Yun Qishen

Chapter 1390 Chapter of Dawn

Chapter 1390 Chapter of Dawn (4)

"Fuck! Is this me?"

Although the lawyer knows that he has certain abilities in the plot, it is quite shocking to show it in person in the plot.

While the lawyer was bearing the impact of "Dawn" every ten seconds, Duan Mandrill laughed behind him.

"Hahahaha, I just said you can do it!" Duan Mang laughed wildly while covering his face with one hand, he immediately put his hand down, and shrugged his head casually.

"Have you seen it! Have you seen it! You must be able to see it! There must be an existence in this world that can fight against the soul body!" Duan Hao didn't know who he was scolding, but he could see that he was very angry. Immediately afterwards, he raised his head again, and pointed his index finger at the sky with one hand, "Bastard! I will definitely be able to chop off your head this time! Let me trample your arrogant and arrogant head under my feet!"

The lawyer just finished listening to Duan Mandrill's passionate speech, and then he heard the big guys around him laughing.

This group of guys is too scary, maybe I was forced into a den of thieves...

Lawrence's palms were sweating, but he couldn't leave the current formation half a step away.

If he had left, he might still be able to save his life, but once he was caught by them, who looked terribly bad, he was not sure that he would be able to defeat them with strength.

Judging from the current situation, being able to use power to expand the enchantment is just an accident in necessity, that is to say, there is an extremely likely accident in it.

Therefore, the strength of the next exertion of power is uncontrollable.

Ritsu just stood still and defended against "Dawn"'s attacks one after another.

The speed of "Dawn" was getting faster and faster, and the attack intervals that were originally ten seconds apart became five-second intervals, and then three-second intervals.

As the time interval between attacks shortened, Ritsu found that cracks appeared on his barrier.

It's not that I have experienced it personally, I really don't know how difficult this thing is to deal with.

The lawyer couldn't help frowning.

At this time, Duan Mandrill and the group of strong men had no idea what kind of danger they were going to face next.

As the barrier on the lawyer's side was broken by the impact of "Dawn", the lawyer and Duan Mandrill were completely exposed to danger.

I don't know whether it was because of the impact of "Dawn" or because of the instability of the law man's power, but the staff that Duan Hao handed over to the law man also broke with the shattering of the enchantment barrier.

The staff also lost its power.

Seeing a huge ball of light rushing in front of him, Ritsu's first reaction was to hug his head.

But Duan Mandrill was different from him, he could still move at this time, and made mature movements that were completely different from his age.

Duan Mandrill pulled the collar on the nape of Li Ren's neck and pulled it back.

"Dawn" left behind a burst of scorching heat and quickly disappeared.

Lawyer was fine, but Duan Mandrill suffered some burns because of it.

Naturally, this attack by "Dawn" also took the lives of two big men.

As Duan Mandrill said before, there is no time to be sad in today's troubled times.

If he hadn't experienced it personally, the lawyer wouldn't have felt that he had written such an amazing setting.

The lives of some characters are like playing in the hands of the author as a lawyer, but in the plot, they also want to live.

Lawyers have gradually realized this, and he will make corresponding changes.


(Some characters are destined to be born for death! I have no fault at all. If there are so many and thousands of creators in the world who will end the characters for the conflict of the plot, then they are all murderers !)
The lawyer thought for a moment and went back to his original idea.

If a person's philosophy can be changed so easily, it would be a ghost!

Duan Mandrill didn't say a word. Although he was a young man, he had great strength and was slightly taller than Li Ren.

He dragged Liren to run aimlessly, and "Dawn" appeared many times along the way.It's just that most of the time they didn't rush directly towards them.

But something unfortunate happened, one of the last two big men who followed Duan Hao was taken away by "Shu", and half of the other was burned.

Lawyer watched the big man crawling on the ground with difficulty, his scorched and bloody arms clasping the scorched earth on the ground.

But Duan Hao didn't show any pity for him at all, let alone save the big man.

In fact, there was no fluctuation in Li Ren's heart, but he couldn't take his eyes off the big man.

The big man raised his head and looked towards Lu Ren and Duan Mandrill, and Lu Ren met the eyes of the big man.

"Take care..."

The big man raised his hand with difficulty and extended his thumb towards Li Ren and the others.

When the white light passed over the big man, what the lawyer saw was a very open and fearless smile, which seemed to have hope again.

It was as if he entrusted his life to a lawyer or Duan Xiao.

Unhappy, very unhappy!

Lawyers can only find similar words to describe their current feelings.

He hated that smile, which seemed to reproach him.

At the same time, the lawyer also understands why Duan Mandrill sacrificed his life to save himself.

Because Duan Mandrill is betting that he can survive under the ravages of "Dawn", and the existence of the lawyer can also help him solve the difficulties in the future.

The lawyer thought that "Dawn" would come to them as soon as possible, but after more than ten seconds, he did not see "Dawn".

After confirming that "Dawn" had indeed disappeared, Duan Hao released the lawyer.

"If you dare to run, I will wipe your neck right now!"

After Duan Xiao sternly reprimanded, he collapsed to the ground.

Lawyer's mouth was bitter, he looked at Duan Mandrill's exhausted appearance at this moment and felt that even if he ran like a jerk, he would not be able to catch up.

But he also considered that he could meet Yun Qishen and the others after completing the next plot with Duan Mandrill, so he had no choice but to stay.

"It's so hot...damn it!"

The boy took off the clothes on the burned side while swearing.

Lawyer also saw a streaked red light spreading across Duan Mandrill's chest.

Lawyer blinked his eyes, and he wondered in a daze whether he had written such a setting.

Obviously, I have already sorted out the plot before crossing the plot space... Could it be possible!

The guy who hacked my computer messed up the plot again! ! !
No, no, it's impossible. Sombra helped set up the encryption, so it's impossible for that kid to change the plot.

Then there is only one possibility, I wrote it myself, but I forgot it again, hehe~
The lawyer couldn't help but smirk, but Duan Hao over there frowned and looked at the lawyer.

"What are you doing staring at me? Are you envious of my muscles?"

"Huh?" The lawyer came back to look at Duan Mandrill's face, "Huh?"

No, where did this brat get his self-confidence? Isn't it just his muscles... Damn!How did this kid do it!No, how could I write such a mismatched combination of figure and age!

Li Ren touched his only big abdominal muscle and smiled awkwardly.

(End of this chapter)

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