Yun Qishen

Chapter 143 The Feast of the King of Kawahara ~ Chapter [-]

Chapter 143 The Feast of the King of Kawara ~ Part 5 ([-])
(God's perspective)
Yun Qishen was still in the mood to change his clothes, but he glanced at the dancer Xiaoya over there, and glared at the lacquer tree monster who had no movement for the time being, so he had to change clothes quickly.

"Okay! I'm getting dressed! Don't cover it!" Yun Qishen took the sword and walked towards Qiye again.

Qi Xie roared, its body began to spin, and its eyes glowed strangely.

Chen Yueluo rode on the counselor's body to check the condition of the alcoholic old man first, avoiding the death light here, Yun Qishen subconsciously blocked his eyes with his hand, but the strong light hit, the dance girl Xiaoya quickly rushed over. One kick kicked Yun Qishen away.

Xiao Fang was stunned by the dead light here.

Qiye also subconsciously grabbed the things around him and put them into his mouth, including the guests and dancers who fainted and died alive.

Qiye's big red and black hands attacked Xiaoya too.

Xiaoya said in her mouth that Immortal Fairy Ling Mei will definitely protect me, and then she closed her eyes.

Xiaoya felt that Qiye's magic palm was reaching out to her, and she would become a part of Qiye's ability. This is also the way back home that Fairy Ling Mei said in the end.

Yun Qishen was naturally kicked away, thinking that this is her true strength, but why was she so weak before...

Yun Qishen saw that Xiaoya was about to be caught by the monsters like Qixie, so he hurriedly took his sword and charged towards him again.

He instantly spied on the dancer Xiaoya's state of mind, and spied on the purpose of Ling Meixianji, who she said she believed in, but to use this little tooth as one of the tools to restore Qiye's strength.

Xiaoya waited for a while and didn't feel that she was caught. She opened her eyes and saw a lacquer arm that had been cut off with a knife. At first glance, it met Yun Qishen's face. He looked really good. Delicate, but why is he a man... I also saw him without clothes...

Yun Qi thought deeply...I'm just shirtless...Why don't I have any clothes on...Does this woman have any misunderstanding about shirtless?
"No one can really protect you! In times of crisis, please wake me up a little! You are not the tool of your fairy! You are you! You don't have to work for someone who made you take your life!"

Yun Qishen didn't understand what he was doing to reason with her for no reason, but his words touched Xiaoya's heart.

She is a tool... She wants to help Xian Ji get everything in Heyuan Country... She wants to become a part of Qiye, and she wants to attract all kinds of people for Xianji to absorb the soul of Qiye with the seven-day soul incense...

These memories began to shatter and turned into what her grandmother told her before she met Xian Ji, the first man you see without clothes is your future husband, and you can only marry him .

When Yun Qishen rescued Xiaoya, Xiaoya decided that she would be with this person for the rest of her life!
Yun Qishen originally held Xiaoya in his arms to avoid Qiye's re-attack, but suddenly he saw that Xiaoya wanted to make a promise with his body... so frightened that his hair stood upside down... This... can I not... …

Yun Qishen handed Xiaoya to the man in black to take care of him, but he couldn't move, so Yun Qishen had to let the man in black carry him and leave the building.

Yun Qishen thought that the feeling and hair color of this black-clothed man were very similar to that guy, but it wasn't because he didn't have clear evidence, and he didn't know that guy very well, so he thought it was him. Got it.

But the man in black didn't move, so Yun Qishen had to say again and take the dancer here, and then he moved away.

Over there, Qi Xie grabbed the people on the ground and swallowed them in. Yun Qishen had to frown...a step too late...I had known that this group of people had left...I don't want to talk about it here...this is not equivalent to me hurt them?

Yun Qi's heart is complicated, whether he is doing bad things or doing good things, for the sake of the state and the state... But for other countries... His purpose is just to kill Takizawa and ask Qian Yao... I don't want... ...killed so many people...

