Yun Qishen

Chapter 1402 Chapter 1401 Duan Mandrill

Chapter 1402 Chapter 3 Duan Mandrill ([-])

[As my heir, how can I survive here!Quickly bring back the soul soil! 】

The chirping voice stimulated the thoughts of all souls present, and even Duan Mandrill's voice echoed in the mind of this red-skinned monster.

But Duan Mandrill's gaze never left his mother.

"'s my mother who is sorry for you...Mother only hopes that you can live a healthy and healthy life..."


Before the woman could finish speaking with tears, a black mana glowing with purple light penetrated the woman's body and cut off her head.

Duan Mandrill couldn't believe what happened in front of him, he fell powerlessly to the ground, his body trembling, he crawled step by step towards the helpless rich man.

Before Duan Mandrill's hand touched the woman's remains, thorns and vines bound his limbs. The thorns and vines that were still in the shape of a man just now left a pile of blackened powder and then tied them all up. Duan Mandrill's body.


Duan Mandrill yelled, he struggled hard to see the woman, he couldn't believe the woman died at all, he believed that there was still hope.

The thorns and vines couldn't completely prevent Duan Mandrill from moving towards the woman.

【Um? 】

Chi Xun became concerned about his child, and he quietly observed Duan Xiao's actions.

When Duan Mandrill was finally about to touch his mother's hand again, he was floated in the air by a mysterious force.

Naturally, this power came from Duan Mandrill's soul-body father Chi Xiao.

【gone back! 】

"It's the Lord God!"

Following the order of the red soul body, the group of soul bodies left the hut together after eating the woman's flesh and blood.

Duan Mandrill cried out sadly, he stretched out his hand and kept reaching for the hut, the hut where he lived for ten years!

There is also his own mother in that hut!And my own mother!

"Let go of me! Mother! Mother!!!"

No matter how hysterically Duan Mandrill shouted, it was useless, and soon he followed these souls to the entrance of the village.

The children who were hiding under the garbage truck before were also found, and a group of little souls were even biting.

Duan Mandrill couldn't bear it anymore, he felt a pain in his heart, and felt that the strength in his body was about to explode, and his teeth became very itchy.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Duan Mandrill's hands popped out sharp nails, and his hair began to turn red, he yelled loudly: "Let me down! Let me down! I'm going to kill you! Kill you!!!"

After seeing Duan Mandrill's changes, the group of souls laughed even happier.

"Hahaha, kid, do you want to kill us? This is such a big joke! Don't be delusional!" A huge cyan body taunted.

Immediately afterwards, a small soul body also said: "If it weren't for the fact that you are the descendant of the God Lord, we would have eaten you! Knowing your bloodline identity, you have been the same as us from the very beginning. Existence! Hate your own incompetence if you want!"

But Duan Mandrill still shouted what he wanted to do the most, "I will definitely kill you all! Kill them all—"


Lawyer suddenly opened his eyes, and beside him lay a Duan Mandrill who looked less than ten years old.

He had just recovered from Duan Mandrill's dream, and the impact of that dream on him was a bit big.

(Sigh... I absolutely can't make the characters so miserable in the future. It makes me so physically and mentally exhausted.)
Lawyer wiped the sweat from his forehead, just now he found out that he and Duan Mandrill lived safely until the next day without lighting a bonfire.

Why do you have nothing to do?
Lawyer looked curiously at Duan Mandrill who was still in a coma, and then he felt a warm mana from Duan Mandrill's body.

"It's really... I owe the boy two lives..." Lawyer got ready again, he got up and carried the unconscious Duan Mandrill on his back, and the two of them walked forward again.

They haven't completely left the sea of ​​vegetation yet, and the goblin that appeared yesterday is still hovering in the sea of ​​vegetation.

Lawyer's actions also became more cautious.

In this way they escaped the sea of ​​vegetation completely at noon.

The moment he left the sea of ​​vegetation, the lawyer put Duan Xiao down.Then he was tired and collapsed on the ground to rest. Coincidentally, Duan Hao also woke up at this time.

"Damn it, this is me..." Duan Hao realized that his state was not right when he woke up. He first looked at his shrunken body, and then felt his voice becoming immature for a moment, "Is it you? What the hell?"

Duan Hao glared at the lawyer and scolded him.

"How dare I?" Li Ren sighed, then sat up, "It was you who transformed into a soul body, and then shrunk because of energy loss."

"What did you say!" Duan Mandrill's eyes became sharper, "Since you know that I am a soul body, why are you not afraid of me? Why don't you run away? You even took me out of the sea of ​​vegetation?"

"Take it as my reward for you... After all, you saved me." The lawyer stood up and patted the dirt on his body, "If anything else, it's my compensation."

"Why do you want to pay me favors?"

"My pleasure."

"I'm so happy, you actually know my identity, and you must be able to clarify my purpose."

Facing Duan Mandrill's words, Lawyer also lowered his brows.

"You seem as sure that I understand you, do you understand me well?"

Duan Xiao chuckled and continued to speak in his righteous voice: "Staying with you, I have a very cordial feeling, and this feeling reminds me of my mother."

"Thank you so much, I don't want to be a male mother..." Lawyer couldn't help but tease.

"Huh." Duan Hao laughed again, "Do you know that this kind of kindness makes me feel like killing you, but considering that a warlock like you can fight against the soul body on the soul soil, I only keep you of."

"Ha, thank you so much for not killing me." Thinking to himself, Duan Mandrill grew up to be more and more like a villain.

(What is the final ending of Duan Mandrill in the plot I wrote? I only remember that he finally killed his fellow clan who laughed at him and personally avenged Zhiai.

Because Duan Mandrill is a villain, he will definitely be killed by the decent Zhu Batian...)
For some reason, the lawyer didn't want Zhu Batian to find Duan Yao so quickly, so it would be good to let Duan Yao live like this.Probably because the lawyer had a little bit of sympathy from understanding his experience through Duan Mandrill's perspective.

Duan Hao also stood up at this time, and he looked at Li Ren with his immature face, "Then why are you still standing there? Let's go to the center of Soul Soil!"

Lawyer was stunned for a moment, then quickly replied: "Understood, don't rush!"

(End of this chapter)

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