Yun Qishen

Chapter 144 The Feast of the King of Kawahara ~ Chapter [-]

Chapter 144 The Feast of the King of Kawara ~ Part 6 ([-])
(God's perspective)

Yun Qishen felt as if a hole had been opened in his abdomen, and there was nothing inside...

Very hungry……

ding ding ding-

Very annoying notification sound...


It's not over yet! ! !

Yun Qishen opened his eyes and found himself in a very clean room.

Subconsciously, Yun Qishen looked at the needle with the dropper in his hand.

Am I in the hospital bed?
Yun Qishen dragged his stiff body to sit up, he touched his stomach... he was indeed hungry...

and many more? ?How am I here?

Yun Qi pinched his face deeply, it would hurt!This is not a dream!

He is back!came back!

...but why does it feel uncomfortable.

There was a loud noise from outside the ward.

"You can't go into the ward with such a big hammer!!" a nurse screamed, then stopped a woman with a cigarette.

The woman was holding an oversized wooden hammer, one with a diameter of 60 cm.

The woman kicked open the door of the ward with a bang.Followed by a male doctor.

Yun Qishen looked at the woman walking towards him, and couldn't help being surprised.

She's not going to hit me with that hammer...

"You are Yun Qishen?" (Please go out, ma'am!)
The woman held the big wooden hammer in one hand on her shoulder.

The male doctor hurriedly dodged.

Yun Qishen just woke up and was still ignorant, so he answered yes.

Immediately, the woman swung the wooden hammer and smashed it towards Yun Qishen's face.

"You can't come back yet! You still completed your mission over there!!!"

what? !!

"Ah!!!!!! Lao Tzu's face!"

Yun Qishen sat up when he woke up, then he nervously touched his face with his hands, his nose was fine... his mouth was fine... huh... don't worry...

When his mood subsided, Yun Qi looked at his hand deeply... He... was still in another world... Was that just a dream or reality?
Yun Qishen noticed that there was a person sitting beside his bed. That person was wearing a slim black dress and a half-face mask, revealing his cinnabar-like lips.The bluish-grey hair is particularly conspicuous.

Yun Qishen felt that the ugly appearance just now had been seen enough by this person, ah!Lose someone!
Then Yun Qishen saw that the man in black was doing nothing, he looked around and found that he was now in the Crescent Moon Pavilion where he and the alcoholic old man had been before.

The man in black here was holding a medicine bowl in one hand, and a spoon in the other, took a sip of the medicine and handed it to me.

When Yun Qi took the first sip, he knew who had dispensed the medicine!It must be Gu Choumian!Only he could make such a bitter medicine.Sooner or later, he will become more and more bitter as he cooks like Master Mi Zixin!


Yun Qishen looked at the man in black, he put down the medicine bowl and said directly to the man in black.

"You're not Yan Qi... Who are you?!"

I saw the man in black with a slight smile turned into black energy and dissipated.On the other hand, Qi Qi appeared out of thin air.

He still had his red-black robe, which contrasted strongly with his dark-grey hair.

Then a wisp of evil red towards Yun Qishen showed a happy smile.

"I don't know if the devil can tell me~ How do you know that the person just now is not a little Taoist me~"

Yun Qishen didn't want to pay attention to him, he rolled his eyes, thinking that the previous men in black were all tricks of this guy.

"What else to tell here? You don't know about yourself? This bowl of medicine is comparable to Master Mi Zixin's fried bitter gourd..." Yun Qishen raised his eyes and looked at NeQi, "You can tell by asking the taste. Bitter, you will subconsciously try the medicine for me?? You don't put the medicine bowl on my head with disgust.

Yun Qishen's words made Ye Qi approach him even more happily, "So you know me so well about the little Taoist priest~ I'm so happy~ Demon Lord~"

Saying that, Qi Qi took the medicine bowl up again, Yun Qishen frowned and grabbed the medicine bowl and took a dry mouthful. He wanted to find something to eat to relieve his bitterness.

At this moment, Qi Qi took out a piece of candied fruit.

Yun Qi went to grab it subconsciously, but it was definitely for him anyway.

However, Ye Qi put it in his mouth.

What? ? ?

"The devil wants it? Then from Xiaodao's mouth~"

"Go away!!!" Yun Qishen is really angry, who is this, how can I be a big man...

Yun Qishen opened his eyes wide and looked at the face that was approaching fiercely...


Chen Yueluo originally wanted to see Yun Qishen's condition, but he saw something that broke his three views.

Uncle Seven... Yun Qishen... They...

Hey? ? ?
Chen Yueluo had no choice but to leave again, he needs to calm down his head...


Here, Yun Qishen's cheeks were flushed, and with a click, he bit the candied fruit in his mouth, and then turned around like a mouthwash.

On the other hand, Qi Qi pushed aside the dark clouds to see the sunlight and smiled.

Artificial respiration, I will be artificial respiration!His meow here is clearly intentional!You are still laughing!ah!Lose someone!This is not the same as the medicine I gave him before, isn't it?
Yun Qishen ate the candied fruit without saying a word, and Ye Qi smiled without saying a word.

"Cough cough!" The voice came from the door.

"Damn it! You didn't close the door! You bastard! It's my innocence!" Yun Qishen looked at the alcoholic old man who was coughing at the door, blushed to the bottom of his ears, and in a hurry, he pinched his hands towards NeQi's neck.

I can't wash myself if I jump into the Yellow River here! !

On the other hand, Ye Qi clearly felt uncomfortable being strangled by Yun Qishen, but he was very happy how Yun Qishen took the initiative to touch him...

"I just saw that boy named Yueluo just passed by the door of your room with a worried look on his face and suspicious of life. I came over to see if the door was closed? What happened? I don't think the devil's face is so red. Do you have a fever? Think back then..."

I rely on? !Chen Yueluo? !Saw him?

(Old alcoholic: ...I think I had a fever when I blushed, except after drinking alcohol...)
My goodness! ! !I must go down now and give him amnesia!I also have amnesia! ! !

(One sip of this wine will cure the disease!)
Yun Qishen also blushed and wanted to get off the bed, but Ye Qi quickly stopped him, "You can't get out of bed, your injury is not healed..."

"Get up, I have something urgent to do!" Yun Qishen didn't listen to the persuasion, and then he felt that the candied fruit in his mouth had changed a bit, so he stopped tossing.

Ye Qi also felt relieved to withdraw his hand and not stop him.

The alcoholic old man on the side narrowed his eyes and looked at Yun Qishen with some disgust.This devil boy is too arrogant...

"When you broke the barrier of the man in black, you hurt your internal organs, and then the intense running and exercise, and even more damage to the internal organs. Because of the relationship between those seven-day soul-sweeping incense, you won't be able to perceive the pain... So your injuries are more serious than you think... back then..." The alcoholic old man started chattering again.

Yun Qishen only listened to what he wanted to hear, he turned his head to look at Ji Qi, "Tell me one by one, what the hell is going on here! Why don't you go looking for your clues! That man in black? What the hell is it!"

Ye Qi was happy when he saw Yun Qishen, and it was even more pleasant to see him so eager to find the answer from him for the first time.

"Okay~ it's up to you~ I'll tell you everything~"

Yun Qishen didn't say anything, but he complained in his annoyed heart, look at your worthless virtue!

 I stress that this is a drama

  But my Uncle Seven is so happy to be back~

(End of this chapter)

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