Yun Qishen

Chapter 1380

Chapter 1380: The illegitimate meal (6)

After Nie Qi woke up, his first reaction was to look for Yun Qishen's figure.

He remembered everything, and his feelings for people came back.

Nai Qi wanted to share with Yun Qishen the excitement after the relationship came back.

It's just that when Nie Qi came to the living room, he didn't see Yun Qishen.

But Jiayu is holding the cat in the living room watching TV.

"you're awake."

Jia Yu gently put the cat aside, he turned his head to look at Ei Qi and smiled.

"Are there any discomforts?"

Nai Qi supported his forehead with one hand, "I'm fine... That Yun Qishen and the others..."

"Yun Qishen and Mo Langqin went out to do some business, and Hei Ying just left." Jia Yu glanced at the time again, "It seems that you woke up earlier than expected."

"Ha..." Nai Qi staggered to the sofa and sat down.

Jiayu greeted with concern, "It seems that you haven't recovered yet! How is your mana now? Do you feel like you've lost anything?"

"It's nothing to lose, but a lot to come back."

Evil Qi leaned on his knees with his elbows, his hands completely covered his eyes, and his gray-green long hair hung down naturally.

He looked very listless, not at all like he would behave.

Evil Qi's voice was a little hoarse, "How could I do so many unreasonable things..."

"Because you didn't have any feelings at all at the time, so don't worry about these issues anymore." Jia Yu wanted to persuade, but Ei Qi still insisted on his fault.

"But now... I did hurt him. I really didn't ask him how he felt. Even what happened at that time was my reckless act."

Nai Qi's blue eyes were obviously very tired.

"I also said, and you know it too. You didn't have any feelings when you did these things, and you didn't have any feelings or sense of responsibility for him.

So don't think so much, and look ahead. "

Jia Yu approached Ei Qi and lightly patted him on the shoulder to comfort him, "It's not like you don't know this truth, people can't completely fall into the past.

It's about working hard towards the future for this relationship.After all, what we want is not to miss but to maintain. "

"He won't give me another chance...Although I didn't have feelings at that time, I was the one who hurt him." Nai Qi smiled wryly, "Based on my understanding, he won't trust me anymore."

"I want to say something bad..." Jiayu sighed, "Emotions are two-way things. You have hurt each other now, but neither of you has explicitly proposed to leave each other.

From the perspective of an outsider like me, this relationship has already fallen apart.

When the lawyer restores Gu Ao, the two of you will deal with the relationship between you two.

I also know that you want to delay the resolution until then.

If that's the case, maybe you don't have to be so low-key here right now. "

Nai Qi pursed his lips, "I understand your intentions, but the more I cling to him now, the more I fear the separation later.

My feelings are back, and I am no longer the person who is confused about feelings...

It would be better to keep me in that state of being emotionless...

Then I won't be in such pain. "

Jiayu also showed bitterness, "I understand your pain, I understand it very well.

I've made mistakes before, and I know those are my faults.But I will try my best to make up for it, but you have to understand the bad energy.

You are you, don't lose yourself by getting caught up in emotions.

I can't say anything else.

Let’s talk about Li Ren first, he tried his best to make up for you and Yun Qishen, and at the same time he is also responsible for his own mistakes.

The development of the matter is not controlled by the lawyer alone.

Evil energy, you have something you need to make up for, Yun Qishen also knows his fault.

The only shortcoming of the two of you is that you are not frank.

How long can an empty twist of trust last?The trust between the two of you is unfounded. "

"Yeah..." After Nie Qi sighed, two people came back at the door.

Mo Langqin's voice was loud, and he heard his laughter as soon as he entered the door.

"That woman is amazing! It's the first time I've seen such a difficult girl! She even said that there is a child between them!

At that time, I laughed so hard at the young master, who doesn't know that he likes it..."

Mo Langqin changed his shoes, looked at the living room, and immediately shut his mouth.

Seeing that Mo Langqin was no longer speaking, Yun Qishen closed the door and looked towards the living room.

Evil energy has become very different from before, he has become a little more human.

At this moment, Yun Qishen also understood that he had regained his feelings.

The two of them just looked at each other and then disappeared.

"Since you're awake, you can deal with the things you caused yourself." Yun Qishen came to Ei Qi with a still cold face, "Come out with me tomorrow."

"What did I provoke?" Ei Qi didn't understand, he didn't dare to look at Yun Qishen, so he turned to Mo Langqin.

Mo Langqin was very happy to reinterpret the illegitimate affairs he knew about in a sensual and colorful way.

Nai Qi himself was shocked, and then he smiled and looked at Yun Qishen.

"It seems that the Demon Lord still cares about the little Taoist priest."

Yun Qishen frowned slightly and ignored him.

Jiayu and Mo Langqin both looked "I understand".

After a while, Kung Fu Sombra returned.

He pushed open the door in a panic, and gasped heavily after entering the door.

"What's wrong with you, Black Shadow? What happened?"

Yun Qi asked with deep concern.

Hei Ying gasped, and he pushed his black-rimmed glasses, "It's too scary, just as I went up the stairs, I found a woman hiding at the stairs and staring here, she seemed to be carrying some kind of weapon.

It was too scary, so I ran back while the woman was distracted.

That woman seems to be the illegitimate bastard who was discovered earlier! "

"This woman hasn't given up yet?!" Mo Langqin felt incredible, "Could it be that she really has to be arrested before she will give up?"

"It seems that a private settlement is impossible."

Yun Qishen was about to go out to have a good talk with that woman when someone knocked on the door of Lu's house.

"It can't be that crazy woman!" Mo Langqin was startled by the knock on the door.

Yun Qishen narrowed his eyes, and he understood the identity of the knocker.

"Open the door, the villain on the other side has filed a complaint first."

Yun Qishen pushed the black shadow away and opened the door, and then saw two police officers in uniform.

"The lady reported that you stabbed her..."

Yun Qishen didn't pay much attention to what the policeman said, instead he stared at that He Qi.

He Qi covered her face with one hand while hiding behind a police officer.

"Is it true?"

When asked by the police, Yun Qishen answered truthfully.

"We didn't hurt her, but she stalked my friend and caused us trouble.

If you want evidence, we have it here too. "

The police officer nodded, "Let's go to the office and talk first!"

"it is good."

When Yun Qishen followed the police officers and they left, Nang Qi also followed.

(End of this chapter)

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