"The devil boy!! Don't hesitate! This group of people is dead! They are just living in one breath! Those who have magic or strong spiritual power will not be affected! Everything is because of that soul-sweeping incense!" Yuan Yuan The voice of the alcoholic old man came over.

Yun Qishen's thoughts were suddenly interrupted, and then he thought of other things, "It's not that the seven-day soul-sweeping incense here can only make people forget the pain..."

Forget the pain! !
Yun Qishen subconsciously covered his chest, it turned out to be like this...

Since yesterday, the seven-day soul-repelling incense has worked here!

This incense is a tool for absorbing people's souls, and the aroma absorbs their lives on the premise of making people forget their pain, giving lacquer its power.

Because I am used to the fragrance of this incense, I don't even know that my life has been sucked up by the monsters here!
The bracelet that seals the spell is also one of the tools that can absorb more powerful spirits.

Taki Qianye said before his death that this is the incense of Toyu Kingdom...

The more Yun Qishen thought about it, the more headaches became, but since they were already dead, Yun Qishen no longer had any worries.He drew his sword and attacked Qiye.

The alcoholic old man over there has also become a strong alcoholic uncle.

Chen Yueluo was stunned when he saw it, this person... eh?Wasn't that old grandpa who flew over just now?Hey?

"Little boy, stay here and don't come here! Look at the old man who didn't tear it up this time!"

Chen Yueluo even nodded with his cat demon.

Uncle Drunk shook his arm, smiled very arrogantly, and then moved his arm forward and charged directly towards Qi Xie.

Yun Qishen broke Qi Xie's arm and looked back, and saw the alcoholic old man who had turned into a fierce man rushing over...

"Mo Junwazi get out of the way! The old man knocked it away!!!"

Yun Qishen thought it was a joke a second ago, and it was impossible to hit him.

And then... this alcoholic old man seems to be playing for real...

I rely on!Really play really!
Just when the alcoholic uncle was about to come over, Yun Qishen came more often.

"I said old man! You don't look at it!"

"The old man told you in advance! It's your fault for not being obedient! Think back then..."

Yun Qishen didn't want to hear it, he rolled over and landed smoothly, and then saw Qi Xie's eyes emitting a fixed death light and attacked the alcoholic uncle.

"Hey! Smelly old man!"

"...I think that's how I knocked this guy out of the territory of Xinjiang!!!!"

With the roar of the alcoholic uncle, Yun Qishen saw that the huge lacquer tree was really knocked out by the alcoholic old man.

Yun Qishen's eyes widened, his chin almost dropped in surprise... I... drip [beep-]...

Even Chen Yueluo watched such a surprising scene from a distance.

"Grandpa is amazing!" Chen Yueluo didn't know what to say to describe him.

The lacquer monster fell to the ground, its head exposed and not protected by his arms.

Uncle alcoholic was smoking all over and turned into an old alcoholic again, and he collapsed to the ground.

"Little devil boy! What are you still doing! Cut off his head with a sword!!! Don't let it live!!!"

Yun Qishen quickly recovered from his surprise, and ran towards the head of the lacquer tree monster in three steps.

Jinhei's sword glowed and swung towards the monster's neck.

The sword light flashed vertically, and the head and neck of the lacquer monster were separated.

"It's not over yet! It must be destroyed! Otherwise it will be reborn!"

Yun Qishen frowned tightly, "I know the stinky old man!!!"


Yun Qishen shouted loudly, and the sword edge twisted and intertwined, accompanied by his sword moves and golden flames attached to the black sword body.

The golden flame also burned the head of the lacquer.

——Du Hualian——

With one move, Qiye's head exploded and burned.

The alcoholic old man let out a sigh of relief, finally... this thing has finally been eliminated... the devil boy... the old man is really optimistic about you...

After a burst of joy, the alcoholic old man saw Yun Qishen spit out a large mouthful of black blood and then fell to the ground.

"The devil boy!!!"

"The cloud is deep!!!!"

 I miss you... bad qi...

(End of this chapter)

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