Yun Qishen

Chapter 1443 Meeting is fate

Chapter 1443 Meeting is fate (12)

[By the way, Liren, have you written any characters to death so far? 】

〖This doesn’t seem to exist yet, I think a story can be a good story even if no one dies. 〗

[You must have never experienced the death of a loved one. 】

〖This is indeed not...〗

[So it’s understandable that you don’t write dead characters now, even if you write it, you can’t substitute emotions. 】

〖Maybe, but I can also feel the sadness of parting from other people's words. 〗

[But, that is always someone else's emotion, isn't it? 】

〖Are you trying to say that people's sorrows and joys are not the same?After all, understanding is understanding and does not mean experience? 〗

[Probably this is the case... If one day... I mean, if one day I leave, will you be sad for me? 】

〖what are you saying? 〗

【Haha, I'm just kidding... Actually, I hope that you will never write dead characters in your whole life, and I hope you will never experience the taste of parting. 】

〖We will always be friends...Zhenzhen? 〗

【Of course, I will always be good friends! 】

Looking at Lingxin Ziqing in front of him, the lawyer couldn't help but think of the topic that Zhenzhen had talked with him a long time ago.

When did it start... I started killing characters with my pen, and when did I feel that everything was logical...

(Zhenzhen, what you hoped for is right, I don’t want to experience the taste of parting either, the feeling of parting is too stimulating.)
While the lawyer was watching Lingxin Ziqing curled up and crying, Yun Qishen and Nai Qi had already teamed up to deal with Yu Luohuang.

Here, Duan Mandrill and Zhu Batian also stared at Li Ren and Lingxin Ziqing who was crying beside him with a concerned expression.

(what's the situation?)

Zhu Batian blinked his eyes, and finally he couldn't hold on and sat on the ground collapsed.

Duan Hao also had no choice but to stop paying attention to the lawyer and instead come to care about Zhu Batian, because the lawyer had suggested before that he should have more intersections with Zhu Batian and establish a good relationship.

Although he didn't know why the lawyer asked him to do this, he believed that the lawyer's intentions were absolutely good.

In Duan Mandrill's view, it is precisely because of some mysterious and special aspects of the lawyer that they can now see the phantom of Lingxin Ziqing crying beside the lawyer.

[The end of the soul body evolution stage——]

[Lingxin Ziqing's second stage of change stops——]

[The power of the host has been severely reduced! 】

[Dangerous level 40%]

[Skills turned off due to power attenuation——]

[Dangerous level 60%]

[Strong healing failed to start——]

[Dangerous level 80%]


Warnings were continuously displayed on the virtual screen in front of Zhu Batian, and the originally blue and transparent virtual screen also turned into a flashing red screen warning.

"It's not good... I forgot that he entered the peeping screen with a gesture of asking for help and encouragement! Zhu Batian's power has been absorbed too much and has threatened his life. He must be given mana!"

Lawyer stood up and was about to rush over to Duan Mandrill and Zhu Batian, but he had just taken a step when his calf was hugged by Lingxin Ziqing.


【If I give him my power back, can you revive Brother Xunyou? 】

Lawyer frowned, he looked at Lingxin Ziqing without complicated words.

[If I stop doing bad things, can you keep me alive? 】

【If this doesn’t work, even if you allow me to meet brother Xunyou before disappearing...】

【I beg you--】

Lingxin Ziqing's broken cry shocked both Duan Yao and Yu Luohuang who was fighting with Yun Qishen and the others.

Among the soul bodies, who doesn't know that Lingxin Ziqing is a perverse, domineering, ruthless soul body. She will never bow to a soul body outside the main god's sneer, let alone cry out to a human being.

But Yun Qishen and Nai Qi could understand what happened at a glance.

(Lingxin Ziqing has awakened to self-awareness. And she also knows the identity of the legal person.)
Apart from being shocked, what Duan Mandrill cared most about was the sentence that Lingxin Ziqing Phantom said - Resurrecting Xunyou.

In order to calm him down in the previous battle, Ritsu also said that he was able to revive his mother.

Duan Mandrill originally had a dubious attitude, but now seeing the embarrassing expression of the lawyer and Lingxin Ziqing's affirmative request, he eliminated most of half of his doubts.

Yu Luohuang, on the other hand, became very interested in lawyers. He really wanted to see what magic power such an inferior human being used to turn the incomparable spiritual heart into this appearance!At the same time, he was also concerned about how Liren would revive Xingyou.

Lu Ren suddenly felt a chill behind his back, and then he turned his head to look in the direction of Yun Qishen, and happened to meet Yu Luohuang's eyes.

"It's even worse! Yun Qishen!"

With a swipe, Yu Luohuang turned into a bolt of lightning and flashed to Lu Ren's side.

Before Li Ren's panic showed on his face, Yu Luohuang grabbed his collar and wanted to dodge away.

If Lingxin Ziqing hadn't wrapped Yu Luohuang with vines, the lawyer might have been dragged away by him.

Lingxin Ziqing wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, she lowered her eyebrows and looked at Yu Luohuang angrily.

【He is related to the life and death of Brother Zhangyou and me!I won't let you take him away! 】

Lingxin Ziqing's words should have been very touching, but Li Ren couldn't be moved at all.However, if a legal person is useless, she will not show grievances in front of him, let alone protect him.

When Yun Qishen and Nai Qi saw Yu Luohuang flashing to Lu Ren's side, they also acted quickly.

Here Lingxin Ziqing had just wrapped around Yu Luohuang's legs, and Yun Qishen's black gold sword followed one after another.Yu Luohuang dodged Yun Qishen's attack again but ignored the attack from behind.

Yu Luohuang didn't suffer too much damage, but was still knocked back a short distance under the powerful effect.

Yun Qi took a deep look at Li Ren and said with disdain, "Look at the good deeds you have done."

"All right, all right, let's fight you! My fault, my fault!" Li Ren was so upset that he didn't even bother to confront Yun Qishen.

Yun Qishen had no choice but to chase after Yu Luohuang with his sword again.

On the contrary, Nie Qi asked the lawyer with concern, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, don't worry."

Seeing that Ei Qi was also chasing after Yu Luohuang, Lu Ren sighed, then turned his head to look at Lingxin Ziqing.

"You don't have to. No matter what you do, I won't change the current plot. I can't make an exception for every character."

【Just because I am evil?Is it because I am the evil side in the plot you arranged? 】

"Not because of that."

【Then you give me a reason why I must disappear! 】

Lawyer looked at Lingxin Ziqing and fell silent. He clenched his fists to avoid Lingxin Ziqing's eager eyes, and Duan Mandrill's curious eyes.

"Chixie will only appear after you die, and if I want to leave here, I must find Chixie and destroy him."

[Just because of this?Just make me disappear?Just because of... this?Ha ha! 】

Lingxin Ziqing smiled wryly, she was completely hopeless, and she let go of Li Ren in frustration.

At this moment, Duan Mandrill suddenly said, "I have something to say, Mr. Lawrence."

(End of this chapter)

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