Yun Qishen

Chapter 145 The Feast of the King of Kawahara ~ Chapter [-]

Chapter 145 The Feast of the King of Kawara ~ Part 7 ([-])
(God's perspective)
It took Yun Qishen three days to reach the border of Heyuan country from the wasteland in the north, but Mo Qi was two days ahead of them.

The reason why there is such a two-day difference is mainly because Yun Qishen, who was annoyed by the drunken old man, always went the wrong way, and finally arrived in the country of Heyuan.

There is another reason, both of them are going straight to where they should go. The distance for Ye Qi is short, while the distance for Yun Qishen is relatively long, so the route of the two becomes a triangle.

But Ye Qi and Yun Qishen came to the royal city of Heyuan Kingdom on the same day.That was the day after Chen Yueluo and the others came.


Ye Qi looked away from the dark clouds and saw the sunlight with a smile. The narrator had just arrived at the border of Heyuan before looking for clues.

At that time, Ye Qi finally looked at the black gas map to find clues, but there was a strong barrier in front of him that prevented him from entering Heyuan Kingdom.

When Ye Qi was in a dilemma about how to break through, there was a person with a pass token nearby who saw Ye Qi's dilemma.

"Little brother? What's wrong? Didn't have a pass token?" The voice was kind and gentle.

Ye Qi looked back and saw that it was an old woman with a hunched back, and she was still leaning on a cane in one hand.

"The old man is really powerful and you can tell at a glance~ The old man is trying to help me?" Ye Qi said directly.

The old woman smiled and said, "Guangbang, now that I think of you guys like you are so-so, forget everything, and like to play with your spirit." The old woman took out a pass token from her bosom, "I thought about this thing. Throw it away... Forget it if you don't have me, I'll give this to you..."

"This can't be done...but I heard the old man say so, why did you throw away this pass token?" He also showed his female appearance to the old man.

"The country of Heyuan is almost over, and I also went out to hide. I wanted to leave this place from now on, but I have been worried about my son... My son is the guard of the country of Heyuan here and manages the border of the country of Heyuan... ... in a few days it will be the King of Kawon Kingdom's feast ... the whole country celebrates ... but ... "

As she spoke, the old woman began to speak out intermittently. Ji Qi took the old woman's pass token and asked her curiously, "But what? Maybe I can help the old man?"

"I advise you little brother not to swim in this muddy water... If you come to Heyuan country just to see the excitement of the king's feast, just watch it, and leave after reading it. Don't intervene." After the old woman finished speaking, she followed the border. The wind and sand disappeared.

"Because the people in Kawon Country never knew the fact that they were dead... Even my son..."

Ye Qi smiled at the access token in his hand, then attached the token to the barrier and opened an entrance...

When the alcoholic old man heard this, he couldn't help but want to praise Ye Qi, he glanced at Yun Qishen, and looked at Ye Wazi!Knowing that you can attach the pass token to the enchantment with your hands, just throw it at you restlessly...

Ye Qi was still talking about what happened after he entered the barrier.

Ye Qi then followed the direction indicated on the black air map, but when he reached his destination, it was a wilderness, which was very different from the scenery of Heyuan Country, like the tribal oasis in the northern wasteland.

Ji Qi packed up the map and looked around, what kind of clues was he looking for?What he is curious about is the relationship between Gu Aoguo and him. What secrets are hidden in his hair color?Why does he have to find this kind of thing on his own?

Ye Qi walked around for two steps, and then the wind and sand surrounded him, and he couldn't find an exit to go out for a while.He couldn't fly, so naturally he couldn't leave from the top where he could get out, so he had to be trapped by the wind and sand here.

Xie Qi originally used the body protection spell to protect his body, but these sandstorms didn't mean to attack him.

When the wind and sand dissipated, huge crystals appeared and surrounded Ye Qi.

Just like entering the mirror room, Yan Qi couldn't help but be happy when he saw what was reflected in these crystals.

"I didn't take a good look at me except when I saw that mirror in Liu Yinfeng once~ Now this is clear~ So I look a lot like the same thing~"

After Ye Qi finished speaking, there was a movement in a mirror, Ye Qi's eyes were sharp and a red sword flew over, smashing the crystal.

Ye Qi waved his hand and took the red sword back.

These crystals began to move around Ye Qi again.

-- who is coming --

A thick and empty voice broke into Ji Qi's ears.

Ye Qi thought to himself what the hell is going on?
"The seven disciples of the Spirit Realm Dao of the Jingling Mountain Dao Zongmen Xianjianzong - Ye Qi."

Ye Qi held the red sword and was vigilant against the sudden attack.But these crystals have no intention of attacking.

——Why come——

"In order to search for the ancient empire - the secret of the ancient proud country!"

After Ye Qi finished speaking, a huge crystal attacked him.

Ye Qi wanted to use the red sword to break the crystal, but here the crystal wrapped Ye Qi and released it.

Then someone came out of it...


Yun Qi raised his eyebrows deeply, "Don't tell me that the person who came out from inside is the man in black."

"My Demon Lord is really smart~ I guessed it right away~" Yan Qi gave Yun Qishen a female smile.

"Go away! You go on talking seriously!"

Yun Qishen was a little fascinated, and the alcoholic old man looked at Yun Qishen with contempt...

...a man in black came out of the crystal, and this man in black looked exactly like Ye Qi.

When Ye Qi saw this spell for the first time, he was also full of curiosity to explore its secrets. If he knew the secret of this crystal, he would definitely be able to learn this spell too.

It was only after the man in black appeared, that Qi Qi's body began to become transparent.

Then the thick and empty voice came from the mouth of the man in black.

-We're making a bet here--

At first, he was still a little flustered and became transparent, and he slowly eased his emotions.

"Why don't you let it go, let's take a look?" Ye Qi smiled playfully.

——We bet that when the person you care about the most finds out that I am not the real you under the disguise, you can return to reality from nothingness——

The person Ye Qi cares about the most is naturally Yun Qishen.

In fact, there is no end to the bet here, because even if he was so attached to Yun Qishen at the beginning, he never understood Yun Qishen's heart, and Yun Qishen looked like he didn't want to understand him.

Saying that Yunqishen can't be seduced by the white class?Or does he have no brain at all?
It's true that Qi Qi is not sure, but this is also the biggest bargaining chip that can bet on a game.

——As long as the people you care about recognize me as a counterfeit, then I will tell you the clues of Guaoguo you want——

"But in order to make the bet more playable, I suggest that you better cover your face... Because you can't learn my smile~"

The black-clothed "Evil Qi" opened his eyes, and the real Yan Qi disappeared.

The black-clothed "Nie Qi" also changed into a mask and a black robe and walked towards the King City of Heyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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