Yun Qishen

Chapter 1450 Meeting is fate

Chapter 1450 Meeting is fate (19)

Lianyi used her ability to connect Yu Luohuang's severed hand back, but still left a terrible trace of separation.

Yu Luohuang gritted his teeth and had nowhere to vent the anger in his heart, he was unwilling to believe that a single person would be stronger than him, even if they could kill Chongyou, they would never be able to hurt him.

"Xiao Jue! Today's humiliation will be doubled for you!"

Yu Luohuang smashed the severed hand that had just been connected to the side stone wall.

One after another, each harder and more cruel than the last.

Lianyi looked at the severed hand and folded it away, only her eyes were full of disgust, and Yu Luohuang saw her expression naturally.

"It scared you, please don't look at me like this, I won't hurt you, I just beg you not to leave me." Yu Luohuang was a little flustered, he knew very well that he had no love for Lianyi in his heart, but He just didn't want to see Lianyi leave him.

Lianyi connected Yu Luohuang's severed hand again, and she thought about a way to preserve it.

According to the current situation, even if she saves Yu Luohuang, she won't get any benefits.

(That group of people will definitely come and kill Yu Luohuang, I must find a way to protect myself...)
Yu Luohuang hugged Lianyi in a panic, and Lianyi stared at Yu Luohuang's severed hand and hugged him tightly.

The way of expressing love between soul and body is crazy, they will not be as lingering and affectionate as people, their love contains blood and bites.They even use this to complement each other's soul and body strength.

Lianyi took advantage of Yu Luohuang's obsession with her and plucked the feathers from Yu Luohuang's back.

(This is not enough, I need to make him a prosthetic hand... As long as I have Yu Luohuang's severed hand and feathers, I can ask other souls for help... I will never die! I must live!)
For Yu Luohuang, the pain of pulling out the feathers is the proof of Lianyi's affirmation of his love.

The blood connects the emptiness of love between the two and binds them tightly.

"Lianyi..." Yu Luohuang looked at his severed hand and smiled as he brushed away the hair next to Lianyi's ear. After thinking for a long time, he finally decided to let go of Lianyi, "You run away first, and they will catch up with you after I deal with it."

"No! I want to be with you! I'll be where you are! Are you going to abandon me?"

Ripple's tears came quickly, even though they were fake, Yu Luohuang would still comfort her gently.

"I'm here for your safety, you go away, you must always take the feathers you just plucked, so that those bastards will not approach you. I will definitely go back to your side safely, go away."

"I won't go! Even if I die, I will be with you! You can't leave me and our child behind!"

Lianyi pretended to touch her stomach, and Yu Luohuang happily hugged Lianyi tightly, "I won't abandon you. Come on, I don't want you to get hurt."

"OK then……"

Lianyi pretended to be affectionate and took two steps, then looked back at Yu Luohuang, and Yu Luohuang waved at him again.

Lianyi then turned around and fled with the feathers.

Yu Luohuang watched Lianyi leave, then looked at her severed hand and smiled slightly, "You must be safe..."

After a while, Yu Luohuang raised his other hand and laid down a powerful magic circle towards the ground.

At the same time, Yun Qishen and the others followed the guidance of the blood spell to find the hiding place of Yu Luohuang.

"Isn't he a bird? Why is he still hiding like a mouse..." Yun Qishen turned his head and squinted at Lu Ren.

Lawrence broke out in cold sweat and laughed dryly, "Who will remember such a long-term setting... It will be fine if you find the goal... Why are you blaming me again?"

"It's fine if I don't hit you. What's this guy's weakness? It's not a solution if I keep outputting power to him. I'm a little annoyed." Yun Qi frowned deeply, he just wanted to finish it quickly, quickly Go back soon and revive Gu Ao quickly.

"You are really straightforward. It wouldn't be easier for me to write him to death if you just borrow my strength." The lawyer complained softly with his mouth pouted.

"Did you say anything?"

"Where did I say anything~ You are so right, let me think about Yu Luohuang's weakness first... He should be afraid of wood spells, of course the strength between the soul body and the soul body can be stronger. It’s easy to play a role, so Duan Mandrill can completely break Yu Luohuang’s hand.” The lawyer paused and continued, “Speaking of which, the ability of Xunyou is of the wood type, but Xunyou is weaker than Yuluohuang. Coupled with the suppression of bloodlines, Xun You is no match for Yu Luohuang."

"Blood suppression? How do you explain this?" Yun Qishen asked Xiang Lvren as he cautiously approached the center of Yu Luohuang's location.

Lawyer glanced at Duan Mandrill and then continued to explain, "Du You and Yu Luohuang are both soul bodies created by Chi Hin's separation of his own power. Yu Luohuang was born early, and the abilities in his body belonged to Chi Hin as well. More and more, of course, the attributes of his own abilities remain unchanged. You know how powerful he is, and Chongyou is already a soul body that was separated when his ability was relatively weak. These soul bodies will also be born after they are born. Cultivate strength independently, but under the circumstances of different starting points and the same effort, Xunyou will still not be stronger than Yuluohuang, this is the suppression of blood."

"Boring setting."

"Well...although...but...ah." The lawyer sighed and stopped talking.

"Then why was I able to break off his hand?" Duan Mandrill asked.

"Because you are not a part of Chi Hiao, so of course you are not implicated by bloodline suppression." Seeing that Duan Ji wanted to know, the lawyer had no choice but to continue, "You are the heir of Chi Hiao and human beings, and belong to an independent individual, and like Guyou Yuluohuang and the others belong to a clone of Chixu himself. And you have inherited Chixu's complete blood, which means you have his complete power, but you have not fully awakened yet."

After listening to Lu Ren's words, Duan Po showed a little disgust, but Lu Ren didn't notice his subtle expression immediately.

"It's also because you have complete power that you can easily cut off Yu Luohuang's hand."

"I see."

As soon as Duan Hao finished speaking, Yun Qishen interrupted him.

"There is a strong magical reaction coming from the ground, Duan Mandrill, take the lawman to retreat first. Hurry up!"

Yun Qishen plunged the black gold sword into the ground, and Duan Hao also obeyed his instructions and led the lawyer to push it away.

In the next instant, a powerful force shattered the ground and rushed out, and Yun Qishen was instantly swallowed by the strong light from the burst of force.

Immediately afterwards, there was a cry that tore through the sky, and a big bird wrapped in electric current fell from the sky.The feathers of the big bird fluttered to the ground and exploded with a bang.

(End of this chapter)

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