Yun Qishen

Chapter 1436 Meeting is fate

Chapter 1436 Meeting is fate (5)

"You really are merciless."

Li Ren watched the dust floating in the sky dissipate little by little, and he couldn't help sighing deeply at Yun Qi.

Yun Qi rolled his eyes at him, and replied with disdain: "No matter how merciless I am, I won't be as merciless as you. You are the biggest villain."

"Then I really want to thank you."

The lawyer simply stopped looking at Yun Qishen, but approached Zhu Batian and sighed.

"Look at the appearance here, it's all grown according to my liking!" Lawyer admired Zhu Batian's appearance with an old father's expression.

Zhu Batian was puzzled by the sudden words of the lawyer, after all, those words did sound a bit ambiguous.

Seeing that Zhu Batian was confused, the lawyer explained, "Don't get me wrong, I just admire you very much. I always heard about you fighting against the soul body."

Yun Qishen stood aside with his arms folded in front of his chest, he watched Li Ren lie indifferently.

"Edit, you continue to edit. It won't be a writer who can really edit."

"..." Lawyer frowned slightly, he turned his head and looked at Yun Qishen again, "I said, do you feel uncomfortable if you find a chance and don't bury me?"

"Hey, I don't feel good there, I will regret it for the rest of my life if I don't take the opportunity to kill you!"


The legal man looked at Yun Qishen with a complicated expression, and Zhu Batian looked at the legal man with a little embarrassment at this time, and then turned his head to look at Duan Mandrill, neither of which showed clear information.Zhu Batian had no choice but to ask Yun Qishen: "These two are..."

"I don't recognize that one over there. As for the one in front of you, he's less human than a soul body."

"You're going too far. I'm kind enough to help you go back to Gu Ao. Can you stop burying me in front of the protagonist?" The lawyer expressed his dissatisfaction with one hand on his hip.

Yun Qishen and Luren exchanged eyes between the two of them, and there was a breath of gunpowder and war.

"It's okay if you don't bury you, just do more human affairs."

"...You mouth!" Lu Ren clenched his fist and wanted to slap Yun Qishen's vicious face, but Lu Ren realized that he couldn't resist Yun Qishen at all, so he simply made a note of it and settled it later.

Zhu Batian didn't get a definite answer and blinked his eyes in doubt.

Lawyer cleared his throat and introduced himself.

"My surname is Lu, and the single name is a person. He is a nice person. It is easy to remember." The lawyer professionally smiled falsely, and he pointed to Duan Xiao beside him, "He is a friend I met, named Duan Mandrill, I think you two will get along very well! We will be friends from now on, we need to help each other out!"

"Mmm... okay..." Zhu Batian nodded and glanced at Duan Mandrill for a while.

Duan Mandrill also looked up at Zhu Batian, "Hello, my name is Duan Mandrill."

"Hello." Zhu Batian patted himself, "My name is Zhu Batian."

Duan Yan looked at Yun Qishen, and the lawyer stood up and interrupted before Yun Qishen, "It's okay! Let's speak out your thoughts boldly, I know you will complain, why is he so tall at 176 plus The guy with a crown of 180 looks so juicy! Come on, say it! Say what's in your heart. Say he looks like a girl—”

"Fuck you!"

With blue veins in Yun Qishen's hands, he greeted Lu Ren's butt with one kick, and Lu Ren was also kicked away by him.

Duan Yao raised his eyebrows slightly embarrassed, and then Yun Qishen stretched out his hand towards him, "My name is Yun Qishen, and it can also be interpreted as the deep meaning in it."

"I obviously thought that the cloud is not that deep." The law man rubbed the kicked place and made a face at Yun Qishen.

Yun Qishen made a fake kick to Lu Ren, who rolled his eyes and avoided it.

Zhu Batian and Duan Hao also complained about the two of them in their hearts.

[What a pair of enemies. 】

But in fact, both of them are more enemies than enemies.

After a while, the four of them also adjusted their status.

Yun Qishen even healed some injuries for Duan Mandrill and Zhu Batian.

"It's the first time I've seen such a powerful healing spell."

When Duan Hao watched Yun Qishen treat Zhu Batian, he made a sound of praise.

Lawyers are proud of it.

Yun Qi rolled his eyes at him, "Praise me, you are so proud!"

"Hey! I'm proud! Don't even look at who wrote this ability for you!"

"Yes! It's amazing to be able to make up!"

"It's amazing to be able to edit!"

Lawyer and Yun Qishen began to quarrel without moving, and Zhu Batian and Duan Hao gradually got used to it.

Although the two of them would always quarrel and say some strange things, the abilities of the two of them were indeed very strong.Especially this Yun Qishen, he can not only use powerful spells, but also quickly learn and use them in battle.

Duan Mandrill thought that Yun Qishen would be a good partner.At the same time, Duan Mandrill was also concerned about the power of the law man. Although the law man would not deliberately show his strength, his words that he could resurrect his mother did not seem to be false.

Through these few days of getting along with Duan Mandrill, he also learned part of the character of Li Ren.The more he tried to understand it thoroughly, the more mysterious it became.

Duan Mandrill was always wondering in his heart who the law man was.

Zhu Batian also had the same idea at this time.He was able to see Duan's name but didn't know other information about Duan's.

The system on the side of Lawen and Yun Qishen didn't respond at all, and he couldn't help but began to wonder if the two of them were people who had traveled through time like him.Through some words between Li Ren and Yun Qishen, he could clearly understand them.

"Okay, I've hurt you enough, let's get down to business. What to do next." Yun Qishen became serious.

The lawyer stopped arguing with Yun Qishen and talked seriously about this issue.

"Go to Lingxin Ziqing, Duan Mandrill, you should know the location of the Golden Palace." The lawyer looked at Duan Mandrill, and Duan Mandrill also nodded.

"Okay, in this case, let's act together. With the demise of Zhangyou, Lingxin Ziqing will definitely enter a state of loss of control. It's just a pity that I can't see Lingxin Ziqing's original beautiful face, but it doesn't matter. I can't see it. There is room for imagination." The lawyer gestured, "When we arrive at the Golden Palace, Yun Qishen and Duan Xiao are responsible for attracting Lingxin Ziqing's attention, and her ability to spy on the same place, without her knowing Zhu Batian is in charge of the sneak attack. There is only one chance, Lingxin Ziqing's biggest weakness is her neck, all you need is to pierce through with a sword.

If it fails, things are not as simple as I said. "

"We all have tasks, what are you doing?" Yun Qi stared deeply at the lawyer.

Li Ren's hand stopped in the air, "Me? I'm responsible for protecting my own life."

"...Can you show some face?" Yun Qishen was already holding back.

"Then I'll be a fool!" The lawyer still did his own thing.

Duan Yao also agreed to the arrangement of Li Ren, because he knew that Lingxin Ziqing's power could only be strengthened infinitely by relying on the peeping barrier, so it was very important for him and Yun Qishen to lure the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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