Yun Qishen

Chapter 1437 Meeting is fate

Chapter 1437 Meeting is fate (6)

After the plan was implemented, Yun Qishen and the others divided into two teams and approached the Golden Palace with the strategy of luring the enemy into a sneak attack.

Lawyer also acted together with Zhu Batian as he wished. He had a lot of questions in his heart and wanted to ask Zhu Batian, but he couldn't ask too many because of the rules of the plot world, otherwise Zhu Batian would be at a disadvantage if he had himself.

The reason why Zhu Batian is loved by lawyers is not only because of the characters he created, Zhu Batian is more obedient to the arrangement and will never do anything outside of the plot.

In addition to the setting that the protagonist will not die, it is safest for the law man and Zhu Batian to act, and Zhu Batian's skill points for pulling hatred are also full.

On the same road to the Golden Palace, Lu Ren and Zhu Batian were often ambushed by some soul bodies, almost every ten steps they walked would encounter a soul body.

At the same time, it was very quiet on Yun Qishen's side, and he and Duan Hao didn't see a single soul body along the way.

The two of them came to the front of the Golden Palace effortlessly, but the first thing they saw was a damaged ruin.

The mana reaction of evil qi in the air has not completely disappeared, Yun Qishen was naturally the first to perceive it.

"This magic power...he used the teleportation spell, and he is fighting with someone right now." Yun Qishen could sense that the opponent of Evil Qi was very strong, far stronger than Xong You.

Duan Mandrill squatted near the ruins, and he found traces of Yu Luohuang's appearance beside the rubble of the collapsed Golden Palace.So he concluded that this golden palace was destroyed by Yu Luohuang.


Duan Mandrill couldn't understand, in his cognition, these heirs would not do anything to Lingxin Ziqing.But Yu Luohuang, he... he came over to make a move while Yun Qishen and the others were dealing with Chongyou!

"Did you find anything?"

After Yun Qishen approached Duan Mandrill, he saw Duan Mandrill frowning and thinking.

"Someone attacked Lingxin Ziqing before us, should we inform the lawyer first?" Duan Hao thought that if he asked the lawyer, he should be able to get a satisfactory answer.

"Is there someone who did it before us? Do you know who it is?" Yun Qi thought deeply, this guy should be the guy who is going to deal with it.

Duan Hao stood up holding a piece of golden rubble, "There is still a residual electric current on it, and rubble like this just needs to be slightly bumped—"

As he said that, Duan Hao threw the golden rubble in his hand into the distance, and as the golden rubble fell to the ground, the sound of explosions and air waves rushed towards Yun Qishen and Duan Mandrill.

Wiping away the smoke, Yun Qishen asked again: "What does this mean?"

"The only soul body that can attack with the remaining power is Yu Luohuang."

Duan Yao began to tell Yun Qishen what he knew, and Yun Qishen listened carefully.

"Yu Luohuang is the third child among the sons of the master god of the soul and body. His original appearance is more like a bird. His whole body is electrified. As long as he wants to, he can fill the entire soul land with lightning."

Hearing this, Yun Qishen couldn't help but think of Gu Ao who was also covered by lightning at that time.

Duan Mandrill continued: "In addition to the fact that his electricity can paralyze the opponent, as you have just seen, the electricity left by him will change the nature of the object and cause an electric shock to explode.

The only thing I don't understand is why Yu Luohuang attacked Lingxin Ziqing, and whether there is a trap in it. "

Yun Qishen nodded, "It's right to be a little worried. Since our target is gone, let's meet Zhu Batian and the others."

"Okay..." Duan Hao responded to Yun Qishen, and then looked worriedly at the ruins of the Golden Palace.

(Lingxin Ziqing is not here, and Yu Luohuang is obviously not fighting her, so where will Lingxin Ziqing go?)

After the two of them confirmed that there were no soul figures around, they searched in the direction where Zhu Batian and the others came.

But Zhu Batian and the others encountered a more difficult thing at this time.

At this moment, there is a soul body lying in front of Zhu Batian and Lu Ren.

This soul body is the ripple that is fleeing.

Zhu Batian tightened the sword made of deer seedlings around his waist, and approached Lianyi vigilantly to observe her situation.

Li Ren stood with one hand on his hip and looked coldly at Lianyi who fell to the ground. Like Yun Qishen, he could also see those virtual screens. Once he saw the name Lianyi, he no longer had the desire to rescue him.

(Ah... it's this scumbag woman... Her presence here means...)
The lawyer realized something, he hurried over and grabbed Zhu Batian to hide.

"What is this going to do, I haven't saved her yet..."

"Stop talking nonsense, hide it quickly or you will be issued—"

The light beam quickly passed through his collarbone from Ritsu's back and disappeared.

Li Ren covered the wound in pain, and the blood flowed out uncontrollably.What he thought was the safest road turned out to be the least safe!

If the ripples will appear, then Yuluohuang will definitely appear, and the location is so close to the golden palace of Lingxin Ziqing.So it is not difficult to guess that Yu Luohuang was bewitched by Lianyi and wanted to use Lingxin Ziqing's body to give Lianyi eternal life.

Originally, this plot was blocked by Chongyou, and the fight between Chongyou and Yu Luohuang started.Then Zhu Batian happened to meet the injured Zhang You and picked up a big deal.

But in the current plot, Chong You did not face Yu Luohuang but was directly eliminated by Zhu Batian and Yun Qishen.Then there should be no one to stop Lingxin Ziqing here, and she won't catch up with Ripple.

But the reality is that Lingxin Ziqing has caught up with Ripple, which means that someone replaced Xongyou and helped Lingxin Ziqing.The only thing the lawyer can think of now is evil energy.

"Lawyer, are you okay?"

Zhu Batian pulled Luren to hide, and then he discovered that Luren's entire arm was stained red with blood. At this time, Zhu Batian realized that Luren could not heal.


"Don't ask me if I'm okay. You can't tell if it's like this? Don't worry about my injury. When Yun Qishen comes, everything will be easy to talk about."

"I'm not going to say this, I can treat you."

"You can heal?"

Lawyer was surprised. In his memory, Zhu Batian's awakening and healing will come later. How much ability has he awakened?Now there are save files and strong healing. Although his healing is not as thorough as Yun Qishen, his power is the most useful in battle.

If you have all these abilities, then [Delete] also...

Zhu Batian used the system to apply strong healing to the law man, and the wound of the law man healed quickly.At the same time, the fluctuation of mana also attracted the attention of Lingxin Ziqing who was chasing after Lianyi.

Immediately afterwards, Ritsu saw a hand with long nails approaching him, and the next moment that hand grabbed Ritsu's neck.

Before Zhu Batian could react, the lawyer was dragged out by that hand.

(End of this chapter)

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