Yun Qishen

Chapter 1445 Meeting is fate

Chapter 1445 Meeting is fate (14)

Normally, the heartless lawyer falls asleep when it comes time to rest, but today the lawyer suffers from insomnia.

Although the night in Soul Soil is cold, under the protection of the power preserved in the ruins of the Golden Temple, everyone can spend the night safely without gathering together to light a bonfire to keep warm.

In order to calm down, the lawyer found a hidden place to rest by himself.It was a fairly flat place among the ruins of the Golden Temple, and one could still look up at the dots of stars above the sky of Soul Soil while lying there.

Such a place with a beautiful environment is so suitable for sleeping, but Li Ren tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep.

"What are you doing! It's just insomnia! It's not like I haven't had it!"

Lawyer complained angrily, his originally calm mood staring at the stars in the sky soon became manic and restless.

He was angry at what Lingxin Ziqing said during the day.

However, no one ever complained about Li Ren, it was he himself who started to get angry with himself after hearing what Lingxin Ziqing said.

He was annoyed that his thoughts were too straightforward and he didn't think comprehensively, so he was denied and complained by a dying character in his pen.

"She did it like this! It's like I'm the only one who doesn't do anything! Is it wrong for me to act for the plot?!"

The legal man complained to a huge piece of rubble in front of him, and at this moment there was a sound of footsteps gradually approaching the legal man.


Lawyer turned his head vigilantly but found that Ripple was walking towards him.

Ripple's face was full of worry and fear, and she approached Li Ren with a vigilant attitude.

The moment the lawyer saw Lianyi, he knew what she was coming for, but he wanted to see what this Lianyi could do in order to survive.

Seeing Lianyi coming in front of him, Li Ren couldn't help laughing at himself.

(I wrote Yu Luohuang to death and did not write Lianyi to death. This ripple finally succeeded in bewitching Duan Xiao who dominates the soul soil. Even after Duan Xiao died, she did not die, and then I did not write about the soul soil. .)
"I'm not a bad person... Do you remember? You saved me during the day."

Lianyi put on a cute and pitiful appearance, she took the opportunity to show up because she was sure that Li Ren was alone.

During the day, she saw what happened to Lingxin Ziqing. In order to survive, Lingxin Ziqing actually bowed his head and prayed to this seemingly weak human being.This shocked Lianyi, but she thought about it again. Maybe she herself can survive with the help of the lawyer, after all, she is not a villain.

"I didn't save you, it was Zhu Batian who saved you. Turn around, turn right, go to the end, then turn left and you will find them! Thank you and go find them!"

After the lawyer saw Lianyi, he didn't look at her directly, which made Lianyi a little bit lost.

(My ability is charm, how can there be human beings who are not bewitched?)
Lianyi still stood in front of the lawyer with a stern face, "But I saw that the one who saved me was you, you look at me, I don't believe you..."

Before Lianyi finished speaking, Liren looked up at her impatiently, "I looked up and looked at you too. It's alright, you can go, get out of the way!"

Lawyer looked at Lianyi with his ordinary passer-by face, he understood what Lianyi was going to do, but the ability to bewitch was of no use to him.

Lian Yi stared at Li Ren's eyes, she felt that her ability to bewitch should take effect, but she became suspicious when she saw Li Ren's attitude again.

(How could it be? He is not bewitched at all? Or am I not bewitched enough? It seems that I can only be bewitched further...)
Seeing that Lianyi wouldn't let him go, the lawyer turned around and walked by himself. Before he could walk, Lianyi hugged his waist from behind.

"Don't go! I know it wasn't you who saved me during the day, but I hope you can help me this time, please. You won't die!"

Lianyi's bracelet is on Lieren's waist, and Liiren can see Lianyi's slender fingers when he lowers his head.Lianyi's hand moved up and down slightly, and Li Ren knew that she was trying to seduce her.

Li Ren impatiently grabbed Lianyi's hand and let her let go of her waist, "Don't move, it's useless. I'm going to die, and you can't do anything to me. You are a kind of Yu Luohuang Come out to save you! If you have something to say, don't beat around the bush."

"What are you talking about, Yuluohuang? Don't get me wrong." Lianyi was still pretending.

"Stop pretending, I know better than you what kind of guy you are. You came to bewitch me just to live? You thought I could make you live, so you came to bewitch me, didn't you?" I was also curious about what reason Lianyi would say, but it turned out that she couldn't think of any way to further strengthen her ability to bewitch, which is ridiculous.

"No, you misunderstood, I just want to repay your life-saving grace."

"Then you can ask for help from a good old man like Zhu Batian. There are even other people there who can be bewitched by you. Why do you waste your ability to bewitch me?" Lawen was already in a bad mood, and he even gradually turned his heart Vent her resentment on Lianyi, "Don't put yourself in the position of a miserable person, there are more miserable people in this world than you. To put it bluntly, you are just a selfish guy, you wish everyone would surround you Turn around, I wish everything was good for you! But let me tell you the reality! Stop daydreaming! Life is limited! There is absolutely no immortality in this world! Even if it is a soul body, they will die. So ah, Don't waste your time bewitching me!"

"You..." Lianyi's face was a little annoyed, but she still didn't tear her face apart, "You really misunderstood me."

"Misunderstanding? People don't misunderstand for no reason! A big misunderstanding is not a misunderstanding! That's your fact! I'm in a bad mood right now. If you want to make me suffer, I welcome it."

The lawyer knew that what he blamed Lianyi was also for himself.He himself is also a selfish person, and he wishes everyone would surround him!I wish everyone would listen to him!Ever since the characters awakened to self-awareness, this idea of ​​him has been completely broken.

Now the lawyer is gradually accepting all this, and he is not as resistant as he was at the beginning.Seeing Lianyi doing everything to survive, Li Ren just thought of his former self.

"I really need your help..." Tears welled up in Lianyi's eyes, her pitiful appearance plus her current beautiful appearance would indeed make many men sink into it.

Lawyer frowned, and there was only disgust in his eyes. He really didn't want to get entangled with Lianyi like this, but as soon as he turned around, he bumped into Yu Luohuang.

Lawyer opened his eyes wide and looked at Yu Luohuang, "When is it..."

(It's over, it's tricked. So the ripples are just to attract my attention!)

"When you "kindly" called me by my name."

Yu Luohuang smiled evilly, his hand slid towards Lu Ren's forehead, he brushed aside the broken hair on the side and ran along his face to Lu Ren's neck, and then grabbed it.

(End of this chapter)

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