Yun Qishen

Chapter 1401 Duan Ji

Chapter 1401 Duan Mandrill (2)

The reason why villains become villains is only because they have decent backgrounds, and they are targeted because they have different ideas from decent.

Does the villain really only have the fate of being killed by the decent?

Before Calamity became Calamity, it was just a group of special creatures. They wanted sovereignty and wanted to survive, and so far they chose to contend with those humans.

All human beings who step into the soul soil are violating their territory. They have never taken the initiative to attack these human beings, but it is human beings who destroy their land and kill their compatriots.

It is because the birth of this group of soul disasters caused the imbalance of power in the mainland that they became villains.

Li Renzui had a very long dream, he dreamed that he became Duan Xiao and went through what happened to him——

The boy has black hair and looks slender but very strong.He was also famous in their village for this amazing power.

The young man lives in a village that is not considered rich, and the people in the village call him "Adrill" affectionately.

In fact, the young man's surname is Duan Mandrill, which follows his mother's surname.

The people in the village are very friendly to both of them.People in the village knew that it was not easy for Duan Mandrill's mother, who was from a poor family, to take care of Duan Mandrill alone, so they would send some firewood and rice to them every festival.

Duan Mandrill's mother often helped the women in the village do some weaving work, and the family also relied on helping to earn some money.

Duan Mandrill has been sensible since he was a child, he likes to protect his mother, he doesn't care who his father is at all.Even when a group of naughty children laughed at him for not being loved by his father, he never got angry.

"It's enough for me to have a mother, what's the use of a father?" Duan Mandrill's rhetorical question made the group of children distressed.

"What's the use of father..." A child looked at the other child, "What's the use of father?"

"Father...well...Father can take us up the mountain to cut firewood and catch rabbits!"

"So what! My mother can also take me there."

One child contradicts the other after speaking.

"Father can give me a younger brother!"

"Mother can do it too!"

"Shouldn't this be father and mother together?"

"Nonsense! My mother and father have already said that our group of children were all given to them by God of Sending Children!"

"But why did my parents say that I was picked up in a garbage pit?"



The children fell silent suddenly.

At this time, Duan Mandrill has long stayed away from such meaningless debates. Children always want to become adults and argue about things that are out of their reach at this age. They even imitate the behavior of some people with bad conduct to prove their integrity. growing up.

Duan Man doesn't need to grow up, he is afraid that his mother will not want him when he grows up.

Duan Hao cut firewood early and went home. As soon as he got home, he saw the familiar woman washing clothes.

The woman is not very beautiful, she is even a little fat.Probably because of the tiredness of the poor family, the woman's face already had wrinkles that did not belong to her age.

The woman poured the washing water on the ground, and then she raised her head to meet Duan Mandrill's gaze.

"Drill, you're back, did you get hurt from a fall?"

The woman's voice was very gentle, with a sweetness that didn't suit her figure.

Duan Hao smiled happily, "Mother, don't worry, I'm not injured, and collecting firewood is easy. Even Wang Qiaofu praised me."

"Then Ah-drill has really grown up." The woman was very pleased, but Duan-drill was worried.

Duan Mandrill approached the woman and held her callused hand, "No, I haven't grown up. Mandrill will always be mother's child."

"Hahaha, what are you talking about, kid? Other people's kids are very happy to boast that they have grown up. You are so good, you are not happy to boast." The woman touched Duan with her watery hand. Mandrill's head, at the same time she pulled a dead leaf off Duan Mandrill's head.

"Adrill will always be my mother's good boy, forever and ever."

Duan Mandrill smiled, and the woman also smiled.

They could have lived happily ever after.But on a certain rainy day everything changes.

Looking at the black clouds pressing up from the sky, Duan Manu hurried home with firewood on his back.

But the scenery along the way has become weird.

When approaching the village, it started to rain lightly.At the same time, Duan Mandrill smelled a bloody smell.

"Drill! Drill!"

Duan Mandrill vaguely heard a few calls, it was a child who had joked before that he had no mother.

At this moment, the child was hiding under the garbage truck at the entrance of the village. If he hadn't heard the sound, Duan Mandrill would not have found the child at all.

Duan Mandrill approached, and the child hurriedly grabbed him and asked for help.

"Drill, you are very strong. Can you help me go home and see my parents?"

The child had a panicked and worried expression, and the hand he was holding Duan Mandrill was still trembling.

Duan Manu noticed something strange, "What happened?"

"There are monsters..." The child couldn't help crying anymore, with snot and saliva pouring down, "A Niu and his family were all eaten! I ran here in fright. There was a lot of tragic news in the village just now. screaming." The child breathed choked, "Zhuzi and the others ran to the entrance of the village just now, but a long tongue came out from the other side of the road and gave them..."

The child's hands trembled even more. Following a flash of lightning and a loud thunder, the child tremblingly said, "In the end, there was no blood left..."


The heavy rain poured down, and Duan Mandrill shook off the child's hand and simply threw away the firewood he had worked so hard in the morning.

Duan Manu hurried home, when he just opened the door, he heard the woman's cry.

"Drill! Run! Run! Don't come back!"

Duan Manu usually listens to women very much, but now he can't listen, he will never abandon his mother.

It was only then that Duan Yao noticed that the room was already crowded with a group of weird guys.

"That's the kid?"

"It looks like a human being, it's disgusting."

"Are you sure it's this kid?"

"It should be."

The group of monsters of different shapes were discussing, and then a man wrapped in thorns came out from among the monsters.

The man wrapped Duan Mandrill with thorns and vines, and then a scorching force was absorbed by the man along the thorns and vines.

"Yes, he is, indeed, the heir of the Lord God."

The words of the man with thorns made a monster sitting in the distance very concerned. The monster clapped its hands, and the monsters moved out of the way.

Duan Mandrill was then able to see the monster most directly.

That strong soul body with red body and sharp mouth and fangs is the main god of this group of monsters, and it is also the biological father of Duan Mandrill—— Chi Xun.

(End of this chapter)

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