Yun Qishen

Chapter 1376

Chapter 1376: The illegitimate meal (2)

"These people are your friends?"

Lawyer's father had a serious expression on his face as he sized up Yun Qishen and the others.

One looks like a woman.

A plain-looking man in black with black-rimmed glasses.

A white one looks like a ghost.

The other one is more like a foreigner, but has a similar appearance to the female one....

Lawyer's father subjectively thought that the two of them should be relatives or something.

What kind of messed up friends are these?

"Hello, uncle!"

"Hello, uncle!"

Heiying and Mo Langqin were the most active in greeting each other.

Jiayu and Yun Qishen also greeted out of politeness.

[It turned out to be a boy. 】

Lawyer's father was also a little surprised when he heard Yun Qishen's voice, and he couldn't help but look at Yun Qishen again.

"Dad Let's go to the study and talk."

The lawyer felt that there were too many people and it was inconvenient to chat, so he suggested going to the study.

But Li Ren's father waved his hand and refused, "Let me just say it here, in fact, I have nothing else to do here.

Even if your mother wants to see you recently, he can't get in touch with you, so let me come to you.

You pack up and go back to see your mother tomorrow. "

"Understood." The lawyer looked a little complicated, but he still agreed aloud.

"Also, I heard that you recently went to the house of your female classmate in high school.

Didn't you say there is nothing to do?Why did you suddenly think about it again? "The lawyer's father took out a card from the briefcase and gave it to the lawyer, "This is the living expenses for this month. I will buy some things when I visit your mother tomorrow.Growing up and learning to mature. "

"Understood..." Li Ren hesitated for a moment after taking the card, he coughed lightly and then said, "Then dad, why do you always go there?"

"What can I do for it, it can only be for you, a silly son." Lawen's father put on a serious expression and said the most concerned words.

"Okay, I have nothing else to do, the company still has something to do, I need to go back.

You are looking for a job in Ansheng, come back to see us when you have time, and send some gifts to your female classmate's house during the holidays or something.

That child is a good girl, don't let yourself regret it, boy. "

The lawyer's father was about to leave after finishing his briefcase.

Li Ren watched his father's back walking towards the door, and the moment the door opened, Li Ren stopped his father.

"Dad... I'm sorry."

Lawyer's father opened his eyes slightly, and he also looked shocked.

His son has indeed become more mature, and now he has made friends, although these friends don't look like serious people.

"Well, don't forget to get out and get a job!"

Lawyer's father closed the door after he finished speaking.

The lawyer smiled wryly once or twice, "Looking for a job or something... Sigh."

"Take your time." Jia Yu leaned over and patted Lu Ren on the shoulder.

"Well, I will.

Oh, by the way, the new plot has almost been arranged.After Nai Qi wakes up, I will trouble you to help him together. "

Lu Ren looked at Yun Qishen through Jiayu.

Yun Qi deeply frowned and looked unhappy, "It's okay if you want me to help, why are you with him?"

"There's nothing wrong with supporting each other."

After the lawyer finished speaking, he went back to the study to continue studying the plot.

Yun Qishen didn't have the chance to discuss with the lawyer at all.

From this, he concluded that this was intentional by the lawyer.

This day was a bit boring, Yun Qishen even unconsciously came to the room where Evil Qi was.

"Really, I'll see what he does!"

Yun Qishen frowned even more, and he turned around to leave.

As a result, he turned around before taking two steps.

"Damn, I owe you this life!"

Yun Qishen came to Ei Qi's bedside, he saw that there was no one outside the house, and began to heal Ei Qi with magic power.

"I'm not saving you, telling you to wake up early so you can complete the task!
I declare again, I will not forgive you. "

The blue-green light is healing the evil spirit's heart.

Yun Qishen's heart also calmed down a little. He was about to exert his strength seriously when suddenly a bell rang from outside the room.

【A Zhen fell in love with A Qiang, on a starry night~】


The ringtone was a little loud, so Yun Qishen had no choice but to put away his mana.

Immediately afterwards, Mo Langqin and Heiying passed by outside the room.

"I got it! I got it!" Mo Langqin looked proud, "I want to see what kind of guy he is!"

"Don't be some bald man!" Hei Ying prayed beside him.

Taking advantage of the two of them not paying attention, Yun Qishen sneaked out of Ei Qi's room, and happened to bump into Jia Yu again.


The playfulness in Jiayu's eyes and his teasing tone completely exposed Yun Qishen.

Yun Qishen avoided it, "Don't get me wrong, I'm only thinking of Gu Ao!"

"Don't worry, I understand."

Jia Yu's smile is very meaningful, Yun Qishen can read Jia Yu's meaning without reading his mind.

"I'm serious!" Yun Qishen strengthened his explanation.

Jia Yu smiled and nodded, "I understand,"


Yun Qishen finally gave up resisting.

The two went to Mo Langqin's side to watch the fun together.

What kind of person would be following evil qi?Could it be that there really are bald and greasy uncles?

"It's a pity, I didn't catch it." Mo Langqin crossed his hips in displeasure, "I can't, my master's trap is so high-end, what kind of god is he, so he escaped?"

"Could it be inferior goods?" Soi Ying hit the nail on the head.

Mo Langqin resolutely denied it even more, "Young master is a serious businessman, and he only does serious business. How can I have inferior goods?"

"Why don't we watch the video first, maybe we won't be able to record that guy's face!"

The black shadow quickly turned and walked towards the computer.

After watching the video, everyone also saw the illegitimate student.

This perverted illegitimate student deliberately disguised himself, so that he couldn't tell whether he was a man or a woman for a while.

The illegitimate boy was dressed in black all over, and he probably also wore a wig.

"This wig is so wonderfully chosen, it's as green as the evil one."

Yun Qishen watched the video and also tried to use his voyeurism.

He can actually see the illegitimate thoughts in the video.

【Evil energy, evil energy, evil energy...】

When the illegitimate student first appeared, his forehead was full of evil qi.

But after the bastard fell into Mo Langqin's trap, he changed his mind.

[Can't be caught!Can't be caught! 】

As a result, Mo Langqin's ultra-tech trap was broken by this ordinary person.

Yun Qishen really couldn't understand why some people are so obsessed with evil qi?
Mo Langqin carefully checked the trap he set again.

"It's okay this time, it must be okay!"

Yun Qishen crossed his arms in front of his chest, he leaned against the door and looked at Mo Langqin and said.

"Instead of making these useless, why don't we take the initiative to find that guy now."

Mo Langqin stopped his trapping hands, "Young Master is right, I am so stupid to be locked up here!"

(End of this chapter)

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