Yun Qishen

Chapter 146 The Feast of the King of Kawahara ~ Chapter [-]

Chapter 146 The Feast of the King of Kawara ~ Part 8 ([-])
"But that man in black does have more money than you." I leaned my head in one hand with a mocking expression on my face.

"It turns out that the devil likes people who are rich and rich~ Are you sure you are not embarrassing me~ It seems that I have to make more money to support such an unpleasant devil like you~"

Ye Qi wasn't angry, but smiled at me with malicious intent.

I'm too lazy to even tell him to get out, but I still want to get out of bed and let Chen Yueluo lose his memory!

"According to what I said, you got a clue of the ancient proud country when you came back from nothingness? Think back then..."

"By the way~ When I was in nothingness before, I went shopping everywhere. I remember that there was a bottle of fine wine in the proud pavilion on the top floor~"

Ye Qi rudely interrupted the old drunkard's words.

As soon as the alcoholic old man heard that there was alcohol, he turned around and left without talking nonsense.

I suddenly remembered what Gu Choumian said, and also about that dancer Xiaoya.

"By the way, Ye Qi, you know..."

"The devil wants to ask Gu Choumian? He and your wolf demon guard have already come to the Deyi Building~ but you should care more about yourself now~ or care about me..."

"Then I still care about me..."

Ye Qi dared to interrupt! !I can do it too!snort!

I turned my head away and didn't look at him, and my heart was always beating like a strange thing...

The atmosphere became awkward again for a while, and then someone knocked on the door.

I was curious and saw that it was the dancer Xiaoya. It seemed that she was fine, she was still holding a tea tray, and the tea tray was filled with nourishing food... The man in black didn't take her away... This is also what I think the guy is not. One of the reasons for the evil.

If I hold people and ask Ye Qi to take them away, in all likelihood, Ye Qi will just throw people on the ground and let them fend for themselves...

"Who are you?" Dancer Xiaoya used her tender and delicate face to face Mo Qi and then questioned arrogantly.

"Guess~" Yan Qi started the female watch again and pushed aside the dark clouds to see the sun.

"I don't guess! You can go out! I'll take care of it here!" Xiaoya is also welcome.

Ye Qi also stood up and looked down at Xiao Ya.

Xiaoya only leaned a little on Ye Qi's chest, I figured it should be on my shoulders, it looks even more petite.But in character...

"Why? I can't stay~"

Ye Qi's tone was playful, I didn't feel anything when I heard it, but Xiao Ya was a little out of breath.

"Who are you! You don't care! Do you care if I give food to my husband!!!"

I instantly remembered this guy's very unreasonable family rules... he just promises something if he's bare-chested...


I couldn't help but care what he was going to say next...

"I remember the last girl who dared to call him that was tied to a torture rack and set on fire~"

Ye Qi, you are definitely trying to scare people, I half-squinted at these two people.

"Even if I endure the criminal law, I will follow him for the rest of my life! He is my husband! If you don't go out again, I will kick you out!"

The dancer Xiaoya angrily put the tea tray on the table and almost smashed the previous medicine bowl to the ground...

Ji Qi raised his head slightly, his silver-blue eyes looked at me, and the evil red under his eyes also showed a feeling of doubt, and then he smiled mockingly, "You keep saying that he is your husband, then tell me about you. Did you kiss him?"

! ! ! ! !I rely on? !

"Nie Qi! Shut up!" I hurriedly stopped.

"What's wrong with me kissing! Want to fight?? Besides kissing, I've seen him without clothes..." Xiaoya was ready to kick someone at any time.

The cold light in Ye Qi's eyes pierced me.

Oh my god!my aunt!what do you say?
"I'm just shirtless, not without clothes!"

I didn't explain it to avoid misunderstanding, I did it to protect my man's dignity.

"Then you're really amazing~ But you're late, I saw him without clothes one step ahead of you~ (I said it! I'm just shirtless!!) Then am I too? You should show yourselves to each other~"

Dancer Xiaoya stood on tiptoe and pointed at Mo Qi's nose, "A big man talks nonsense all day long! You are a man! He is also a man! So it is impossible!"

right!It's such a rationale... After spitting out this groove, I subconsciously looked at Ye Qi, and Ye Qi also looked at me.

I rely on!Obviously there is no Takizawa in my body now, why do I feel this way again...

Seeing that Ye Qi didn't speak to him, the dancer Xiaoya kicked at Ye Qi's head when she got angry.

Ye Qi stepped back and ducked, "It's scary~ The devil here in my place likes the type of Xiaoniaoyiren, not a tigress like you~"

"Who are you calling a tigress!" Originally, Xiaoya's punch was about to hit Mo Qi in the face, but she suddenly glanced at me.

Then she stopped, and she turned to me, "Do you really like the gentle type?"


I'm not easy to answer, I looked at Ye Qi again, and his smile was even more unkind, and he was definitely thinking of some ghost idea...

"Of course the devil in my place likes gentle and virtuous people~like me~"

stop!Ye Qi, don't be disgusting with me... I can't stand the blow...

"Really!" Dancer Xiaoya wanted to be affirmed.

I... I had to cover my face with my hands and didn't want to answer... Girl, don't take it seriously... He's fooling you!

Then I heard a stern voice in my ears, the voice was very serious, "I'm serious..."


"Can you all go out and let me be quiet?" I said after a while.

"But these things are cold..." Xiaoya said and went out.It was Yan Qi who pushed her out.

My heart is dead, what the hell am I doing here...

I had to think by myself in the room, the feeling of realism before, I went back... Who is that woman with the hammer?
Who did she ask me to take back?

Here too... swear him...

How could it be possible as a man... This kind of feeling is very strange... Besides... ugh... I'm so annoying...

If you think too much, you will be sleepy...and your brain cells will die! !

I touched my stomach with my hand, without the effect of Soul Retreat to numb the pain, the wound really hurts when I move...

If my nervous personality was the same as the guy in "The Scream", he was screaming if I was dying!
Now there is no time for me to think like that, or even think about it...

I tried to use the healing spell, but I felt a pressure in my stomach when I used the mana...

What's going on? I can't leave Heyuan Country until I find the magic weapon. I have been in Heyuan Country for three days... I can still stay for three days, waiting for the feast of the King of Heyuan Country to pass. Maybe something will happen...

Jiang Liu and the girl from the demon clan, Xin... Let Chen Yueluo and the others want to go...

and many more!Chen Yueluo!No, I have to get out of bed!I'm going to make him lose his memory again! !

(End of this chapter)

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