Yun Qishen

Chapter 1435 Meeting is fate

Chapter 1435 Meeting is fate (4)

Yu Luohuang found the right time to attack the evil qi, and the electric current flowed in the air, like a grid stretched side by side.Ei Qi dodged very cautiously, the sudden attack came so fast that he almost got hit.

Fortunately, Ei Qi's movements are quick, and it doesn't take much effort for him to fight against Shang Yu Luo Huang.

After one blow, the two began to fight, because Ei Qi hadn't figured out Yu Luohuang's attack yet, so he was always in a weak position in the battle.

Lingxin Ziqing lost a large part of her strength due to Yu Luohuang's electric shock. After she stood staggeringly, her eyes began to search for Lianyi's figure.

She gritted her teeth and clenched her fists angrily, and the fire in her heart was hard to dissipate.

(What kind of bastard is that! Wanting to occupy my body to gain eternal life! It's a joke! She doesn't look like herself! How could I let such an ugly guy touch my body!)

Although Lianyi followed Yu Luohuang's words and stayed away from the vicinity of the Golden Palace at this time, she still did not go far and stopped to take the opportunity to plan the next plan.

From Lianyi's point of view, Yu Luohuang has a great chance of winning against that person, so she doesn't want to stay too far away, she is worried that Yu Luohuang will let Lingxin Ziqing go.

The reason why she is so worried is because she doesn't understand the emotional entanglement between Yu Luohuang and Lingxin Ziqing. They are siblings after all. If she rashly occupies Lingxin Ziqing's body, what will happen to the other superior souls? Treat her?
If this matter is known by the main god they are talking about, will it kill her directly?

If Yu Luohuang loses in this battle, then she will definitely be unlucky.At this time, you should find a way to have both, and you must find the soul and body to rely on.You must also think of the best way to save your life.

Lianyi thought of Xingyou, she could perceive the location of Xingyou through the induction between the soul and body, but she thought for a while.

Today's Xongyou is more likely to die, and it seems unfeasible to rely on him.You must find a stronger soul body to attach to!

"You really have a lot of ghost ideas in your heart. It's not enough to deceive elder brother Zhangyou. You are bewitching Yu Luohuang and want to take my body to gain eternal life!"

Lingxin Ziqing's voice suddenly appeared, and Lianyi was startled and looked back quickly.

But there was no figure of Lingxin Ziqing, and Lianyi felt bad, so she ran towards Yu Luohuang's territory with her legs open.

And Lingxin Ziqing watched Lianyi's every move with a prying mana barrier beside the Golden Palace, and her voice was conveyed to Lianyi through the barrier.

"You run, no matter where you go, I know it! As long as you stop, I will appear in front of you. Don't think that Yu Luohuang can still protect you now!"

Lingxin Ziqing injected mana into the peeping barrier, and at the same time, Lianyi's arm was injured by the powerful beam of light.


With a cry of pain, Lianyi fell to the ground with her injured arm in her arms.

Lingxin Ziqing laughed complacently, "Aren't you very good at tricking? You are so good at bewitching, you can bewitch Brother Xunyou to change your mind for you. And let him change you from a lowly human to a soul body? How can you be fooled now? Incompetent? Instead of pretending to be weak, why don’t you come and confuse me, and let me experience your ability! How did you confuse brother Zhangyou, and how did you confuse this electric bird!”

Lianyi gritted her teeth, and her wound healed quickly, although the pain was short-lived.As long as she survives, there is hope for everything...

Thinking of this, Lianyi quickly got up and continued to run, Lingxin Ziqing restrained her smile, and another beam of light hit Lianyi's ankle.

Ripple's foot was divided into two sections by the light beam like cutting jelly, and she even fell to the ground again.She endured the pain and connected the broken foot, but this time she did not continue to run away but cried out for help.

"Help me! Yu Luohuang! Help me!"

Lianyi thought that if she could hear Lingxin Ziqing's voice, then Yu Luohuang would definitely be able to hear her cry for help.

The result was indeed what Lianyi thought, when Yu Luohuang heard her cry for help, she aimed her attack at Lingxin Ziqing.

Because Ei Qi has been at a disadvantage in the battle, the sudden change of attack made it impossible for him to find a chance to protect Lingxin Ziqing.

Lingxin Ziqing's peeping barrier was destroyed by an electric shock from Yu Luohuang, and Lingxin Ziqing also lost a pair of hands.

"Yu Luohuang! You!"

Lingxin Ziqing looked at her severed hand with disgust, she closed her eyes and recited a spell. When she opened her eyes again, her hand grew back.

"If you dare to hurt her again, then you will lose more than just a pair of hands. I will deprive her of your body and give her eternal life."

"I won't let you succeed! I have plenty of ways to let you kill this bastard before taking my body!" Lingxin Ziqing raised her hand, and a peeping barrier was raised next to her hand, and at this moment Both she and Yu Luohuang sensed it.

Lingxin Ziqing's eyes began to shed tears, her heart was blocked and uncomfortable, tears flowed down her cheeks and wet her collar.

"What's going on here...Brother Xunyou——Brother Xunyou!!!"

Lingxin Ziqing cried out in a broken voice.

As for Yu Luohuang, although he was shedding tears, he didn't collapse like Lingxin Ziqing. Instead, he smiled excitedly.

Yu Luohuang smiled strangely while weeping. He covered his head and deeply felt this emotion, "So this is destruction! This is destruction out of the control of the main god! It's great! Really! It's great!"

"Brother Chongyou! Don't leave Ziqing! Don't leave! Those people! Those stupid humans! I won't let you down! I'll tear them into pieces!"

Lingxin Ziqing grabbed her handsome face with her hands, and the blood belonging to the soul body dripped down her fingertips.

At the same time, on Yun Qishen's side, Xun You has turned into dust and floated in the air.Zhu Batian also removed the ability to archive with the help of the lawyer.

Looking at the dust floating in the air, Yun Qishen couldn't help recalling the request made by Chongyou before he disappeared.

【Please let Lingxin Ziqing live...】


In the past, Yun Qishen might have considered doing a favor, but now it's different, such a request is of no use at all.

Leaving the enemy behind will only cause trouble for himself, and all Yun Qishen can do is send Lingxin Ziqing to accompany Zhangyou.

"The soul bodies and those energy aggregates are approaching!" Zhu Batian reminded, "There are still five seconds!"

Yun Qishen plunged the black golden sword into the ground, and formed a formation by chanting a mantra, "Five seconds is enough—"

The energy aggregates appeared first, and their speed was very fast, and then they were the souls sent by Lingxin Ziqing to rescue Hongyou.

Probably because he mastered the technique when dealing with Chongyou, now Yun Qishen can easily destroy the soul body.

He held the hilt of the black gold sword with his hand, and his eyes also shone with golden light.

【One Slash Soul——】

As a crescent-shaped light gas was sent forward, those energy aggregates and soul bodies disappeared in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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