Yun Qishen

Chapter 1411 Zhu Batian

Chapter 1411 Zhu Batian (6)

【Biography of Zhu Batian VI: Companion】

【in progress……】

Zhu Batian took Xiaobi to search for the trace of the sword in the soul soil.

Fortunately, Huang Tian paid off, and the two finally found clues about the sword.

"Sword? What kind of sword?" A warlock who liked to collect swords of dead warlocks provided a clue, "I remember that sword, and I even touched it. It was a sword that could glow. The two There are still rumors in the past year, as long as you have that sword, you will not be afraid of the cold night in Soul Soil."

"Then... where did that sword go now?" Zhu Batian asked with concern, and the other party also thought about it for a long time.

"It was taken away by a strange man with a white cloth tied all over his body. At that time, I didn't know the magic of that sword, and someone took advantage of it." The man sighed, "Again, why did you find that sword? A sword?"

"That sword was refined with my woman's flesh and blood, I need to get her back."

Zhu Batian told that person without the slightest hesitation, Xiaobi's expression also changed obviously, she was still a little sad indeed.

(So ​​don't fall in love with a guy who just takes advantage of you.)
Yun Qishen is completely watching a show now.

The man was even more shocked after hearing Zhu Batian's description, "So, that sword was refined by a blacksmith? It is really a precious sword! Don't get me wrong, after all, in this world, as long as the ability is strong, Things that keep people alive are good things. And things that come out of the blacksmith's hands are even more extraordinary."

Zhu Batian didn't talk to that person again, he took Xiaobi to follow the clues and inquire all the way.

Although Xiaobi didn't show her sadness, she could tell that she was somewhat disappointed in her feelings.

"A weirdo with a white cloth tied up? I haven't seen it before."

"never seen it."

Nearly a month had passed, and the clues that had just been cut off all of a sudden.This made Zhu Batian feel extremely bad, and it was his bad mood that weakened the spells that Xiaobi applied to him, and Zhu Batian felt that his consciousness was about to leave his body again.

Usually Xiaobi would come over to care about him immediately at this time, but this time Xiaobi watched Zhu Batian lose consciousness.

Because Zhu Batian lost consciousness, the plot about him became incoherent again, maybe this is the disadvantage of the single-person perspective.

When Zhu Batian woke up again, Xiaobi also disappeared.

Zhu Batian immediately went to look for it, and happened to meet a wandering warlock.

"Brother! You haven't seen a girl with short hair. She's about this tall." Zhu Batian gestured at his waist, "She still has the tattoo of Dongcang Duanjie."

"Where can I see the gods and men of Dongcang Duanjie? Let alone the little girl, you are the second living person I saw today." The man asked Zhu Batian for the soul crystal, and Zhu Batian also He gave him a soul crystal.

"When did you meet him? What does that person look like?" Zhu Batian asked.

"A man with an unshaven beard, dressed in a sleek manner, does not look like a warlock at all, but the man is carrying a package on his back, and the size of the package is about the same as your gesture. If I remember correctly, the package can still move... ..."

"Which way is that man going?"

"It's over there."

Zhu Batian rushed out when he saw the warlock pointing in a direction.

Warlock raised his eyebrows and turned to continue his wandering.

Zhu Batian chased after him all the way, seeing that the sun was about to set.It's time for the warlocks to start a bonfire, but Zhu Batian is still looking in this direction.

Finally let him find the sloppy uncle who was warming up by the fire.

The appearance of the sloppy uncle is very similar to what the wandering warlock described, and there is indeed a huge bag at the uncle's feet.

Zhu Batian rushed over and came directly to the package. The sloppy uncle was surprised to see his whole body covered in frost, and the next second he started to move the sloppy uncle's package.

"What do you mean, you bastard! These are my treasures! You say you just warm up by the fire, why..."

Before the sloppy uncle could finish speaking, Zhu Batian had already opened the package, but he didn't see Xiaobi's figure.

" could..."

Zhu Batian knelt and sat on the ground.

"What happened?" The sloppy uncle used spells to disperse the chill on Zhu Batian's body, "I said what happened to brother?"

"I lost someone again..." Zhu Batian replied.

(Wouldn't it be better for you to simply say that you are ashamed?)
Yun Qishen complained in Zhu Batian's body.

The sloppy uncle patted Zhu Batian on the back in fear, "Tell me what you have to do, brother, I don't think you look like a weak person."

Zhu Batian also told the sloppy uncle about everything.

The sloppy uncle thought for a moment and had a clear direction.

"Perhaps this girl named Xiaobi was not taken away."

The sloppy uncle pointed to Zhu Batian, "Maybe she left on her own initiative? After all, she didn't save you immediately when you were about to faint.

But you don't have to worry, I have a lot of medicine here, I can give you one if you get sick again!Think of it as an acquaintance friendship! "

"Why did Xiaobi leave? She clearly said she had no regrets at the beginning..." Zhu Batian didn't understand why Xiaobi suddenly became like this.

(Please! No one likes a hot face with a cold ass all the time!)
Yun Qishen wanted to pry open what was in Zhu Batian's mind more and more.

"How do we old men know what is going on in the little girl's mind? Just don't think about it, come and have a drink with me, brother!"

The sloppy uncle took out a jug of wine from the package, he poured a bowl for Zhu Batian and then blew the jug himself.

Zhu Batian looked at the strong wine in front of him and then drank it in one gulp.


The spirits burned his heart, making Zhu Batian's body heat up all of a sudden.All his depression at this moment dissipated with that sip of wine.

Entering such a place suddenly, I have been exploring aimlessly.Meeting someone you like but not fulfilling, and at this moment, you have failed your friends’ expectations and been abandoned...

"Brother, I've only been drinking, and I still don't know your name!"

"My name is Zhu Batian."

"Zhu Batian... the name sounds amazing. I don't have a name, and everyone calls me Lao Xu. You can call me Lao Xu too. After drinking this jar of wine, we will be brothers!"

Zhu Batian and Lao Xu's wine vessels collided, and Zhu Batian deliberately moved down a little, which made Lao Xu unhappy.

"Brother, you and I are brothers, regardless of seniority! We have to be equal when we touch wine!"

After saying that, Lao Xu bumped into Zhu Batian again flatly, and then he drank it very happily.

With a slight smile on the corner of Zhu Batian's mouth, he also drank the wine.

The two drank like this until the next morning.

(End of this chapter)

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