Yun Qishen

Chapter 1379

Chapter 1379: The illegitimate meal (5)

He Qi tore off a page of the magazine and stuck it on the wall, crossing her hands in front of her chest.

She looked at that wall with admiration, and the excitement could no longer satisfy her feeling at this moment.

And the person in the photo is currently the person who most drives him to get up early and go to work.

He Qi even put the finger that just touched her lips on a close-up photo.

She even used that hand to touch the evil red under the corner of the person's eyes in the photo.

In her subjective consciousness, the person in the photo is her boyfriend.

She even fantasized about some unrealistic things all day long.

She feels that her love is humble, and she hopes to get a response from the person in the photo.

"It's today, I must confess to him! After all, we both have children!"

He Qi imagined that there was a child in her belly, and she even believed that the child in her belly belonged to the person in the photo in front of her.

Because of being too excited, He Qi was late when she went to work the next day.

But being late also has its benefits, which made her encounter the evil energy of resignation.

This is the protagonist who makes He Qisheng admire and even imagine some unreasonable things.

But when she really encountered evil qi, she couldn't say a word.

When she was working, she learned that Nai Qi had resigned, and her heart fell to the bottom all of a sudden.

(He's just going to dump me!
How could it not be like this!
We still have kids!
It's impossible for him to not even want his own meat!

No, absolutely not, I will not allow this to happen! )
He Qi's through hole vibrates rapidly, and she is constantly trying to find a way.

She even thought that buying some snacks and writing a love letter would be able to retain the evil energy.

She remembered that when Nai Qi first came, he said that he liked Coke, so she went to buy a lot of Coke-flavored things after work.

He Qi found Nie Qi's address in the company folder.

At around 11 o'clock in the evening, she came to the door of Lawrence with the pack of snacks.

She hung the snacks on the doorknob with anticipation in her heart.

She kissed her love letter, and finally stuffed it into the snack reluctantly.

(My heart will definitely be answered! Definitely!)

But on the second day, He Qi still didn't see Ei Qi.

(Why? Why didn't he come?)

(Scumbag! Do you want to get rid of me that much!)

(I won't let you have it!)

(Be sure to live with me, after all we have kids between us!)
He Qi's inner thoughts are extremely complicated, but her appearance is no different from that of a normal person.

As soon as the work in the morning was over, He Qi took half a day off because she was not feeling well.

After leaving the studio, He Qi dressed up in disguise and rushed to Lu's house.

Because she wanted to see with her own eyes why Evil Qi rejected her.

He Qi had just arrived near the law's house, and then she saw a very serious man in a suit walk into that room, the room she dreamed of entering!
(What is their relationship? Could it be his father?)
(Could it be some kind of servant?)
He Qi pulled the hood of her sweater, her eyes fixed on the door of Lu's house.

After a while, the serious-looking man in a suit came out of the house.

He Qi observed the man carefully. She watched him go downstairs and get into a black car.

He Qi vaguely noticed a few men wearing sunglasses and suits, and they also got into another black car.

He Qi thought for a long time before realizing something.

(Could it be a usury?)
He Qi thought so.

(Then he should be harassed by debt collectors now, so as long as I help him now, he will definitely be grateful to me!
Then he will be with me! )
Thinking of this, He Qi excitedly came to the door of the lawyer's house.

At this time, it has been a long time since the man in suit and leather shoes left.

Just as He Qicai was approaching the door of Lu Ren's house, he heard an inappropriate piece of music.

【A Zhen fell in love with A Qiang...】

Only then did He Qi realize that she had been tricked.

She didn't care about anything, she just wanted to escape.

But suddenly she felt that she couldn't move her feet, and the door was about to be opened, and she would be caught.

With all her strength, she broke free from the trap.

He Qi ran all the way home.

It was early morning when she got home.

She rushed into the door and collapsed in front of the door. Still in shock, she leaned against the door and looked at the large and small photos in the room.

Looking at those photos of evil spirits, those in magazines, secretly photographed.

Her flustered mood soon calmed down.

"Do you really want to see me in this pain?"

"I will definitely go find you!"

As a result, what He Qi didn't expect was that he met Yun Qishen before finishing work the next day.

Although He Qi didn't know Yun Qishen's name, he had met him several times.

She used to meet Yun Qishen when she secretly took pictures of Evil Qi.

And evil energy will only become attractive when it sees this person.

He Qi even saw Yun Qishen and Nai Qi go home together.

Naturally, there were several other people with the two of them.

He Qi didn't care about the relationship between Yun Qishen and Nie Qi at all. After all, in He Qi's imagination, Nie Qi belonged to her, and Nie Qi only liked her.

Yun Qishen and the others are nothing more than Evil Qi's roommates.

But why did such an ordinary roommate suddenly appear in the studio?

He Qi is very convinced that she has not been exposed.

(Could it be that he came here to discuss things on behalf of Evil Qi?)

(Yes, he must have thought of himself, so he asked his friends to find him!)

But what happened next made He Qi a little confused.

The designer of their company actually dragged Yun Qishen to the photography center.

"Just take a few photos like this first, and we'll take some makeup photos later."

The designer's excited tone made He Qi uneasy.

(what is happening?)

When He Qi was dazed with the makeup brush in her hand, Mo Langqin came over and patted her on the shoulder.

"He Qi, do you think there is still something unresolved between us?"

Mo Langqin smiled sinisterly.

He Qi stared at him with wide eyes in surprise.

"Did you recognize the wrong person? I don't know you."

"But besides your name He Qi, is there anyone else with that name? They are all neighbors, just kidding, so don't be angry!"

Mo Langqin's ability to lie gradually increased, and he even leaned into He Qi's ear and whispered a warning.

"We have already investigated it clearly, and you can't escape even if you want to."

Only then did He Qi give up the last struggle.

The rest of the studio staff were all staring at one person.

As long as Yun Qishen was sitting there at this time, his cold face would be his weapon to attract everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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