Yun Qishen

Chapter 1442 Meeting is fate

Chapter 1442 Meeting is fate (11)

In the blink of an eye, two lights and shadows had already flashed five or six times around Lingxin Ziqing's huge vine body.

Every time Yu Luohuang's electric ball attack was dodged by Yun Qishen, his hands were often subdued by Yun Qishen, which made him even more annoyed, and Yu Luohuang wanted to win quickly, which led to The speed of action of the two is also getting faster and faster.

In an instant, Yun Qishen and Yu Luohuang had exchanged nearly a hundred moves, neither of them was injured.At the same time, Evil Qi also pushed the light ball into Lingxin Ziqing's heart, and then a strong light exploded from the light ball and enveloped everyone.

The huge peeping screen suddenly appeared, bringing Yun Qishen, Yu Luohuang and even Lu Ren into it.As soon as everyone entered the peeping screen, they were restrained by the power in it.Yun Qishen and Yu Luohuang were fixed in the air in a state of fighting.It seemed that in the next second Yu Luohuang's ball of light was about to hit Yun Qishen's face, and the black gold sword in Yun Qishen's hand would also slice off Yu Luohuang's head.

Nie Qi also maintained the posture of pushing the ball of light in, and Duan Mandrill and Zhu Batian looked at the injured Li Ren flustered but unable to move.

And the only one who can still act in this situation is the lawyer.

Lawyer hadn't recovered from the paralysis Yu Luohuang had given him, he raised his hand tremblingly and covered his already painful heart to adjust and ease his breathing, but the phantom that suddenly appeared made his His heart stopped suddenly, and he almost turned his back in fright.

Lingxin Ziqing approached Luren with the most beautiful phantom posture. Obviously, no one except Luren could see such Lingxin Ziqing.

[If you don't tell me what you are, I don't mind taking you to perish together! 】

[My intuition tells me that you have a big problem! 】

[Now I would rather destroy my qualification to live than send you guys who hurt brother Xunyou to die! 】

【Before that, I have to understand what you are! 】

Lingxin Ziqing's slender hand spread out and covered the forehead of Li Ren.Lingxin Ziqing absorbed the electricity flowing through Liren's body and the memories in his mind.

After a while, Lingxinzi Qingxiemei's eyes became startled.

['s impossible! 】

Lingxinzi, who saw the truth through Ritsu's memory, became angry, and there was only disbelief and fear on her face.

【We were not created!You definitely have the ability to control memory! 】

【I do not believe!Brother Xunyou and I are real!You are a liar! 】

[I don't believe it... I... don't believe it! ! 】

Although Lingxin Ziqing said negative words, her every move silently told the lawyer that she was unable to accept the reality.

Lingxin Ziqing hugged herself tightly, her body was trembling, and she even put her hand next to her ear to reject the sound from the outside world.The memories of Wannai Liren made her unable to digest for a while.

Because the electric current on his body was absorbed by Lingxin Ziqing, he became a lot more relaxed. Seeing Lingxin Ziqing's expression of questioning everything, he couldn't say anything.He raised his head and looked at the other people around him who were motionless. He saw that it should be the time buffer period of Lingxin Ziqing's ability, and the time would stop for a short time, which made Liren think that he just gave it to him after watching JO. The settings added by the people in the book.It's just that he made some changes, and this time is tentatively scheduled to last for a relatively long period of time.But they are no more than a blink of an eye to the suspended clouds.

In the end, it was Lingxin Ziqing who spoke first to break the silence that had passed for an unknown amount of time.

【Are you going to abandon us...】

Lingxin Ziqing's question was beyond the lawyer's expectation. She thought that Lingxin Ziqing would ask him why he had to write about Chongyou to death, or whether his memories were true or false.

(It seems that she has awakened her self-awareness...why is she a villain this time...)
【You still have not answered my question……】

【Are you going to abandon us...】

Lawyer didn't get too close to Lingxin Ziqing, he looked indifferently at Lingxin Ziqing sitting curled up on the ground.

After raising his head and sighing, Li Ren also opened his mouth, "I haven't abandoned you, I'm just using my way to let you live."

【Live... Is this your answer? 】

Lingxin Ziqing lowered her sad eyes and smiled contemptuously.

【Brother Xunyou and I are like this, what about them?Do you want to do the same?It seems that we are all illusory in your eyes after all, and you will never put your mind on our so-called role. 】

[We are controlled chess pieces from the moment we appear, things you can throw as you want! 】

【ridiculous!That's ridiculous!And this so-called soul soil!The so-called Chaotic Continent!All are fake! 】

【Brother Zhangyou didn't realize this even when he left...】

【It's all fake... fake...】

[What concern, what love!all fake! 】

Tears actually flowed from Lingxin Ziqing's eyes, which was not planned by the lawyer.Lingxin Ziqing in his design is only arrogant, domineering and ruthless, so why would he shed tears to show his weak side.

Lingxin Ziqing buried her head in her arms, and she curled up motionless.

The lawyer then approached her and sat beside him.At this time, although Liren's body relaxed a lot, the feeling of electric shock just now has not completely disappeared. When he sat on the ground, his body still felt numb.

"Sorry." The lawyer looked up at the fighting posture between Yun Qishen and Yu Luohuang, he didn't face Lingxin Ziqing directly to answer the question, "But, I will let you live meaningfully and die meaningfully .”

【I don't want to die, and I don't want my elder brother to die either...】

[But even if it's a false relationship, that's what we've experienced! 】

[You only rely on your brain to think about this!You never know how we really feel!You stipulated that we should be the evil party... Aren't you the one who is the most sinful person? 】

Wicked... Lawyer admits this, after all, he is not a good person.

【I want to live...】

【I want... to be alive...】

Listening to Lingxin Ziqing's sad murmur, Lawen remained indifferent.

"Wouldn't it be absurd if every character knew the falsehood of the world and longed to live when he knew he couldn't live? I'm not a saint, my existence is to give and take. Sometimes according to the plot development, the characters Their life and death are no longer in my hands...their death will become inevitable..."

【I don't want to die...】

【I really don't want to disappear...】

The lawyer closed his mouth, and Lingxin Ziqing cried even more sadly.

The next second, the time stop ended, and everyone acted again.

(End of this chapter)

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