Yun Qishen

Chapter 1384 The new plot unfolds

Chapter 1384 The new plot unfolds (4)

"Now you really can't come back..."

The voice of the black shadow came from the other end of the call, "The door is blocked, and the corridor is full of big menacing men. They almost smashed the door and entered the house.

What happened, cousin? "

"Some troublesome things have happened, is that guy Mo Langqin there?" Yun Qishen planned to use Mo Langqin's props to help him escape.

But the black shadow on the other end of the call sighed, "He went out as soon as you left, and I don't know where he went."

"Call us as soon as he comes back."

"Well, I understand." Heiying paused, and he suddenly thought of a way, "Why don't you go to the house of that guy, the guy who hacked Liren's computer? You shouldn't be surrounded. It’s blocked, I’ll check the surveillance cameras nearby, wait a minute!”

After a brief sound of keyboard keys, Sombra quickly replied, "There is no one guarding over there, but there may be some people searching on the road... You must have provoked some violent gang...

Aren't you just accompanying the lawyer back home? "

"...I'll talk to you when I go back! Be careful too!"

"Got it, female cousin!"

Yun Qishen hung up the communication first, and the black shadow pushed the black-framed glasses on his nose, then turned his head and met Luo Sha's gaze.

I saw Luo Sha holding a broom in his hand and pointing at the shadow, her eyes were vigilant and sharp, as if she wanted to kill someone.

Heiying raised his hands in surrender, and he smiled to ease the atmosphere, "Haha, girl, don't get me wrong, I'm just a housekeeper... If you have anything to say, we can sit down and have a good chat..."

Luo Sha didn't relax her vigilance, but she approached the black shadow even closer with a broom. She lowered her eyebrows and gritted her teeth slightly, "Where is this place! Why did you bring me here! Where are the people who are traveling with me!"

"Well... Actually, we can really sit down and have a good chat..."

The black shadow moved towards the sofa bit by bit, while he was still preventing Raksha's sudden attack.

(I'm not as good at fighting as my female cousins. This woman is not easy to mess with when she comes back with blood all over her body...)
Soi Ying could only try his best to appear calm, but in fact his feet had softened.

Luo Sha tightened the broom in her hand, and she even blocked the direction of the black shadow.

"Just stand here and talk! Don't play tricks!"

"All right, all right, let me stand up and say! Did you see me just after waking up? The person who rescued you just happened to go out! I'm not a bad person, why are you so fierce.

You just misunderstood, I am not a bad person! "

"How can a bad person admit that he is a bad person!"

" you think I look like a bad guy?"

"Pretty similar!"

"..." Heiying had a bitter face, "I said this big sister, don't be indiscriminate, okay. I...I'm really not a bad person!"

"What did you call me?!" Rakshasa's tone was tinged with danger.

Heiying swallowed his saliva and immediately changed his words, "Girl...Auntie! You are a discerning person. Look at me with thin arms and legs. I can't beat you, so you should put down your weapon."

"Why should I believe your words?"

"..." Heiying held his forehead in annoyance for a moment, and he borrowed it before he remembered that there was still a call.

"That aunt, please wait a moment...let me make a call."

"What is a phone? Don't try to play tricks!"

Luo Sha watched Heiying lift up the black box in her hand, she subconsciously swung the broom, and immediately knocked the phone out of Heiying's hand.

Soi Ying blinked his eyes. At this moment, he had a lot of pain in his heart and couldn't vent it.

"This is no trick, Auntie!"

"Then what was that black box just now!"

"It's for contacts!"

"What! You still want to contact the helper!"

"I'm not... I..."

Hei Ying was in a hurry, his feet might tear the floor right now.

At the same time, Yun Qishen and the others arrived at the door of the stranger's house under the guidance of Nie Qi.

Bang bang bang!
The lawyer knocked on the door for a while, and soon came the faint voice of cursing.

"Who! Did you let people rest!"

The stranger yawned and pushed open the door, and the three of them squeezed in the next second.

"Hey? I said you three, did I let you in? Do you understand that this is called trespassing!"

The stranger's mind was not very clear at this time, and he didn't even realize who the three people who came in were.

The lawyer was a little dissatisfied after hearing what he said, "I haven't sued you for invading my privacy! They cancel each other out!"

After the stranger heard a somewhat familiar voice, he rubbed his eyes again.


It was a little while before the stranger fully realized who it was.

"No! Why are you three? What are you doing at my house all of a sudden!" The stranger was already dissatisfied with the lawyer, but when he saw Ei Qi and Yun Qishen, he restrained his emotions.

"Come here for lunch, sorry to bother you!" The lawyer lied casually, his face not flushing and his heart beating.

Yun Qishen and Nai Qi looked at him with half-closed eyes, and they could also understand the reason why the lawyer said so.

If you say come and hide for a while, no one wants to be implicated.

"Ah? Cengfan? My family has no food for you!" The stranger folded his arms on his chest, "Besides, look at the way you three are dressed now... Tsk tsk tsk, are you the cosplay housekeeper? Or the young master of the cosplay club?" ? I'm not a rich woman? What's the use of you looking for me?"

"...Too lazy to talk to you! Where is your computer?"

The lawyer just realized that the stranger's computer was hacked past his computer.

Maybe you can use a stranger's computer to go to another world to hide from the limelight.

"Hey! I said you! This is my home, please be polite!"

Seeing the lawyer moving towards his bedroom, the stranger hastily stopped him.

"You are invading my privacy now! You can't go in!"

"Haha, I just use your computer and don't look around in your room. Unless there is something on your computer that I can't let me see."

The lawyer had his hips akimbo, and he slightly raised his head to look at the stranger's face with a sly smile, "They're all men, I understand."

"You know shit!"

Seeing the lawyer and the stranger arguing with each other, Nai Qi spread his hands and sighed.

Yun Qishen at the side also shook his head with his hands on his forehead.

It was at this moment that someone knocked on the door again.

This time there were a few thick voices.

"If you don't open the door, we'll kick the door!"

"Open the door!"

After hearing this, the stranger became even more irritable, "What day is it today? Is my house a vegetable market?"

"It may be worse than the vegetable market." The lawyer joked casually again.

"You are a real guy! Wait and see how I deal with you! Come, don't knock on the door!"

The stranger waved his arm pretending to hit him, but he made a gesture and then went to open the door.

Lawen, Yun Qishen and Nai Qi took the opportunity to walk into the stranger's room.

(End of this chapter)

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