Yun Qishen

Chapter 1383 The new plot unfolds

Chapter 1383 The new plot unfolds (3)

"Welcome everyone to today's banquet."

The slender woman announced her intentions to the guests present.

"There are two reasons for holding this banquet today."

Lawyer watched his sister and brother-in-law walk to his mother from afar.

His mother smiled happily, and he held the hand of the lawyer's sister and said.

"The first reason is to celebrate the pregnancy of my daughter and the addition of a child to our family."

After the lawyer's mother finished speaking, the guests all expressed their admiration.

The lawyer couldn't help but also applauded.

Although he doesn't like his brother-in-law, his sister is still his relative whose blood is thicker than water.

"Hahaha, thank you for your congratulations." The hand of the lawyer's mother was pulled by the lawyer's father again.

Such a loving scene made Li Ren feel bitter.

The ones standing on the stage now are the family, and he is redundant.

Lawyers are also envious, this kind of emotion that is obviously the closest but feels the farthest.

"As for the second reason... Husband, let the lawyer come over."


The serious man on the stage gave some instructions to the bald man with sunglasses next to him, and then several men in suits wearing sunglasses came behind the lawyer.

"Please come to the stage."

These men in suits feel like machines.

The lawyer sighed, and the man in the suit beside him adjusted his tie.

He walked up to the slim woman under everyone's gaze.

Looking at it from a distance, the lawyer is the same thing.

"Sure enough, people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles. He is not so nerdy when he is dressed up like this."

Yun Qishen looked at Lu Ren on the stage while holding his food, while Nie Qi was standing aside with a glass of juice.

"This is my youngest son, and he will be in his twenties this year." The slim woman pulled Li Ren and smiled.

Lawyer was afraid of the sight of those people, he lowered his head nervously.

Lawyer's father patted him on the back to signal him to persist.

"The second reason today is related to my son." The slim woman beckoned in another direction, and then a woman in a pink dress pushed past the crowd and walked over.

Li Ren's hands trembled a little, and he had a strong premonition of uneasiness at this time.

Yun Qishen and Nai Qi also saw the clues.

"In other words, no way... Do you want to be so bloody?"

Yun Qishen suddenly wanted to watch the excitement.

It's not easy for Ei Qi to say anything, so he can only watch along with him.

"This is the daughter of the Fanlu Group. Today she will be engaged to my son, Liren."


The lawyer was incredulous at what the slim woman said.

The lawyer's father was worried that something would happen when he saw the lawyer in this state, so he hurriedly told the bald man with sunglasses beside him.

Immediately afterwards, several men in sunglasses and suits stepped off the stage with the lawyer.

"Let's follow!"

Yun Qishen followed up with Lu Ren with evil energy, and they easily knocked out those men in sunglasses and suits in a sparsely populated place.

"Where is such a thing!" The lawyer clenched his fist angrily and slammed the wall, "Tell me to come back and see her! What did she say that she missed me!
What is this for?I don't even know about the engagement!Who is that woman?I don't even know it!

Get engaged like this!What did they take me for?Am I just a tool to bolster their interests? "

The legal man smashed against the wall, and then he slid and knelt on the ground weakly. At this time, his expression was very hurt.

"I thought... I thought they really missed me... I thought..."

If at this time Jia Yuzai would definitely hug him and cheer him up.

Yun Qishen and Nai Qi would not do such hypocritical things.

"I can understand...then it's useless for you to be depressed here!" Yun Qishen looked down at Li Ren with one hand on his hip, "If you have time to be sad, it's better to think about how to solve the problem.

If you don't want to stay here, we can take you away too. "

Nai Qi scouted the surroundings a little bit, "No one has noticed this place yet, if you want to leave, you should take advantage of it now."

"You have to decide."

Yun Qishen stretched out his hand towards Lu Ren, who gritted his teeth and put his hand on Yun Qishen's.

"Take me away, I found out that I really have nothing to say with them.

I thought they would be different from before, but in the end it was still my extravagant hope...

If I don't leave now, I'm afraid I'll be stuck here for the rest of my life.

Take me away! "

Lawyer held Yun Qishen's hand, he was not so hesitant anymore.

Yun Qi smiled smugly, "That's right, you have to maximize your shamelessness as an author!

Because this is who you really are!
Don't always ask for help from others, you have to focus on escaping from the cage and flying out! "


Lawyer let go of Yun Qishen's hand and patted his chest with his hands, "I am the creator of my world! Why do I have to find the truth!"

"Stop talking, someone is here. Let's leave quickly."

From a distance, Nie Qi saw several men in sunglasses and suits approaching.

The three of them made eye contact and started running.

"Not over there, there is surveillance! Go to the backyard! There is a hole!"

"...It seems that you ran a lot back then."

Lawyer took Yun Qishen and the others to the backyard.

"That dog hole hasn't been sealed, right?" Yun Qishen asked.

The lawyer also replied casually, "It should not be sealed..." Suddenly he realized something, "That's not a dog hole!"

"If the dog hole is sealed, what should we do? Just leave with magic power?" Ei Qi also interjected to ask at this time.

"I told you that it's not a dog's hole... oh...forget it. You two are trying to punish me!" The lawyer gestured twice in the air, "Even if the dog's hole is blocked, there is still a low wall that can Go out, but the only downside over there is that there is a vicious dog... spells definitely cannot be used, there are too many rich and respectable people here, and there must be a group of guys waiting for news outside. I don't want to be famous for it... "

"You admit that it's a doghouse..." Yun Qishen teased with raised eyebrows.

"I didn't make a slip of the tongue! A slip of the tongue!" The lawyer still fought hard with his arguments.

"In short, let's go over and find out the situation first." Evil Qi was vigilant about the surrounding situation, "Since we can't use spells, let's act quickly."

"it is good."

While pointing to the direction of the backyard, the legal man was very tight to Yun Qishen and Ei Qi.

Soon, they reached the backyard.

Immediately afterwards, they discovered the hidden hole behind a short log in a corner.

Only a small child can come out of that hole...

The three looked at each other awkwardly.

"When was the last time you came here?"

"Fourth grade summer vacation..." Lawyer thought for a moment after hearing Yun Qishen's question.

Yun Qi smiled angrily, "Why don't you show me how to get out now?"

"Ah...then I have to get stuck on the wall..."

Lawyers also felt that this old road would no longer work...

(End of this chapter)

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