this time, he knew very well that he was not in the original place, and at the same time he was not clear about his location and status.

Judging from the current tone of the sinful ghosts and gods talking to him, the sinful ghosts and gods will not harm him for the time being.

Yun Qishen originally thought that sinful ghosts and gods would care about Nansun Shuo's body, but it turned out that he said what he said directly.

Perhaps this indirectly indicates a thing.

The sinful ghost is also an existence with self-awareness, and his appearance was not mentioned before by the lawyer, Yun Qishen was even more convinced of this.

"It's the first time I've seen such an interesting existence like you."

The sinful ghosts and gods wandered in Yun Qishen's ear with a charming voice.

Yun Qishen felt dizzy when he heard the voice. He didn't speak, and listened quietly to the sinful ghosts and gods.

"I don't know when, I understand the meaning of my existence.

It is said that the reincarnation of the gods will fight against me, and I will be resurrected with these copper coins.

Hahaha, these are really jokes.

I am very clear about the things that happened in their memory.

But at the same time, I also feel that it is not what I did, but was arranged. "

The sinful ghost possessed Nansun Shuo beside Yun Qishen.

Nan Sun Shuo's body also opened his eyes, and the first thing he did when he woke up was to grab Yun Qishen's chin.

"You probably know why, right? You feel a lot like me!
We are all controlled!You are able to come to me, so you must be able to take me out.

It doesn't matter if I can't get out, I shouldn't be lonely with you in the future. "

Yun Qi frowned deeply, his eyes couldn't see, his body was weak and he couldn't move.

He also has the right to speak.

"Why is I accompanying you? I didn't expect you to become so arrogant after gaining self-awareness. Want someone to take you out?
Hehe! "

Yun Qishen had a bad impression of sinful ghosts and gods from the very beginning.

The sinful ghost shrugged off Yun Qishen in obvious displeasure, "You really have double standards! Why did you swear to that female general to take her out?
Why are you going to sneer when you come to me?
How am I different from her?
I'm just fulfilling my mission. Do I have to be hated just because I'm a villain? "

The hands of sinful ghosts grabbed Yun Qishen's hair.

Yun Qi gritted his teeth irritably, he naturally hated sinful ghosts and gods in his heart.

I wonder why my hair gets pulled when I become a spirit body? !
"Come and judge.

Am I the same as that female general?
She was tortured, and those tortures were given to her by the creator!

I was also tortured, I lost my body and was struck by lightning for a hundred years!It was so easy to be reincarnated and live in the next life, but was smashed into pieces by the five thunders.

Although I haven't personally experienced these memories, to be honest, that female general probably hasn't experienced them either.

The creator gave us too many settings, I only know that time has passed for too long, so long that I, the creator's toy, has self-awareness.

Before you came, the world was still, nobody around you would move, the weather didn't change at all, and the surroundings were empty!
I know the existence of that female general, but she is stupid to believe in the Creator.

As long as things around her don't move, she chooses not to.

There is such a being, similar to me, that I just find disgust stupid.

I have found many ways to get out of this space.

But the results told me that it was impossible!
I can't live without this space.

But now it's different, everything has a turning point! "

The hands of sinful ghosts pinched Yun Qishen's throat.

It also became difficult for Yun Qi to take a deep breath.

It seems that the injuries received in the spirit state will also have an impact.

"Because you came, everything around you moved.

Although some places remain unchanged, compared with the dead silence and emptiness before, it is so beautiful now.

I thought it was just the Creator who thought of this place, but in the end, I found you. "

After the hands of sinful ghosts and gods left Yun Qishen, Yun Qishen was also speechless.

He can only hear the words of sinful ghosts and gods, and he can't do anything else.

"Nan Sun Shuo, who was already dead, suddenly came back to life!

Nothing is more noticeable than this.

You have to know, before time has passed in this space, I have a thorough understanding of everything here.

Nansun Shuo was originally a woman, and he is also my lover in the previous life in the plot.

But the revived Nansun Shuo was a man, and no one thought it was strange.

What does this mean?This can only show that the Creator is behind everything.

As for why Nansun Shuo became a man, this is what I care most about.

I wanted to try your skills, so I showed up early.

It turned out to be very satisfying to me.

After I came back, I kept thinking that Nan Sunshuo was different from what I knew about the plot.

What is the difference?There's a place for it other than sex.

is the soul.

Nansun Shuo should have lost his soul and body. Now that his body has changed, what about his soul? "

The sinful ghosts approached Yun Qishen's ear, and he said softly: "The result is very interesting, isn't the devil and ghosts very interesting?

You have a huge resentment in your heart, and I love that feeling.

So I thought that even if I couldn't get out, I would keep you with me.

Because the resentment is so delicious..."

"It's deep—"

Before the sinful ghosts and gods finished speaking, the voice of evil energy came.

A huge sword crossed Yun Qishen's ear but failed to hit the sinful ghost.

Yun Qishen tilted his head slightly, he couldn't see or speak, he could only use his voice to temporarily identify the location of the evil qi.

(This kid... still came in time. What this guy said almost disgusted me to death.)
(I'm not someone who loves so much... I can take whoever I want to take away.

I won't take you away, so what! )

When Yun Qishen complained in his heart, Ei Qi had already moved towards him.

Ei Qi didn't say anything, he quickly used spells to undo the spell cast on Yun Qishen by the sinful ghosts and gods.

Yun Qishen, who had recovered, glared at the sinful ghosts and gods in a blink of an eye.

The sinful ghosts and gods just smiled calmly.

"I admit that with my current strength, I still can't beat you need to have a match with yourself."

The sinful ghost clapped his hands, and black smoke appeared around him.

The two puffs of black smoke changed shape respectively, and soon a figure appeared.

The appearance of these two figures is exactly the appearance of Yun Qishen and Nie Qi.

At this moment, Nai Qi and Yun Qishen looked at the two figures as if they were looking in a mirror.

(End of this chapter)

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