Yun Qishen

Chapter 1440 Meeting is fate

Chapter 1440 Meeting is fate (9)

The light pierced through the gaps in the pair of red and black hands into Lu Ren's eyes, and when Lu Ren blinked again, those black hands disappeared.At the same time, the door leading to the exit of the illusion also disappeared, but those long hands waving outward through the iron window did not stop for a moment.

There is an unpleasant smell of rust in the fantasy scene.Those long hands that waved up and down were also stained with some inexplicably sticky black fluid.

These black mucus are constantly sticking between those long hands, looking through the reflection, it looks like the legs of a spider are constantly weaving a web.

Ritsuto also had the same black mucus on his body, which should have been stained by the long hand that pulled him in here just now.


Lawyer only had a look of disgust on his face, and the stench that hit his face made his breathing a little difficult.

He doesn't have mana, so he won't lose power in the peeping screen illusion, but what he doesn't understand is why the energy phantom here, that is, those slender black hands just now, want to pull him in here.

Could it be to prevent him from leaving?

In this case, it is obviously different from the original plot setting. The original setting of the law man is to avoid the attention of energy phantoms without using spells, and naturally he will not be attacked by phantoms.

And the lawyer who was just pulled here by those disgusting long hands had to admit that some settings had changed.

"I remember that I originally set up a way to leave the illusion...but it shouldn't be..."

Lawyer swallowed his saliva. He had another way to play tricks besides not using spells—singing...

You must also sing a song about the phantom scene to let the phantom guide the direction of the exit, and these phantoms will also have a waking time with the rhythm of the song. During the waking time, they must be motionless like playing with wooden men.

"A song about hands..."

Lawyer frowned. What could he sing? Could it be that he wanted to hum a calm little song?
"Can I leave without singing?"

The lawyer moved forward with a fluke mentality, but it was conceivable that he was stopped.

"Holy shit!" the lawyer roared angrily, he paced around with his head in his hands, and finally cleared his throat.

"Throw the handkerchief~throw the handkerchief~"

The legal man tried to sing, and those hands waved along with the rhythm, but when the legal man wanted to continue singing, one hand was thrown towards the legal man's face.

In fact, it is really a posture of "losing your mother".

Lawyer helplessly touched his slapped face, thinking about what other songs he could sing, and tried to keep these things from hurting him.

The law man straightened his steps, and he sang as he walked, the singing was really tone-deaf...

"If you feel happy, you clap your hands!"


"If you feel happy, you clap your hands!"


Seeing hope in the eyes of the lawyer, those long hands really clapped their hands.

(You guys are happy, but I don't feel happy...)
Lawyer couldn't help complaining, but she didn't forget to continue singing. He stopped after he sang four lines, and those long hands also listened to it, and then the long hands began to wave wildly.

(Don't hit me...)
Lawyer was afraid that he would be found moving and be photographed back to the original place.However, the calmness of the long hands didn't last long, and the lawyer was able to come to the end of the cage corridor safely while singing the happy clapping song.

After completely breaking away from the obstruction of those stinky long hands, Li Ren also heaved a sigh of relief and lay down on the ground to rest.

"If you feel happy... shit..."

Lil's mouth is parched, he has never sung in such a painful way in his life, this is no longer physical labor, this is Emotional damage! ! !

【Are you tired? 】

Lingxin Ziqing's voice sounded from Lu Ren's ears, and Lu Ren raised his head to look in the direction of the voice.

【If you are tired, go to sleep...】

【As long as you sleep, everything will be fine...】

【You will not have pain...】

【Everything will be resolved...】

【Forget the unpleasant things...】

【Just sleep well...】

It has to be said that Lingxin Ziqing's voice can easily take the opportunity to enter the depths of people's hearts.

Lawyers are used to avoiding, so Lingxin Ziqing's words naturally tempted him a lot.

All of this is fantasy, since you can forget everything after sleeping, and you can ignore anything about them.Why not do such a good thing?
Lingxin Ziqing appeared in front of the law man in the form of a cat, and the law man stretched out his hand towards Lingxin Ziqing, and the cat rubbed against his hand.

[Sleep, sleep with me. 】

【Forget all the unpleasantness. 】

【Everything can pass—】

Li Ren's eyelids were a little tired, he closed his eyes, and put his hands on Lingxinziqingmao's body.

Lingxin Ziqing thought that she had the law man under control, but in the next second she realized that her neck was being grabbed.

The lawyer also opened his eyes and smiled at her.

"I said you, what's wrong with turning into a cat? I've been with cats for so many years, but I know how to subdue cats! I'm afraid that someone will say that I cruelty to animals! You still want to confuse me? Are you very capable?"

Soon as a group of light particles dispersed, Li Ren left the illusion safely and returned to the normal plot world.

Yun Qishen and the others are still looking for a way out in their respective environments.Lawyer didn't waste any time either, he moved closer to the semi-sleeping giant vine-like Lingxin Ziqing and came around those wildly waving vines.

By observing the legal person, I found a little difference.

"The speed of the vines has slowed down quite a bit... This method is proven to be useful, and it seems that they worked hard. Yun Qishen should have found the core soon..."

Taking advantage of the weakening speed of the vines, the lawyer took the opportunity to get closer to Lingxin Ziqing and began to climb along the vines towards Lingxin Ziqing's mouth.

Those waving vines seemed to have sensed Ritsu's movements and stopped waving around and approached Ritsu together.

"The response is quite fast..."

The law man gritted his teeth and continued to climb up, the speed of the vines winding up became faster and faster, and the law man tried his best to speed up.

"Hey! Goddamn author!"

Yun Qishen suddenly came out from a peeping screen, holding a ball of light in his hand, and when he saw Lu Ren, he threw the ball of light towards Lu Ren.

Just as Lu Ren was about to catch the ball of light, he was cut off by a vine. The ball of light was taken away and was about to merge with Ziqing again. A red figure quickly flashed in front of Lu Ren and Yun Qishen.

The gray-green hair and the evil red under the eyes that have not changed for a hundred years, no matter when you look at it, you are so concerned.

The vines wrapped around the ball of light were cut off, and the ball of light fell into the hands of evil spirits.

"Keep you waiting for so long~"

(End of this chapter)

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