Yun Qishen

Chapter 1400 Duan Ji

Chapter 1400 Duan Mandrill (1)

Lawyer never expected that he would pass through nearly half of the sea of ​​vegetation with Duan Mandrill on his back.

Isn't Duan Mandrill strong and strong?Doesn't he have eight pack abs?How could a little cold and a fever torture him to such an extent that he couldn't even walk by himself?
Lawyer is not tall enough, even if he is carrying Duan Mandrill on his back, Duan Mandrill's feet can still walk on the ground.There are traces on the ground! Hey!
Duan Mandrill's forehead was very hot, he had been burned to the point of unconsciousness, and he started talking nonsense.

Lawyer frowned and continued on his way, he couldn't help laughing and said, "My dear son, call him Daddy!"

Lawyer was very proud, looking forward to Duan Mandrill calling him daddy when he was unconscious.

As a result, Duan Mandrill seemed to have dreamed of something angry in his sleep.

(Dad? I don't have a dad! Damn it! Go to hell!)

The lawyer felt the pressure on his neck under Duan Mandrill's sudden yelling.Duan Mandrill was not conscious at this time, he stretched out his hand and pinched Li Ren's neck forcefully.

Lawyer naturally stretched out his hand to pinch Duan Mandrill. He thought that Duan Mandrill's strength would be weaker if he was unconscious and sick, but Duan Mandrill's strength did not decrease but became stronger.

The two scuffled and stalemate for a moment.

"Surrender... Surrender... Surrender..." Li Ren gritted his teeth and squeezed out a voice, he let go of his hand and tapped Duan Mandrill's arm, "You boy, wake up! I'm not your father! I'm not your father! "

(Die! You guys are all going to die! I'm going to kill you!)

Even if he is not conscious, Duan Mandrill's eyes are still full of anger. On his arm that was burned by "Shu" before, red lines are spreading to his cheeks.

Seeing that the current method is useless, lawyers can only use other methods.

"I can only let you taste my death! I will kick—"

Lawyer vigorously raised his leg and kicked Duan Mandrill.

Duan Hao fell to the ground in pain.

The lawyer was thus able to break free from Duan Mandrill's restraint.

(It hurts...mother...the baby hurts...)
"It's right to be in pain!" Lu Ren touched his neck, "I'm in pain too!"

Duan Mandrill's look of helplessness asking for help made Li Ren very upset. He thought about leaving Duan Mandrill alone to complete the plot. After all, he is the author and can do whatever he wants.

But everything still has to wait for him to recover his strength. The current lawyer is just an ordinary person with some ability, and his strength here is not stable yet.

And Duan Mandrill in front of him always mentioned his mother in his nonsense when he was unconscious.

This kid shouldn't have any Oedipus complex...

Seeing Duan Mandrill who was writhing in pain and mumbling on the ground, Li Ren simply carried him on his back and continued walking.

It has already been walking for half a day now, and with the speed of the two of them, it is impossible to go out of the sea of ​​vegetation even at sunset tomorrow.


The lawyer suddenly sneezed, he wondered if he was infected by Duan Chi?
"Don't..." Lawyer suddenly felt that it was already very painful. He thought that if he had known that he would suffer so much here, he would have written the scenes and characters better.

Suddenly there was a rustling sound from a distance, and then a group of green creatures emerged from it.Liren felt that the sound of sneezing just now caught the attention of this group of green creatures.

"Ha..." Lawyer backed away a little bit with Duan Mandrill on his back, but three or four goblins appeared behind him.Lawyer looked forward, and all the goblins were drooling with their mouths open, as if they hadn't eaten for a long time.

"How did I think about adding Western fantasy elements to the fantasy? Did I write about the slime elves?"

Lawyer tightened the hand supporting Duan Mandrill's body, and he turned around and quickly ran in one direction.

The goblins followed him closely.

While the lawyer was running, Duan Zhen briefly regained consciousness, and at the same time he felt that his throat was extremely thirsty.

"Throat is so thirsty..."

Duan Mandrill half-closed his eyes, he stared at the back of Li Ren's thin white neck and suddenly felt his teeth itching.

Then I heard Liren screaming in pain!

"Damn it! You bastard! Are you a dog? What are you doing by biting my neck!" The lawyer threw Duan Xiao off his back, and he then touched the back of his neck.

"It's bleeding! Hey! What's the matter with you kid!"

Lawyer doesn't know how to heal spells, he felt a burning pain in the back of his neck, and he was even more angry.

Unexpectedly, Duan Hao stood up tremblingly after wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.

At this time, the goblins were also chasing after him, and the lawyer didn't have time to care about his bite wound, so he grabbed Duan Mandrill and was about to leave.

But Duan Mandrill refused.

Duan Yan shook off Lu Ren's hand and faced the goblins, and then Lu Ren saw that Duan Mandrill's body began to change, his body swelled, and red hair grew on his body, and soon he changed It became a monster that was all red.

The monster's roar knocked out all those goblins, yes, it knocked them out.

Li Ren only blinked his eyes, and the green patch in front of him instantly turned into guava juice, which filled the air like a mist.

Duan Mandrill's change made Lawyer immediately recognize the identity of this character.

Duan Mandrill... No, he should be called Xiao Jue.His own existence is the soul-soil calamity.But because he was too human-like, he was squeezed out by those calamities, and even kicked out of the soul soil.So he wanted revenge and killed all his brothers and sisters... and the biggest disaster that the lawyers and the others had to deal with in the end was his...

Lawyer touched his neck, and he frowned, "Am I on the team with the big villain? Then what kind of story is going on together! He is the big villain, and he can be found to fight against without being the protagonist!
After a burst of roar, Duan Yao fell powerlessly to the ground, and his figure gradually became smaller.Then he transformed into the appearance of a boy, and because of too much energy consumption, he shrank a lot, and instantly became the appearance of a seven or eight-year-old child.

The lawyer walked up to Duan Mandrill, he glanced to the left and then to the right. After making sure that nothing was haunting him, he carried the child-like Duan Mandrill on his back.

He wanted to get as close to the edge of the sea of ​​vegetation as possible before sunset.

In this way, the lawyer continued to walk towards the edge with Duan Mandrill on his back.

But when the sun went down and the biting cold began to rage, Li Ren really couldn't hold on any longer. His steps became stiff, as if he could become an ice sculpture just a moment later, and the sea of ​​vegetation had already begun to grow. It's snowing.

Just when the lawyer couldn't hold on anymore, Duan Mandrill behind him reacted.Duan Mandrill's whole body glowed, and then a burst of warmth dispelled Lu Ren's coldness.

(End of this chapter)

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