Yun Qishen

Chapter 1398 Yan Qi's boring and chatty birthday

Chapter 1398 Yan Qi's boring and chatty birthday


【I will always love me like this】

【Happiness is more than one way to be happy】

【The most honored thing is...】

【Everyone is the glory of the creator】

[No need to dodge...]

【Live for the life I like...】

[No need for chalk——]

[Standing in a bright corner——]

【I am who I am--】

[It’s fireworks with different colors——]

【The sky is wide and the sea is wide】

[To be the strongest bubble——]

【I like myself--】

【Let Qiangwei produce a result——】

【Red luoluo blooms in the lonely desert】

The music was playing from the phone, and Nai Qi was sitting on a bench at the station in a casual outfit.

Looking at the sparse stars in the sky, a trace of loneliness flashed in his blue eyes.

Another year passed like this...

Feeling the night breeze, Nai Qi continued to listen to the song played on the phone.

【Why is my birthday on April [-]st? 】

Ei Qi asked the lawyer this way, and the lawyer replied very seriously.

[Because April [-]st is the day when a singer I like is reincarnated.I really like his voice, but also his personality.Also respect his love. 】

Ei Qi didn't ask too much, all he could do was find the singer's song and listen to it.

Before the song was switched, a figure appeared beside Ei Qi.

At this time, Yun Qishen was wearing a red hat and wearing street hip-hop clothes.

"I asked you to wait for me, but who told you to stop by the sports car! I have been looking for you for a long time!"

Yun Qishen angrily took out a bottle of Coke from the plastic bag and handed it to Ei Qi.

"You are listening to the song, no wonder you can't hear me calling you several times. Whose song is it?"

Yun Qi glanced deeply at the name displayed on the phone.

"He... is considered a world superstar. After all, today is the anniversary of this person's death, and today is also April Fool's Day."

Yun Qishen also took out a glass of orange juice from the plastic bag. He sat next to Ei Qi and leaned on the bench with his legs sprawled and his head up. Depending on the occasion, it’s not okay to patronize yourself and be happy.”

"Ha." Nai Qi chuckled and continued listening to his song.

Yun Qishen frowned and looked at Ei Qi, "I'm talking about you! Don't live like April Fool's Day every day, you have to distinguish between people and occasions when joking."

Yun Qishen's hostility was due to what happened in the morning.

He knew very well that today is Nai Qi's birthday, and he thought that Nai Qi also blessed him to be open last year, so he should go to return a gift today.

Then Yun Qishen prepared to make a cake, after all birthday cakes are a must for birthdays.

Unexpectedly, the moment Yun Qishen opened the refrigerator to get the eggs, it exploded, yes, it exploded.

Yun Qishen instantly understood through the mana breath left in it that it was done by evil energy.

After hearing Yun Qishen's words, Nie Qi couldn't help laughing, "Isn't it, you were the one who was recruited this morning?"

"You're still laughing! How old are you! You're still so troublesome! You childish ghost!" Yun Qishen pointed at his face, "Do you know that! At that time, a chicken flew out of the refrigerator and hit me in the face You said that you fried the refrigerator, you fried the refrigerator, and you even helped to hatch all the chickens!
Those are the wild eggs I managed to steal from the uncle's house next door! "

Yun Qishen's voice and appearance paralleled his description of his miserable appearance, but Evil Qi smiled very happily.

It is now ten o'clock in the evening, and it is impossible to have a bus.

Yun Qishen and Nai Qi could only go back on foot.

The only store open on the road is a 24-hour convenience store.

Yun Qishen was walking forward with his hands in his pockets, but then he stopped again.

"Ei Qi, wait for me for a while."

"it is good."

Nai Qi watched Yun Qishen walk into the convenience store, and after he had a few words with the clerk, the clerk came to him.

Looking at Yun Qishen who came out with durian Melaleuca, Nai Qi couldn't help laughing again, "It's the first time I know Qishen that you like to eat this."

"Please, I don't want to eat this, okay! I bought it for you specially, take it!"

Yun Qishen pushed the Durian Melaleuca in his hand to Ei Qi with a look of trouble.

"This... smells a bit heavy."

Evil Qi disliked it on the lips, but he was happy in his heart.

"Otherwise, whoever caused this kind of result this day! I was free in the morning, but unlucky enough to open the refrigerator.

Just eat a durian mille-feuille and just celebrate your birthday!Let's talk next year!This is also regarded as a gift from Lao Tzu! "

Yun Qishen's perfunctory behavior made Ei Qi realize that there was a ghost, and Yun Qishen was definitely hiding something.

"You really know how to use resources." Ei Qi complained and then followed Yun Qishen's footsteps.

"After all, saving resources is everyone's responsibility." Yun Qi replied with a deep smile and continued walking.

After a while, the two of them came back.

Just as Yun Qishen was about to open the door, he realized that he couldn't find the key.

"Ei Qi, please open the door for me first, I'll look for the key, otherwise that fellow Li Ren will nag me to death."

Yun Qishen thought that his acting skills were good, but Ei Qi had already seen the tricks in it.

He sighed and opened the door, but he didn't see the scene he imagined.The house is still empty except for the mess after the refrigerator was blown up in the morning.

Could it be that I guessed wrong?can't...

"Evil Qi!"

After Yun Qishen entered the door, he let out a cry of evil energy.

Evil Qi turned his head reflexively, but a piece of durian thousand layers fell from the sky and landed on Evil Qi's face.

Then those who were invisible with spells jumped out and cheered.

"I'm right, isn't it? This is the trick! The loser of the bet will get paid!"

Yun Qi clapped his hands deeply and looked at Wanyi and Chen Yueluo triumphantly.

Wanwan and Chen Yueluo also put the money they lost from the bet on the table.

"Oh! I'm just waiting for you two! Let's eat!" The lawyer had already picked up his chopsticks at this time, "You two are not hungry, I am so hungry!"

"Ha..." Nie Qi smiled and didn't bother to wash the cake cream on his face. He walked towards Lu Ren, and then put the cream on Lu Ren's face, and rubbed it on Li Ren's face. Rub on in a clockwise circle.

"Damn, what are you doing! I didn't participate in it! I just came here to make money!" Li Ren licked the cream on the side of his mouth and thought it was delicious.But if licking the face is indeed a bit...

While Lawrence was still struggling with the cream, the other people had thrown cream because of the evil spirit, which instantly made everyone fuss.

Especially Yun Qishen, he played the wildest.

He grabbed a piece of butter and walked towards Ei Qi.

"Happy birthday!" Yun Qishen said loudly, Ei Qi also turned his head subconsciously, but Yun Qishen smeared his face again.

Before Yun Qishen could smile enough, Nai Qi also grabbed a handful of cream and threw it at Yun Qishen's face.

(End of this chapter)

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