Yun Qishen

Chapter 1395 Protagonist Group

Chapter 1395 Protagonist Group (3)

"Why did the invisibility spell suddenly fail..."

Nan Xing flicked the green blood on the sword and put it away.

After Yun Qishen handed Hua Fan to Nan Xing, he also stepped forward and pulled the knife from the goblin's head.

"It may be because of the mana reaction. The two gods also carry the mana of the previous soul soil. It may also be because of the sound and smell."

Yun Qishen believed that it was because of the magic power of "Dawn".

"It's all my fault for putting you in danger." Huafan's expression was a little self-blame.

Nan Xing sighed, "You are not wrong, it is this place that is wrong."

Yun Qishen couldn't help raising his eyebrows, he was complaining about what Nan Xing said just now.

(It’s really a famous line, it’s not your world that’s wrong~ the author who likes to write nonsense)
At the same time, at the other end of the sea of ​​vegetation, the lawyer sneezed, which happened to attract the attention of the goblin.

Go back to Yun Qishen and the others.

In order to leave the sea of ​​vegetation as soon as possible, Nan Xing decided to carry Huafan on his back.

Yun Qishen originally suggested that he carry Hua Fan on his back, but Nan Xing strongly demanded to come by himself, and he even made an excuse that Hua Fan was afraid of strangers.

(I'll be good, I'm still showing my fart here!)
Apart from smiling, Yun Qishen didn't know what expression to use to face Nan Xing and the others.

Before sunset, they finally left the sea of ​​vegetation.

The moment he walked out of the sea of ​​vegetation, Nan Xing put Hua Fan down to rest.He even sat on the spot and raised a bonfire.

"The cold wave is coming quickly, let's stay here."

Nan Xing unpacked the large and small bags wrapped around his waist and put them aside. He also took out the plant roots cut from his sleeves and refined them.

He then gave Huafan the refined water.

Huafan also drank in big gulps.

"Come here, too. I haven't seen you drinking water for a whole day."

"Okay, thank you."

Yun Qishen took the water refined by Nan Xing and drank it like Hua Fan.

In this plot space, warlocks tend to lack power, so they must make up for it by eating and drinking.

But Yun Qishen didn't need to use this method to replenish his strength.

One plant root can produce water for nearly ten people, and the root cut by Nan Xing can just meet their water needs for a month.

Before the sun had completely set, the snow began to fall around the mountain.

Fortunately, there was a bonfire, Nan Xing and the others didn't feel how cold it was.

Yun Qishen didn't feel anything, but he saw a figure from a distance, it was a figure running out of the sea of ​​vegetation, but before its front feet stepped out, the whole person was frozen.

The figure remained motionless, letting the snow press down on him.

As for Yun Qishen, he could only watch this poor guy being crushed under the pressure of layers of snow.

Hua Fan patted Yun Qishen on the shoulder, "Don't look at it, it makes people feel bad.

No matter how strong your healing ability is, there is no way to revive people. "

"Yes, there is no way for people to be resurrected." Yun Qishen looked at Huafan and asked, "How do you feel now? Does it still hurt?"

"It's much better, but there's a burning feeling in my back, but it doesn't hurt too much." Hua Fan smiled, "I'm very grateful that you saved me."

"Ha, it's just a little effort." Yun Qishen scratched the hair on the back of his head with his hands, pretending to be shy.

Nan Xing looked towards Yun Qishen through the light of the bonfire.He narrowed his eyes, "Hua Fan, come here."

"Okay." Hua Fan responded to Nan Xing and then whispered to Yun Qishen, "Let's talk later!"

Hua Fan slowly got up and walked to Nan Xing.

The two of them were talking about things in a low voice, and Yun Qishen had a good ear and could vaguely hear them.

"You'd better not have too much contact with that person."


"Can't you see it? That guy is very suspicious. Awakening such a powerful healing technique, how could it not attract the attention of others?"

"But it's true that he saved us."

"At the same time, we also rescued him. Now it's a clean state. You have to remember, we can't trust strangers."

Huafan was silent, she could only listen to Nanfeng continue, "Like him, maybe he is approaching us purposefully.

We cannot fully trust the people in Lubei Palace.

All this is for Man Nan! "

"Well... I know..." Huafan no longer smiled, and then she found an open space near the campfire and lay down.

Nan Xing stood by the campfire to control mana and firepower.

Yun Qishen yawned and lay down. He closed his eyes and pretended to be sleeping.

Nan Xing didn't say anything, and the night passed like this.

When the sun came out, they made some adjustments and started heading towards the soul soil center again.

Just when Yun Qishen felt that it was almost time for those big and small bags on his body, a group of figures appeared in front of the three of them.

Nan Xing drew her sword vigilantly. Although Hua Fan's injury had not healed, it would not affect her vigilance in drawing her sword.

"Batian! Batian! It's not a soul body! It's a human!"

It was a petite girl with short hair, she yelled towards Yun Qishen and the others, and at the same time the girl waved at them.

Nan Xing and Hua Fan approached the group vigilantly.

Yun Qishen also took the opportunity to observe.

Beside the short-haired girl stood a handsome young man with a high-end weapon on his waist.

Yun Qishen saw through it at once, that this young man is the protagonist in this plot space.

Hearing the little girl's shout just now, this protagonist is also called Batian? !

This... Ritsu, can you treat the protagonist's name well?After all, he is a protagonist!
And beside the protagonist, Batian, there is a brown-skinned uncle who looks sloppy.

It seems that the three of them belong to the protagonist team, and it seems that this posture is short of a heroine.

The protagonist named Batian led his team towards Nanxing.

"Nan Xing, look at the sword on that man's body!" Hua Fan's tone was filled with surprise, and Nan Xing also looked in the direction Hua Fan pointed.

"That sword is the saber of the leader of Mannan! How could it be on this kid! Could it be that the leader also came to Soul Soil? There was also an accident..."

Nan Xing became more and more afraid to continue, he gritted his teeth and glared at Ba Tian who was walking towards him.

As soon as Ba Tian and his team stepped into Nan Xing's attack range, Nan Xing rushed out and waved the long sword in his hand.

Although the sword light of the move is gorgeous, the sword is vicious.

As long as he was stabbed by Nan Xing's sword, he would definitely die.

But Batian is worthy of being Batian, and he vividly expresses his protagonist's characteristics of Long Aotian attribute.

The sword moves were like raindrops attacking Batian, but he easily dodged them.

(End of this chapter)

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