Yun Qishen

Chapter 1461 Plot Development

Chapter 1461 Plot Development (11)

The wind blows the floating clouds in the sky and keeps changing their shapes. Yun Qishen takes Huafan and leaves the desert.However, it was getting dark by this time.

Yun Qishen had no choice but to stay on the spot and take care of Hua Fan's bonfire.

The firelight rendered Hua Fan's lifeless and pale face, and the cold wind soon blew around the campfire.

Yun Qishen changed a blanket to cover Hua Fan's body, but he was beside him controlling the burning of the bonfire.

After a night of rest and recuperation, Huafan's face turned a little bit bloody, and she was able to survive only by relying on that weak spirit.After all, there are very few people who can reintegrate the essence into the body overnight, and Huafan is undoubtedly powerful in this regard.

Although Huafan can regain consciousness now, her body cannot be completely controlled by relying on a trace of essence.

She can only control her body for short conversations now, but she can't control her body to walk or grab objects.So she could only rely on Yun Qishen to walk with her on his back.

But Huafan didn't like this, she was independent and didn't want to owe anyone anything.

Even though she felt very uncomfortable, her heart never came back from Nan Xing.

There is nothing wrong with this sentence, Nan Xing did take away Hua Fan's fiery heart.Although Hua Fan's wounds healed, Hua Fan was indeed heartless at the moment, but even so, she still imagined that Nan Xing would regain her sanity.

"Where are we going?"

Hua Fan's voice was small but not weak. She leaned on Yun Qishen's back and looked blankly, as if she was disappointed in everything.

"You can leave with me first. When the matter is resolved, I will take you out of the soul land. Then you can go back to your hometown and stay away from these painful and sad things."

"Then...thank long as my child can doesn't matter if I die..."


Yun Qi frowned deeply, he didn't tell her that the child was gone after he rescued Hua Fan.It was also because of concealing this matter that Huafan was not too desperate. She thought that she had to live even for the child in her womb.

Seeing that Yun Qishen didn't speak, Hua Fan stopped talking and rested on Yun Qishen's back with peace of mind.

At the same time, the legal person is also ready to go to the soul soil center.

Nai Qi pulled the lawyer over worriedly and questioned him softly.

"You really have nothing to do?"

"It's all right! I'll just stay in front of you right now."

Nai Qi was a little annoyed at seeing Li Ren pretending to be stupid, but he clenched his fists, but his eyes were full of worry, "I mean, don't relieve the pain of the characters by hurting yourself, it's useless .”

The lawyer's face soon became serious.

"How could it be useless? They vented their emotions, and I also got spiritual relief."

"This is no spiritual relief, Liren."

"Then what is consolation?"

The law man pursed his lips and looked at Ei Qi, who sighed, "Well, anyway, it's not with your current self-defeating attitude."

"Then what attitude should I use?"

Lawyer became a little irritable, and his sudden loud words caused Zhu Batian and Duan Yan to look back at him and Ei Qi.

"I just hope you can think about yourself and others. You have to know how to love yourself, and you have to know how to cherish others. You are still selfish like this." Evil Qi doesn't want to say too harsh words, but Li Ren is fundamentally He didn't want to hear these words, or he didn't want to hear these words from Evil Qi's mouth.

"I'm selfish? Huh? I'm selfish! If I'm selfish, I don't even care about it! How can you say I'm selfish! Don't talk to me now, I have my own way to solve problems, and I know yours too Worries. Then let me tell you, I’m fine, and I can’t die. I voluntarily endured this, and I didn’t say anything about pain or discomfort, so you don’t have to suffer for me, thank you!”

The legal man shook off the evil energy and walked out angrily forward.

Duan Hao wanted to take the opportunity to approach the lawyer, but this time he was stopped by Zhu Batian.

"Let me go and have a look, you stay first."

Zhu Batian patted Duan Mandrill on the shoulder and chased after the figure of the lawyer.

Duan Yao was puzzled and had to slow down and walk with the evil energy, "What happened? What happened to him?"

"There are some things you don't know yet. Sigh, maybe I was too anxious this time." Ei Qi looked at the direction where the law man left, "I should give him some more time to digest and understand."

"That..." Duan Hao frowned slightly. Although he was puzzled, he wanted to say a few words, "I don't know what you are hiding from me, but I think there is a reason why you are hiding it. That Zhu Ba Tian should know something, the feeling he gave me has changed obviously, this change is just like the change of Lingxin Ziqing before."

"You can understand."

"Ha, I actually don't want to understand these things. I understand that the identity of Ritsu must be special. His ability to run amok is definitely not an ordinary influence. It may be for my own good that you don't let me approach, otherwise you wouldn't ask me Believe it or not there is a problem."

Duan Mandrill has a good temper, and he has the patience to understand these sudden things.Evil Qi appreciates his character very much.

As for the lawyer, he moved forward angrily, and Zhu Batian silently chased after him.

Soon the legal man stopped and turned his head suddenly to ask Zhu Batian, "Am I selfish? Am I not self-loving?"

"I don't know, shouldn't you ask yourself this kind of question?" Zhu Batian didn't know much about lawyers, so he couldn't answer lawyers' questions.

"If I knew, I wouldn't ask anyone else!" The lawyer stomped his feet fiercely, and his eyes glowed red as he approached Zhu Batian, "I know what you think, you still hate me, if you want to To find the meaning of existence is to kill me again and again. Come on! Stab down! Kill me!

Am I being selfish?Just don't love yourself? "

It was a coincidence that Zhu Batian didn't speak, and it was at this time that the road they were traveling on collapsed.

When everyone reacted, they were already a step slower, and a transparent barrier had completely covered them.

"We've been beaten!"

Lingxin Ziqing vaguely saw Rong Guang's figure in the distance, and the next second she fell powerlessly into the crack.

Rong Guang jumped out from a distance after Nie Qi and the others fell into the crack.

"Don't be careless."

Rong Guang smiled happily. "If you mess with me, what good fruit do you guys have! Hahahaha, Lingxin Ziqing, let me see how you can deal with me!"

Before Rong Guang was proud, a black silk thread pulled her feet and dragged her from the sky to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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